The Away Thread

  • I really enjoyed peeking my head in game tonight, but to anyone who may be expecting more of me today, the laptop decided to give me guff upon restarting for being sluggish. It's not quite being cooperative and it's doubtful if I'll be able to get back IG just now.

    Overall, the game crashed five or so times when I did play, and the lag was too much to do anything but chat. So it's becoming quite clear I will have to buckle down and actually buy something a bit more up to date.

    At least now I know my characters are successfully transferred, and that the lust to return and play with you all is definitely there!

  • Away for the weekend again to the mountains. Will be no cell reception at all where I'm going so will be completely off grid until Sunday evening.

  • Away for a week! But when I'm back the new dead hours plot will start!

  • I've got some family stuff going on this weekend. I am unsure if I'll be able to get much playtime because of it. Sorry if you're looking forward to more shenanigans with Lorie, Tindra, or Talyna.

  • Going North to lay my Mother-in-Law to rest. Will be gone a week, should be back on next Tuesday.

  • Work is picking up so I wont be on as much as usual for the next week or so, then a month of relative calm , then I will probably disappear more or less for a few months.


  • Will be away for a wedding for a little bit, should be back next week!

  • Camping in the mountains. Be back Tuesday

  • Company in town so I have missed the last few days and will not be in until Sunday night, most likely.

  • I'm back from my DC Trip, and the immediate New Orleans trip right after it. Mostly caught up at work already, and looking forward to being IG again.


  • I'll be away for work for a few weeks starting Monday, May 14th. Deuces.

  • I'll be traveling 5/13 - 5/17. I'll be able to check the forums and Discord during that time, but I won't be able to get IG. Have fun, but not too much fun without me! 🙂

  • @03d54f3b72=AubreyMaturin:

    Hey Jer. I'm in the Washington DC area. (20 miles west anyway). I have a busy week too though. Final concert of the season is Saturday. I have orchestra rehearsals Wed, Thur, and Friday evenings. I'll send you a PM with my phone number if you want.


    Lol sorry I haven't even had time to check this! Heading back today

  • I'll be away for a week and change on vacation. See you all when I return after the 20th.

  • Hey Jer. I'm in the Washington DC area. (20 miles west anyway). I have a busy week too though. Final concert of the season is Saturday. I have orchestra rehearsals Wed, Thur, and Friday evenings. I'll send you a PM with my phone number if you want.


  • Hey folks,

    Expect possibly very little Narf time out of me for the next 2 weeks. Tomorrow til Friday I'll be in DC (Any Narfers there!?), and then the VERY NEXT DAY after I get back, I'm going to New Orleans til the next Wednesday.

    So … yeah. A good week and a half or so will be mostly Jerrick free.

    Yer welcome. 😛

  • Quadruple Yay!

  • Triple Yay!

  • Double Yay!


  • @8ee4b7057e=Karnivor:

    So… NWN EE seems to run ok on our semi-old laptop. Step two is to hook it up to a bigger screen and then see if I'm able to get mah lil' toons up and running IG!
