
  • Kudos to everyone who joined me for the horrific murdertrek up into the mountains. I know we lost some people along the way, and between the literal RL time things took, and the toll that the trek took on our supplies and sanity, it was rough, but I hope it was as worth it for everyone else as it was for me!

    Big fat kudos to Seisan, for a surprisingly complex twist on a seemingly benign piece of loot from a random crawl, turning into a relic with a past, and a possible future!? Im staying tuned, for sure, and can't wait to hear more of the story!

  • Oh and a huge kudos to the DM's involved in Cecils torturous trek up the mountain of ill conceived death, or to sum it up "Oh look at the pretty views, when the blinding snows stop a moment and we can see what is killing us". As always it was eye opening on many levels and the work that goes into these things always blows me away.

  • While most of the server was traipsing up a mountain, fight night was planned with a light and music show. Unfortunately we stole most of the server and one of the entertainers so it kind of sputtered out. I feel a bit bad because they had been planning the show for months and a Dm had helped set up the effects. So Kudos to all the effort and time, hopefully some day it can happen. One of the main peeps just went back to school so it may be a delayed until break.

  • A general shout-out to the server players/DMs for all the fun. I thank everyone that has interacted with Cailia. 🙂

  • Kudos to Xanatos Gambit for the fun and relaxing "Pick a card" adventure last night! I dare say a good time was had by all, even the grumping dwarves. 😄

  • Kudos to the Dev and Forums teams for all the work they've put in lately, allowing us to lure in both new AND RETURNING players, some of them from WAY back, with a new experience to jump in with!

    You guys rock, and I've loved most of the interactions that have come from the increased visibility!

  • Thanks to Wyvernywin for encouraging some madness yesterday, and to the DMs for the smackdown after. x_x

  • Kudos for the madhouse of activity yesterday!

    Flom and his "Choose your Own Adventure Server Party" where everyone gets included until it can't be done any more, DMetagod and Void for the Garagosan Champion and the rousing crowd, and of course, our Fight Night DM (Also Meta?)

    I love a day where I have the day to game, and there's just constant stuff.

    Also, Kudos to my PGs who've been helping out with all the new people, AND the returning people, especially in Discord.
    You guys are doing great, and our server numbers are showing it.

    Good job, everyone!

  • Kudos for Xanatos Gambit's server-wide trek to Goldwood and the many little nuggets of RP gold served up along the way, from the DM but not least the many PCs themselves. A good time was had throughout!

  • My kudos as well for the ogre battle. Good lord was that exhausting.

  • Kudos to the dms that ran the ogre regicide attempt it was super fun! And to dm void, who I think was the one who click killed carol, that was hysterical.

  • @metagod said in Kudos:

    Kudos for Ogre attack DM Rust and DM Aqua and DM Void. That was crazy intense

    Seconded. At one point I thought Peltarch was going to be overrun and it was a plot to all get us to moved to Norwick!

  • Kudos for Ogre attack DM Rust and DM Aqua and DM Void. That was crazy intense

  • Kudos to SA for a fun bit in the commons this evening! Trouble is afoot and its always fun to not always get away wit hit!

  • A big thanks to DM Xanatos and all the players in our expedition into the sewers. I had tons of fun and the creativity of DM Xanatos with much appreciated!!

  • @jerrickrafe said in Kudos:

    Kudos to the SLEW of people that went to the Underdark with Cecil last night. That was, surprisingly, one of the better runs down there, where having a giant party didn't end up causing unbelievable chaos and death. Thanks everyone, for playing as a team, and getting us all out of there alive!

    (even with the 5 second frames lag we were getting there for a bit. YAY IE!)

    Seconded. It's quite amazing no one died during that battle when the lag hit.

  • Kudos to the SLEW of people that went to the Underdark with Cecil last night. That was, surprisingly, one of the better runs down there, where having a giant party didn't end up causing unbelievable chaos and death. Thanks everyone, for playing as a team, and getting us all out of there alive!

    (even with the 5 second frames lag we were getting there for a bit. YAY IE!)

  • I had a very old (inactive) account with a similar user name, and that's what kept popping up when I tried to log into the new forums. After several attempts, Meta was able to fix the issue!

    So, a belated kudos to DM Metagod for taking the time to help me gain access to these forums! 🙂


  • Kudos to Xanatos Gambit (Flom) for the amazing dwarf hold defense and server-wide event last night. Everybody who wanted in got in, and everybody had a good time. Thanks Flom! And great RP and tactics all around!

  • Huge kudos to DM Void for all the time he spend helping my character craft some special items using unique materials that had been gathered over many RL years. Thanks!

    By the way, some of them will be coming soon to the Crafters Union shop in Norwick!