
  • Kudos for Ogre attack DM Rust and DM Aqua and DM Void. That was crazy intense

  • Kudos to SA for a fun bit in the commons this evening! Trouble is afoot and its always fun to not always get away wit hit!

  • A big thanks to DM Xanatos and all the players in our expedition into the sewers. I had tons of fun and the creativity of DM Xanatos with much appreciated!!

  • @jerrickrafe said in Kudos:

    Kudos to the SLEW of people that went to the Underdark with Cecil last night. That was, surprisingly, one of the better runs down there, where having a giant party didn't end up causing unbelievable chaos and death. Thanks everyone, for playing as a team, and getting us all out of there alive!

    (even with the 5 second frames lag we were getting there for a bit. YAY IE!)

    Seconded. It's quite amazing no one died during that battle when the lag hit.

  • Kudos to the SLEW of people that went to the Underdark with Cecil last night. That was, surprisingly, one of the better runs down there, where having a giant party didn't end up causing unbelievable chaos and death. Thanks everyone, for playing as a team, and getting us all out of there alive!

    (even with the 5 second frames lag we were getting there for a bit. YAY IE!)

  • I had a very old (inactive) account with a similar user name, and that's what kept popping up when I tried to log into the new forums. After several attempts, Meta was able to fix the issue!

    So, a belated kudos to DM Metagod for taking the time to help me gain access to these forums! 🙂


  • Kudos to Xanatos Gambit (Flom) for the amazing dwarf hold defense and server-wide event last night. Everybody who wanted in got in, and everybody had a good time. Thanks Flom! And great RP and tactics all around!

  • Huge kudos to DM Void for all the time he spend helping my character craft some special items using unique materials that had been gathered over many RL years. Thanks!

    By the way, some of them will be coming soon to the Crafters Union shop in Norwick!

  • Kudos to Caoimh and Void respectively, for serving up a quality stew of entertainment, excitement and plotty goodness. And as always to the other players involved, without whom none of it would be nearly so much fun (or survivable)! 🙂

  • Kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit, for livening up a server with only a half a dozen PCs on it. All the familiar NPCs in Peltarch came to life and gathered in the commons, talking to PCs and each other. It was a little thing, but it really added to the immersion of a living, breathing world. The farmer outside of town and the kobold were awesome touches too.

  • @zyphlin Huzzah! You've been missed buddy. PM me on discord anytime!

  • @zyphlin

    Mwaa haa haa haa haa! 😆

    Welcome back!

  • Kudos to Maverick, Jerrick, Meta, and Kall stirring the nostalgia pot spurring me to grab EE and Dora for giving me the final unrequested push off the cliff. I've had a smile on my face for the past hour just wandering around enjoying memories.

  • I'll third that! Phenomenal work, @Tpickles! Everything looks great already and, as Jerr says, will only get better.

  • @davidnwn : Seconded! TPickles has done a lot of amazing work that's only going to keep getting better.

    Welcome to the present, Narfell. ❤

  • Huge kudos to Tpickles and the others who have worked on the new forums. Done a great job!!!!!

  • Kudos to Flom and the players who came along for a most challenging romp through the caves. ‘‘Twas fun indeed!

  • More kudos to DM Xanatos Gambit and Team Revenge for an intense afternoon of eventage! Great storytelling, RP and teamwork all around. ^_^

  • @sciolist : Kudos to the historians that will look back on this moment, the one that led to Caling's tragic, lightning-y death. >_>

  • Kudos to Xanatos and others for the Events yesterday -
    Sorry for stabbing Leena in the butt... It looked just like an undead pig, I swear.