Kudos to void for a mini quest for myself and a lower lvl player that provided a challenge to both of us without being overwhelming for the lower lvl.
It was perfectly paced so that we were able to do combat and role play.
Big ole kudos to those brand new DMs, spicing up Narfell left and right! ^_^ You guys are doing great, and hey, only two riots in the glen due to faction issues!
Seriously though, great work guys!
Kudos to Void for spicing up a supply run with trouble that kept us guessing for a while!
Huge kudos to a massive preparation event weeks in the continuance, that's keeping us excited, working throughout the week to further, and rewarding us with progress, all thanks to Bloodyroar. Research, preparation, intrigue, risk, straight up pants wetting fights … yeesh. Keeps me logging in to keep up! ^_^
Kudos to DM Bloodyroar for another blood-pumping chapter in the Mor'Salen plot! Equal kudos to the brave adventurers who stood together to claim the good guy's first small victory.
Had great fun with DM Infernal, a perfect example of the marriage between story and challenge.
Yarr, an action-packed weekend all around, well done veteran DMs and newbie ones!
thanks to DM_Braveheart, DM_Void, DM Bloodyroar & players for an eventful weekend.
Kudos to the dwarves, who steadfastly defended their home without fear or hesitation, even in the face of loss. What a scary fight!
Great fight, CB, with a scary ending to boot! ^^ Thanks to Dwarves and Dms alike for the opportunity to get allies ^^
Ditto and ditto! Shesarai can't talk or walk like a dwarf, and certainly can't drink like a dwarf; but she appreciates being allowed to fight along side the dwarves and help defend their home.
Echoed kudos to Clownbaby for a really well balanced and tightly challenging event, I enjoyed it thoroughly, and also thanks for allowing Elaine to join. Some of us don't have it in us to play a dwarf, but you have no idea how much I appreciate to be welcome amongst them.
Big kudos to Clownbaby, the dwarven defenders, and their few long-legger allies for an epic battle in the defense of Aura Runedar! A hard-fought battle that had potential to go horribly awry for the goodies, but pulled out the victory with great teamwork and strategy.
The war rages on! Can't wait to see what the next chapter brings.
Big kudos to DM Squirrelcaster and our new DM, DM Void, for the fun RP in Norwick this evening.
The lag was horrible, so the server was pretty dead. Players didn't want to risk heading out into the wilds, so the DMs made things fun and interesting in town. Good times! :boogie: :dance:
Really had fun with all the dwarves last night. Thanks so much to all of you. Top show!
Big kudos to all the DMs. All the different ongoing plots and events have been great! Tons of fun.
Kudos to Clownbaby for riling up the dwarves and allowing character decisions to affect the eventual outcome and overall direction.
A special kudos to MCP for showing up every sunday, despite a lack of numbers for a few weeks, and weaving a very intricate and story-oriented plot. I look forward to more!
Kudos to DM Bloodyroar for taking the time to figure out my bug, and fix poor Leena. An undead Druid? Shudder
Thank you!
Kudos to Clownbaby for ongoing dwarven plottiness! Players out there who want to get involved in it, dust off your old dwarven characters or roll up a new one!
Echoing Z's kudos above. It was truly a blast to get all the active Union members together for one of the greatest mining trips I've had in a long time. Hope we can keep that going!
Also going to dish additional kudos to the dwarven community for making Bufflin feel more at home and getting him involved with their community. Can't wait for the next romp!
Kudos to mcp for ongoing evil events.
As another of Emerwyn's various strong-willed ladies has left the land of Narfell, I'd like to thank everyone who was part in her development as character and made her fun and unique to play.
Scarlet in truth had been around for a longer time than most know, and she went by other names in the past. Like the chameleon she was, she blended in with the times as they changed, and in the end she found that she had a amassed a fortune that could provide her with a life of commodities and luxury for the rest of her days. We can say that while she never aimed to be a hero or a villain, she was successful in meeting her own goals, and now she can rest easy knowing that she earned her retirement.
And much of it was thanks to the people she sorrounded herself with, so a special thanks goes to them!
More Emerwyn's Girls coming up in the future! Or I might surprise with a guy for a change.
Yarr, kudos to everyone at the auction, a stellar example of how a fun time can be created without DM presence! Apologies again for the delayed start, though.