Assault on The Moldy Rat tribe base
~Nuwairah updates the announcemet with a more accurate wording to the latest intel available~
//Sunday the lastest that you can then CB? For Araighn's sanity mostly
As for playtimes, barring the random friday/sat/sun evening going out, I'm currently unemployed for another month or so, so about any time works for me (and don't worry, I'm being paid big for just sitting a home playing videogames.
Once I'm back to work it's weekdays after 5-6PM GMT and same as before for weekends.
//I have no problem pushing the event a few hours so we can all get some extra sleep. Lets plan the event around 12pm EST?
((Actually if we start that late next Sunday I won't be able to make it. I can do 8-9am EST.))
Well there it is, Sunday 9/28, 8-9am EST
~Nuwairah updates the announcemet with a more accurate wording to the latest intel available~
//Sunday the lastest that you can then CB? For Araighn's sanity mostly
As for playtimes, barring the random friday/sat/sun evening going out, I'm currently unemployed for another month or so, so about any time works for me (and don't worry, I'm being paid big for just sitting a home playing videogames.
Once I'm back to work it's weekdays after 5-6PM GMT and same as before for weekends.
//I have no problem pushing the event a few hours so we can all get some extra sleep. Lets plan the event around 12pm EST?
((Actually if we start that late next Sunday I won't be able to make it. I can do 8-9am EST.))
~Nuwairah updates the announcemet with a more accurate wording to the latest intel available~
//Sunday the lastest that you can then CB? For Araighn's sanity mostly
As for playtimes, barring the random friday/sat/sun evening going out, I'm currently unemployed for another month or so, so about any time works for me (and don't worry, I'm being paid big for just sitting a home playing videogames.
Once I'm back to work it's weekdays after 5-6PM GMT and same as before for weekends.
//I have no problem pushing the event a few hours so we can all get some extra sleep. Lets plan the event around 12pm EST?
~Nuwairah updates the announcemet with a more accurate wording to the latest intel available~
//Sunday the lastest that you can then CB? For Araighn's sanity mostly
As for playtimes, barring the random friday/sat/sun evening going out, I'm currently unemployed for another month or so, so about any time works for me (and don't worry, I'm being paid big for just sitting a home playing videogames.
Once I'm back to work it's weekdays after 5-6PM GMT and same as before for weekends.
((Well that's certainly earlier than I like waking up on Sunday mornings, but I'll be there.
//Who doesn't love waking up early to a hot cup of coffee, a fresh pipe, and a rewarding event in Narfell? That's one of my favorite times to Narf, because after I've sank 4-5 hours sitting at the computer, I can still log off around noon and enjoy the entire day. Although this is a topic for another thread, I'd just be curious to hear what other folk's favorite time to Narf is.
((Well that's certainly earlier than I like waking up on Sunday mornings, but I'll be there.
~A scarred, dark armoured shield maiden pins a note at Norwick's billboards, near the Inn and the Crafting Hall~
Allies of Norwick, it is time to end the struggle against the Moldy Rat tribe. They have flinged filth at us for the last time as we now know how to get through the barriers that guard the entrance to the caves where the goblins and their creations are sheltering. It is time to take them down once and for all.
We will have more chances if we do this with as much aid as possible, so read on if you are willing to aid. All you need one of their runed items, which we are still collecting as many as we can to give out. That means that we can't send in an army.
As soon as we have enough of these items we can go. We will gather the [day and hour provided by the DM] to attempt to remove these pests once and for all.
//Sunday 9/28 starting 8-9am EST
A big thank you to destinydesire for being understanding and bowing out
Glad to step out for the moment so others can enjoy the end of this, looking forward to a full report from the Legion members!!
((Since Saturday has been ruled out, Sunday is the only day that would work for me. I can't make those early weekday events when I work all day Mon-Fri. But, whichever day allows for more participants is the way to go!))
//Are weekends ruled out CB? I don't mind at all waiting till next weekend (27-28 Sept) if that way more people can join, because I know of a few people that have been involved with the plot and can't make those times in weekdays due to work/study etc.
// I'd like everyone who has been involved to be in this event. It seems 8-9am EST works for most, we just need to agree on another day. The only days I can't make at that time are Wednesdays and Saturdays, Fridays would have to start around 11am EST. How would the Friday time work for you folks? If that time is still no good let me know what days would be best and we'll just settle on one.
//Going by the people who have posted in this thread and a couple I know that haven't, I'd say that sunday seems like the option where most people would be able to make it. But there is no perfect day to do it, even sunday may be missed by one or two people.
Either way, any day at that time works for me, so as long as everyone else agrees I'm good.
//Are weekends ruled out CB? I don't mind at all waiting till next weekend (27-28 Sept) if that way more people can join, because I know of a few people that have been involved with the plot and can't make those times in weekdays due to work/study etc.
// I'd like everyone who has been involved to be in this event. It seems 8-9am EST works for most, we just need to agree on another day. The only days I can't make at that time are Wednesdays and Saturdays, Fridays would have to start around 11am EST. How would the Friday time work for you folks? If that time is still no good let me know what days would be best and we'll just settle on one.
((Won't be able to make it on Monday morning. Could make it Tuesday morning at that time though.))
((I have that work thing. Unless this is pushed to a weekend Arty will not be present.))
Shesarai can make the Monday 8-9 AM event, but Monday evening is out (unless after 10 PM EDT). Next weekend 27-28 Sep is OK as long as it's in the EDT afternoon or evening.
Sorry that weekend is entirely out of the question for me, my husbands Bday weekend is claimed already. Final call always going to CB but yea…27th and 28th weekend is totally out.
((This monday is gym and PnP night with the lads, I doubt I'll make it.
//Are weekends ruled out CB? I don't mind at all waiting till next weekend (27-28 Sept) if that way more people can join, because I know of a few people that have been involved with the plot and can't make those times in weekdays due to work/study etc.
I should be able to do that.
I can make the 8-9am on Monday if needed.
~A scarred, dark armoured shield maiden pins a note at Norwick's billboards, near the Inn and the Crafting Hall~
Allies of Norwick, it is time to end the struggle against the Moldy Rat tribe. They have flinged filth at us for the last time as we now know how to get through the barriers that guard the entrance to the caves where the goblins and their creations are sheltering. It is time to take them down once and for all.
We will have more chances if we do this with as much aid as possible, so read on if you are willing to aid. All you need is some mens to generate a negative energy field. A potion, item or trinket that would fool the barrier, allowing the individual through. Something that we believe to work well would be a Death Armour potion, which creates a negative energy field around the drinker. We suspect the skulls that the goblins flinged at adventurers these past days may also work well.
Arm yourselves with some negative energy generating means, and gather the [day and hour provided by the DM] to attempt to remove these pests once and for all.
//My next available day to DM would be Monday and if everything goes to plan, we can schedule this event for that day 9/22 - A good time for me would be early morning 8-9am EST or later 9-10pm EST, whatever is more convenient for you folks. Unless anyone protests, we'll go for the early morning event so the euro crowd are not up ridiculously late.