Crafter's meeting

  • Rumor is that Elidor "the Great" left Norwick with his woordworking tools on his pack, far from unhappy or disheartenead the Elf started to talk to all crafters non-union related and summoning them to a meeting in the Cross Road's restaurant Rats 'n Bat in a tenday.

    ((which.. will happen here in the forums, in this same post, assuming anyone shows up, so.. let the RP begin if you for it!

  • Beorn Battlemail, rarely coming up from the Hold nowdays, tries to enjoy his favorite dish of spicy batwings, but a conversation catches his attention. He downs whats left in his mug and hops off his stool to speak up. His voice is harsh and thick with accent.

    "That was me own order ye filled, Not Z's. If the surface lovin' dwarf wants his armor slapped together by sum short lived human instead o' proper dwarven quality armor, thas his choice, but oi won't have ye spittin' on me reputation as an armor crafter in these parts, ye rude, surly little git. Who the hell 'er ye anyways? Oi been fillin' orders in the Cold Lands fer many years, anyone'll tell ye that no armor can match o' Battlemail set.

    Its true that Silver waited too long fer me teh craft his armor. Moradin knows oi don't like teh keep o' kin waitin' on their glory. Oi aint gonna stand 'ere an give excuses, but it wasn't me choice that the armor took so long teh craft. If ye made o' deal wit the dwarf teh craft his armor, good on ye. But don't ye drag me name 'er the Union's through the mud o'er one single order oi didn't prioritize enough."

    Beorn narrows his eyes up at the man and clenches his fist, ready to cut short any tongue wagging he doesn't like in a typical Dwarven fashion.

  • Not trying to start a debate. Just throwing in my 2 coppers. .6 months later. .

  • ((Edit: nothing to read here. Im sleepy, stupid and noobish and mixed IC with OOC. If you already read it, disregard.

  • I haven't seen any union members for a long time. i don't even know who is still in the union. Every crafter I have met this past few months has been non union.
    i have only heard of one union member, Z, having an order from the Dwarf Silvanus which he was unable to even fill in a reasonable time so I made the dwarf the armor he requested right on the spot and got the sale.

    How is it that i get kicked out of the Union for not being active when the current leader cant even fill a simple order, even with all the resources at his command?

    used to be if one member couldnt fill the order it was passed on to someone who could, now they try to hoard the business to themselves? Taking a downpayment to try to keep the buyer locked in with no guarantee of prompt delivery?

    What has happened to the Union I used to be so fond of.

  • Elidor laughs We need not your advice, we need nothing from the ones like you.

    But by all means, drink and eat all you want, as I'll be paying for yours, too.

    He laughs again

  • Dwin smirks in a degrading yet somehow threatening way at the speaker.

    I came here for ale and a meal, to be honest. I disnt realize I'd get entertainment too.

    Since you're obviously starting from … Nothing, I'm happy to give you advice. You see, the biggest problem the union has, despite what your poor rejected ego believes, is that we have no competition. I didn't grow to be as rich as I am without understanding markets and economy.

    The best way to help me, and the union, is to have competition and therfore increased demand. If helping a bunch of tin-smiths and pine-widdlers create this situation ultimately helps me, I'm happy to advise you.

  • Looks at Dwin as he speaks, and does certainly look surprised to see him there, nontheless he clears this throat and answers

    Oh, look, who do we have here! it's a member of the Union. That may well be our plan. Did you come here to give us free hints and tips how to ~ruin~, err.. I mean… run one?

  • A locally known Dwarf walks in, grabs an ale and sits down near the group after listening a bit. With a smirk as he looks around the room, clears his groat and speaks.

    Sounds interesting.

    What's the plan, here? Start yer own crafting organization?

  • Elidor grins and smiles brightly Our first customer!! See? I told you this would work!

    Well, young lady, you sure have come to the right place. A Cherry shield you say???

    Elidor looks at the other crafters, eyebrows wiggling

    I can do that for you, best quality, prettiest shape, and best price ever!! It'll be so nice you'll really want to spread the word about who did it for you. "THE Crafters" did it. makes a strong emphasis on the word "The"

  • A young redhead half elf with impossibly blue eyes walks in and waits around looking curiously at the gathered people until she is noticed. Then she offers a charming smile

    Hiya! I hearrd this is like, the crrafterr's union but without stupid rrules. Rrules suck!

    While she spoke, her eyes sought the possible 'leader' of the gathered group, as she now approaches Elidor, biting on her lower lip

    So… who's gonna make me the bestest and cheapest Cherry Larrge Shield?!

  • Vidar offers his name for the list as well.

  • ICC

    I am still considering various options. However if my situation changes I'll definatly seek you out about membership. I'm Vega Selious by the way.

  • I am Trent Lormain, Doombringer of Assurian, and Blacksmith

  • So then! Elidor says the idea is there, who's up for it? United we can beat the union!

    He takes a quill and a blank scroll I'll write down the names of those interested! So raise your crafter hands!

    Elidor Moonwhisper

  • Trent looks up with mild interest Problem is, there is no competition, get another union up, lower prices even a tad, there damn near gonna have a heart attack.

  • ICC

    Vega nods the more she hears obviously enjoying it. Hearing of free food she too orders some wings.

    Hear hear! I Agree! The Union demands are ridiculous. My friends would love to help me back for all the aid I give them but because of union rules thier hands are tied. I spend thousands of gold helping crafters just because I enjoy it. I bet if the Union could they'd have me hanged for that cause they are losing resource dominance to me.

    Now don't get me wrong here either. It's not the people in the Union I hate. It's the Union itself. There are alot of great people working there. But really Most of there are there because they feel they have no where else to turn.

    Returns to munching her wings and sipping her wine.

  • Aelthas shows up a bit late, glancing around at everyone present and sits quietly to listen, ordering some rat on a stick, Aunty Horbag style.

  • Elidor shrugs lightly at the fact there's apparently not many people interested, but he's still happy that some came and stands up to talk to those who did.

    "Well, hello everyone! I hope you are enjoying your drinks and meal.
    As you know, as it is now, there's only one guild of crafters "The Union"."

    He makes a face

    "Why do I do this face? you may ask yourself. Because the Union has now stupid rules that only benefit the union and not the people within."

    Makes a voice of a young boy "Hey, I have a friend and I want to help him with his mining practice!!"

    Makes the voice of a grumpy guy "You can't help him, cuz he's not union. You cant give him tools, nor lend him tools, you cant share what you mine or cut, you can't, you can't you can''t!!!!!!!!!"

    Clears throat

    "Stupid. So I say.. why not just gather a group of crafters under one single rule? To help each other when needed and focus the guild only for crafting issues. Wars, threats to towns, and conflicts would not affect us as a whole, so each of us could individualy do as they please, help whoever they want and get along with those they wish."

    He makes a pause

    "Why to actualy bother with this group? Because we can organize trips to places easier if we stick together, we can share tools, and resources, we can communicate easier with each other and say, if someone asked me for a new helmet, I'd totaly point them to Eragor points to him and not to one of those Union freaks" clears throat "Also, if a town or settlement, or individuals, would need something built, we -could- do it, as a group! because between us all we can surely work on everything.

    Takes a small break to take a deep breath, saying this last sentence with joy

    "Let us end with the Union dominance! let everyone know, there's more crafters than those in the Union, and that if crafters are needed, we're WAY a better option than them!"

  • Eragor walks in and hears that Elidor is paying for the food so he orders a massive amount of bat wings.