Construction on the Nars

  • _Dwarves armed with hammers and picks pour out of the Hold and through Norwick's North gate. They head North up the Nars Pass, pulling a caravan of carts filled with lumber, hewn stone blocks, and kegs behind them. Some of the carts are covered with cloth and guarded by heavily armored dwarves who keep their suspicious eyes narrowed on the tree lines.

    The caravan comes to a halt on the south end of Sam's Hole and the dwarven workers begin unloading the resources as several gruff foremen bark orders over them. A young, battle-scarred dwarf wearing steel plate inlaid with gold makes his way into the Rats and Bats restaurant carrying parchments and a heavy chest with several other notable dwarves.

    The armored guards unload their own cloth covered carts. Palisades, turrets, and catapults are hauled out and set up in defensive positions facing North. Other carts filled with axes and shields are set up by the workers while dwarves with kettle drums set a parameter around Sam's Hole, ready to turn the construction site into a war zone at the first sight of trouble.

    The dwarves work endlessly into the night, building scaffoldings, dragging stone blocks and using ropes and levers to put them in place. Foremen check their designs as they hover over the workers, making sure the measurements and placements are exact. Kegs are tapped and replaced, meals are forgotten as the dwarves absorb themselves in their work, and the base of a small fortress slowly crawls over the South edge of Sam's Hole.

    Any curious passerbys are greeted with suspicious eyes and sneers. Those who are brave enough to approach and ask questions are rudely directed to the Rats and Bats restaurant for answers._

  • As the new Hall nears its completions, soldiers of the Troff Legion can be seen moving several belongs from the Legion Tower in the Nars to the new building. The old Tower in the Nars looks to be locked up.

  • Brumir can be seen inside the structure erecting walls

    "Hail Z! Ye just in time. Ah'm workin' on sum o da walls o da bedrooms. Ah'm workin' on wut ah think will be Legan's room now. Figures his is next ta an exterior wall. Dat way when Gralin's Mum comes lookin' fer him she only has ta eat through one wall! HAR!"

  • Z stops by the tower to check up on the progress.

  • With much of the exterior of the building done, Brumir can be seen hauling stone and wood inside the structure, likely working on the interior walls.

  • Brumir sees the steaks and has a look of worry on his face

    "Oy fark! Iffn' Gralin's mum smells dat she gunna come an' eat us all!"

    He tugs his beard pondering for a moment, then lights up as if he has an idea

    "Ah gut it! Look fer Beorn in one o da tents. He probably passed out drunk. Iffn' so, rub sum steak juice on him an' leave him out away frum da construction site! Dat way maybe Gralin's mum would only eat him!"

  • Mathias smiles happily to Alvaniel and dips his head as he takes a meal for him and Master Z

    My thanks to you Miss Alvaniel, much appreciated. Hope to be done real soon too.

  • Private Alvaniel then drops by with 30 plus venison steaks…

    "Eat up boys, get them while they are hot," as the steaks are added to the grills.

  • _Brumir, Mathias, and Master Z of the Union continue to work on the building. Brumir is seen hammering some materials on the roof while Mathias and Z work inside. With the outside of the building nearing completion, anyone passing by may realize it looks like some sort of military base.

    Later on, General Theaon of the Troff Legion can be seen delivering ale to the workers at the site._

  • As what looks like the ground floor of the new structure is completed, Brumir starts installing studs and stone for what looks like will be the main floor.

  • Brumir and Z can be seen hammering up some studs at the construction site. It looks as if they are creating what will be the ground floor of the new building.

  • Myrrha snickers and giggles

  • Eilonna quickly comes from the tree line bow on her shoulder setting a hand on Bruenors shoulder and whispers to him in Dwarven before he can start brawling

    (Dwarven+Whispered) The apple cores are not his, but a little mischief maker in the trees my friend, I have been watching since the ogre has arrived and do not believe for a moment he is out of my sight line. I will be watching and have no intention of letting him out of my shot range till I know this is no trick of his or anyone elses. Though I can assure you the apple cores are not his.

    Nodding a moment from her whisper her eyes lock back on the ogre and slips backwards into the forest line once again vanishing into it as she draws out her bow.

  • watching Beorn getting ready to fight, Legan turns away from his post to cheer for his kin

    Ye tell th' farkin' gobber kisser 'ow it be done!

  • The ogre more than pulls his own weight around the construction site. With his help, many tasks that once required ropes and pulleys with several folks on hand now only takes the thick muscled ogre to simply lift and hold. Many workers quickly begin taking advantage of the ogre's usefulness, calling him over when they could use his help. Many dwarves, however, do not. Conflict inevitably ensues…

    "Apple cores!? Ye farkin' orc brained filth!"

    Beorn snatches up several apple cores from the buckets of tools and stomps up to the ogre, smithing hammer in hand at his side. He tosses the apples at the ogre to get his attention and points a stubby finger up at his face.

    "Ye can nay respect this construction site enough teh keep yer trash where it belongs!? Ye think ye can jus' toss yer shite 'round like sum filthy goblin!? Oi can tell ye now yer nay gonna last in the Union, not wit habits like that, an oi am nay forgettin' wut ye said 'bout shamin' me kin! Yer gonna answer fer that right now!"

    Beorn tosses the hammer aside and takes a stance to grapple with the ogre, his right hand balled into a mighty fist.

  • Brumir starts hammering up studs in the foundation.

  • When Myrrha gets bored of watching people work, she takes a nap. When it's raining she dances about relatively unclothed.

    She sits in a tree more often than not eating apples, occasionally aiming the leftover cores into barrels of nails or buckets of rocks or tools.

  • Cpl. Legan Axckleln is seen guarding the construction site, holding his ground near the roads. When he spots the ogre, he readies his battleaxe, but stows it with a growl and a grunt as the rest of the folk start vouching for it. He then returns to his post, seemingly uncomfortable with the ogre's presence, but not paying it much mind otherwise.

  • Z also keeps a close eye on the ogre.

  • Beorn Battlemail, being one of those ready to end the ogre's life, lowers his smithing hammer with a grunt. He grumbles his protests under his beard and keeps a sharp eye on the ogre, the sight of it keeping him in a fowl mood as he continues his work.