A help wanted notice

  • Legion

    Vhin ready on standby

  • // If marty cant make it, the spot is open to Reynauld

  • Legion

    // I just checked the time this one starts. 6am monday morning Aus time if I have that figured out right. I'll be on my way to work then. 😞 sorry.

  • Reynauld offers his assistance if needed.

    OOC would have loved to help with the last one, but alas it was scheduled just in time for me to leave for work.

  • a new notice is tacked beneath the old one

    Those that are approved to go on the next trip with me are named below, at this time there are no further openings, I thank everyone that applied though.

    1. Varia
    2. Eragor
    3. Andrew
    4. Elva
    5. Cela Aseph
    6. Thorak Dwarr
    7. Senator Marty

    Thank you all again, Ilmater bless you all.

    • jason seems to consider and says he will sit down with him soon and discuss it *

    (( seek me ig please.))

  • oi, I'm not drunk… ye would need more than jus' a few ales to make this dwarf stumble. The ale is just t' keep ma throat smooth.

    I be Thor SpellHammah, am versed in the art 'o fighting and also magic. I be interested in helpin' this roight cause.

  • Legion

    ::cela smiles brightly to jason:: i would be happy to lend torm's aid.

  • @203d12a055=Gonnar:

    María on her arrival, hears of this and tilts head curiosly, and goes to ask Elva about it.

    ((I'd totaly join, but I fear my lvl would imbalance this event, so in case I'm kindly put aside by the DM, this other char of mine would do this…..

    Thor Spellhammer hears about this and goes to speak with that jason fella, beer in hand

    Do ye need a hand, lad? I cin do more than jus' drinkin', I swear ::taps his belly::

    • Jason would look to the man then to the beer with disapproval at even applying for such a serious quest with a beer in hand *

    Sir, as a Priest of Lord Ilmater I could not even begin to understand why you would approach me about a holy mission with a beer in hand and expect me to even take you serious, seek me out when your sober and don't have a beer in hand….then perhaps I will consider your....application...

  • (( for ooc note, lvls are from 6-11, and only 8 spots, the names listed are pre-reserved from last quest so any other spots hang open ))

  • María on her arrival, hears of this and tilts head curiosly, and goes to ask Elva about it.

    ((I'd totaly join, but I fear my lvl would imbalance this event, so in case I'm kindly put aside by the DM, this other char of mine would do this…..

    Thor Spellhammer hears about this and goes to speak with that jason fella, beer in hand

    Do ye need a hand, lad? I cin do more than jus' drinkin', I swear ::taps his belly::

  • ICC

    Inform the old man that I most certainly will be there. she says in a relatively cheery tone. she immediately begin going over her supplies and components to ensure that she will be ready

    // Of course I'll be there. Even if I have to pull an all niter to do it.

  • Legion

    I'd really love to get into this. I think I will be available. IC my character would be very interested in this one - and she's kinda handy with traps.

    Don't put me down yet. Will be able to confirm availability tomorrow.

  • A call goes out to Andrew, Elva, Eragor and Varia informing them that the time has come to again head out and prepare for more, they are asked to seek out Jason to get further details.

    (( time is set for this saturday at 8AM EST, the exact same time as last time so you are all aware. ))

  • \sorry I couldn't make it had work until two hours before it started and couldn't force myself to stay awake glad it was successful!

    • the group is seen coming back victorious, Jason though deathly pale and exhausted is seen wearing a robe of the Sisterhood??, Varia and Elva wearing boots of the Sisterhood and Andrew and Eragor with rings of the Sisterhood, Jason would be seen sitting in the commons for a short breather before going to check on his son Ramus and taking him to the park where he tells him the whole story of what happened *

  • no problem!

  • Legion


    you posted it wrong for note, its on thursday not tuesday

    Whoops! :oops:


  • you posted it wrong for note, its on thursday not tuesday

  • Legion