Compete for ultimate glory!

  • One girl, two cups!

    Rith Pheonixfeather wins two trophys in a row. An arrow so true; a blade so sharp; often scantily clad, she's got it all! Or does she?

    Almost, but not quite! For Rath Ashald-Jorinsen has held onto the cup for ANOTHER month. Can this wall of holy horse riding handsome hon-esty be stopped? Many have tried. Many have failed. Perhaps Rith will be the one to take it from him, or perhaps he will take the other two from her!

    Find out what happens, at the next Peltarch Joust!

    (((Sunday, 10 PM New Zealand - Auckland Timezone. Check here to find out what time that is for you: this will be on saturday for a lot of you.))

  • The winner for the Archery was Rith, with Ladylancer Arlan placing in second. Third place was taken by Frances. Rith is the current holder of Archery cup.

    The winner of the duels was also Rith, who defeated Moon in the finals. Third place went to Diadne, the Flamer. Rith is the current holder of the Duel trophy.

    Jousting champion for this month is Rath Ashald-Jorinsen, with Aelthas (who was injured in his first joust) rising to second place. Rith placed third. Rath Ashald-Jorinsen is the current holder of Jousting Cup.

  • Madness, Madness!

    Well, well another Joust Night and another night of excitement! One contestant took it onto him self to get into two bloody brawls with other contestants. Another note of interest being that Senator Hardin himself showed up to watch the jousts. Not the only Senator, oh no, Senator Snydders was there too and he even used powerful magic to levitate the violent contestant much to the amusement of the spectators!

    Enough of drama and gossip, now we need to talk about the real heroes. The good looking ones. The ugly ones. The winners!

    Arlan "The Ladylancer" Meynolt proves he can do more than just lance the ladies, he can shoot a bolt right into their hearts! However, will he ever win the jousts? Will he ever gain enough renown to save the orphanage? Or afford to shave? I don't know if he's doing any of those things, but give him your support!

    Silent Knight, Deadly Knight, Val Kyrie has put fear into the hearts of her enemies. Diadne the Flamer thought she had it all. Flame, Gory. She was wrong! Now the night is dark and the flame burns no longer. Or does it? You'll have to find out, you know where!

    Do I even need to tell you who won the jousts? Are you really that foolish? Did you really doubt him? Well blasphemer you had best start repenting with your support because Rath Ashald-Jorinsen just won the jousting cup for the FOURTH time in a row! He can't be stopped. He can't be knocked off his horse. He is the all time champion!

    What's that you say? Speak up a little. Oh. Oh I see. You want to beat him, well. You had better come to the next PELTARCH JOUST NIGHT!

    ((Sunday, 10 PM New Zealand - Auckland Timezone. Check here to find out what time that is for you: this will be on saturday for a lot of you. ))

  • The winner for archery was the Ladylancer, Arlan Meynolt. Moon River came in second. New entrant Sigibert "Bub" Theroldys came third. Arlan is the current holder of the archery cup.

    The Silent Knight, Deadly Knight, Val Kyrie patched up her errors of last time and won the cup, in a match against the previous month's winner Diadne the Flamer. Moon River came third. Val Kyrie is the current holder of the melee cup.

    Jousting cup winner was Rath Ashald-Jorinsen, the new competitor Sigibert "Bub" Theroldys coming second. Arlan "Ladylancer" Meynolt and Val Kyrie were tied for the third place, so the decision came from the joust between the two - which Ladylancer eventually forfeited. Rath Ashald-Jorinsen in the current holder of the jousting cup.

    Theodoric the Mad Rider was disqualified, and later on jailed for assaulting other contestants.

  • The Show Must Go On!

    The Peltarchian spirit never gives up, never surrenders. Even in the face of danger. Even after shock. Even after confusion. Just like these heroes!

    Glowing skin. Shining hair. A blinding smile of near holy proportions Val Kyrie, Silent but deadly. Silent Knight, Deadly Knight! Val Kyrie earned this name after shooting an arrow so true it's said that it split the first arrow in half. Then the third one split THAT one in half. Amazing!

    An amazing few duels that left the spectators in shock and awe! The controversy is STILL being gossiped about! Senator Martoushca Leaffall hits the ground running, comes out swinging and defeats Silent Knight, Deadly Knight Val Kyrie. Some say she used unfair magic! Some say she used dirty tricks! Others say it was an amazing display of slyness! Whatever the case, neither of them won first place. The real star of the show was The Flamer, Diadne who caused one of her cowering opponents to BURST INTO FLAMES. The stench of burning flesh hit the audience, but as the fire died down and the loser was healed they cheered, oh how they cheered!

    I wonder who won the Jousting Cup. Are you wondering? Well I was lying because you must be an idiot if you ever doubted it would be Rath Ashald-Jorinsen for the THIRD time in a ROW! Only a damned fool would bet against him, but who knows…maybe you will be the one that stops his streak at the next PELTARCH JOUST NIGHT.

    Long live the jewel!

    ((Sunday, 10 PM New Zealand - Auckland Timezone. Check here to find out what time that is for you: this will be on saturday for a lot of you. ))

  • The winner for archery was the Silent Knight, Deadly Knight, Val Kyrie. Senator Martouscha Leaffall came in second. Diadne The Flamer came third. Val Kyrie is the current holder of the archery cup.

    Surprise winner of the melee cup was The Flamer, Diadne. Arlan placed in second. Senator Leaffall took the third place. Diadne is the current holder of the melee cup.

    Jousting cup winner was Rath Ashald-Jorinsen, Senator Leaffall placing second. Arlan "Ladylancer" Meynolt took the third place, as Val Kyrie, who shared the exact points with Arlan, graciously bowed out. Rath Ashald-Jorinsen in the current holder of the jousting cup.

  • Are You Some Kind Of Imbecile!?

    You must be, if you haven't cleared your schedule for another amazing joust night!

    Has your significant other been oogling Rath Ashald-Jorinsen lately? I'm not surprised, he's a two time cup winner! Get on your horse and become the one everyone talks about!

    Will Lalli "The Grizzled Bear" have his iron grasp pryed away from the amazing hilt trophy? Or will he snap the necks of his enemies!?

    Who, who will defeat Guardswoman Yana? A fist as hard as stone, an eye as sharp as a needle. She holds the astounding arrow trophy and has sworn to destroy any who try to take it from her!*

    Compete and defeat!

    *Not a direct quote

    ((Sunday, 10 PM New Zealand - Auckland Timezone. Check here to find out what time that is for you: this will be on saturday for a lot of you.

    And don't forget, the next day Nilla is holding a joust night, details here! :

  • The winner for archery was Yana, Maero coming in close second, and Arlan third. Yana is the current holder of the archery cup.

    Yana also won the melee cup, but passed it on to Lalli who placed second. Rath Ashald-Jorinsen came in third. Lalli is the current holder of the melee cup.

    Jousting cup winner was Rath Ashald-Jorinsen, Arlan placing second, Maero grabbing the third place. Rath Ashald-Jorinsen in the current holder of the jousting cup.

  • //Guuuh, so late/early.//

  • ((One hour from now))

  • Compete, or be forgotten to the ravages of time!

    Who will pry the trophy sword hilt from Rith Pheonixfeather's shiny, shiny hands?

    Who will knock Rath Ashald-Jorinsen off his high horse?

    Who will shoot a truer arrow than Lorich the Headbutter?

    All this and more at the next Joust Night!

    Be here! Compete here! Win here! Same time, same place.

    ((Sunday, 10 PM New Zealand - Auckland Timezone. Check here to find out what time that is for you: this will be on saturday for a lot of you.)

  • The winner for the archery was Mariston, who chose to give the cup to Rith (2nd place), who chose to give the cup to Lorich (3rd place). Lorich is the current holder of the cup.

    The winner of duels was Rith, with Mariston placing second, and Arlan third. Rith is the current holder of the cup.

    The winner of Jousting was Mariston, who chose to give the cup to Rath Ashald-Jorinsen (2nd place). Rith placed third. Rath is the current holder of the cup.

  • ((This is in 50 minutes))