Summoner Update
Dwin and Ronan hated each other. Their mutual dislike interrupted Senatorial proceedings, insulted entire races and cities, and will be legendary.
Similar to Cao's remarks below, in the heat of arguing or axe-brandishing, i would always get a quick ":)" or otherwise friendly Tell from Summoner which always helped me to remember that we're meant to be having fun, etc.
Whoever is able to make his funeral, I hope you can extend heartfelt thoughts to his family from our community. I don't know how much they know about his "alter egos" in that mysterious land of Narfell, but they should know that there are many people, worldwide, that were positively affected by his presence on a daily basis, and that will miss him.
This is very sad news. Summoner was always an engaging, proactive player, Wolf being one of the first characters to make themselves integral in the first long plot I ever ran as a DM, and Ronan was a character with a history you would write a book about. There were a lot of times as well where Ronan managed to infuriate practically every NPC I ran till they were fit to stab him, but it never fazed the man behind the screen, and Summoner and I would chuckle about the IC animosities in tells. I'll really miss him.
There'a a picture on the memorial site of him playing NWN
That's pretty awesome!
I received a text from Summoner's Dad earlier today. He sent me the link to the Memorial page for Summoner. It has the details of the service and how and where donations can be made as well as some photos. It's a beautiful web page.
Random decided to visit the forums and found the facebook page for the first time from the mention of it in the Ribs post and saw the information for the funeral at the top and my heart sank.
My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. Its still a bit of a shock. The last time I was around and talking with him I had realized how much he had grown up from the kid who played Wolf years ago. He had a ton of courage and fight in him and I'm glad he had those few years of relapse. At a bit of a loss for words. Its times like this, even when you've been away for a while, that shows that online or not this is still a community. Rest in Peace Summoner.
A boy. A man by now. You've never seen eachother outside a digital world. But inside that digital world, you knew eachother for years. The times you shared were glorious, and the conversations you had were hilarious. Those who haven't experienced such a thing, would have trouble understanding, or even believing, that such a thing can create a connection.
I left this place behind because it was the better thing for me. It's been a while now, since Summoner and I talked. You'd think you'd forget. Many other people claim "none of it is real, after all, not even the social interaction". But Summoner was real. He was a bright, funny kid that was growing up, and beating cancer.
You don't forget. Froo told me this morning, my heart sank. I am at work now, typing this with a gut wrenching feeling. I offer my condolences to his family and friends. This includes Narfell. I will not have you seen as something seperate.
Rest well, Summoner. You will be missed.
Rest in peace Summoner. You'll be missed.
Oooh Summoner…
Não sei o que te dizer... As palavras faltam-me em momentos como este... É com aquele nó na garganta e o coração apertado que te escrevo esta mensagem.
Apenas quero que tu saibas que te considero um grande guerreiro, por teres enfrentado aquele teu inimigo e por lhe teres dado luta até ao fim... Enfrentaste-o de cabeça erguida e com a força e coragem que só alguns possuem, pessoas especiais, como tu!
És um herói e um exemplo a seguir para mim e todos nós!
Fica bem amigo, até a próxima, uma dia encontramo-nos todos, aà em cima onde tu estas!
Descansa em paz amigo.
Thanks BR, words in English kept sliping my mind, but that s how I feel about it too.
Oooh Summoner…
Não sei o que te dizer... As palavras faltam-me em momentos como este... É com aquele nó na garganta e o coração apertado que te escrevo esta mensagem.
Apenas quero que tu saibas que te considero um grande guerreiro, por teres enfrentado aquele teu inimigo e por lhe teres dado luta até ao fim... Enfrentaste-o de cabeça erguida e com a força e coragem que só alguns possuem, pessoas especiais, como tu!
És um herói e um exemplo a seguir para mim e todos nós!
Fica bem amigo, até a próxima, uma dia encontramo-nos todos, aà em cima onde tu estas!
Descansa em paz amigo.
I smile thinking about his forum signature, "Cancer Survivor", and it reminds me that it remains true, for though this illness has robbed us of his physical presence, and he of his body, his spirit proved inconquerable.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
Sorry to hear of Summoner's untimely passing. My sincerest condolences.
It's really great to hear some of the stories and be reminded of some really good times. I especially remember Wolf and Calendel defending Jiyyd during the great war… well.. it was more like Calendel healing Wolf because he refused to wear armour but whatever... lol. Then of course Ronan.. his inflated ego sorcerer... let's just say he and Calendel never got along well IG... but OOC he was an awesome kid and I'm sure will be sorely missed by so many.
Wherever your journey takes you Summoner be at peace man.
One of my earliest recollections of Summoner was watching him play Wolf as a DM, and seeing that he'd had a particularly rough go of things one week, culminating in something of an unlucky character death, I threw our rules aside and gave Wolf some brief one-on-one time with his deity, basically a pat on the butt and a "get back in there and keep up the good work" kind of thing. I remember his thanks and smiling and feeling good about helping a promising player keep his chin up.
Man, did -I- have a lot to learn.
Few people have come in contact with Summoner in any fashion without realizing that this young man could give us ALL lessons on facing adversity with dignity, humor, courage, defiance and determination. I smile thinking about his forum signature, "Cancer Survivor", and it reminds me that it remains true, for though this illness has robbed us of his physical presence, and he of his body, his spirit proved unconquerable.
It is my hope that he and his family are at peace.
Even after a day of thinking on it I'm not sure what to say really. My sympathy goes out to his family and any of those who called him friend. On my part, I lost a great friend and he will be missed and remembered always. Rest well Summ.
He's missed, i do not know what to say. Sympathy to his family and all those who share feelings.
I started playing the game on almost the same day he did our first characters hated each other and I thought he was an immature brat. Shortly after though it changed and he and I went through more anger and tears, & recriminations and reconciliations, then I would have thought possible.
I got the news today. It's strange we turn our backs for a moment then someones gone. I'm a bit ashamed I didn't stay in touch with him when I stopped playing, during my relapse he emailed me constantly. He was there for me when I didn't think anyone on this server gave a shit if I died, and I feel as if I've failed him today. Lots of tears today, but no doubt there are many here who understand the void this young man has left in our life's.
I miss you.
A bit of a shocK to come back from holiday and hear this, especially when I thought he was recovering. Summonar did a lot of growing up on Narf, he was fun to play with, he will be missed.
Our sympathy to his family.
One asks themselves what to say and much is fleeting or difficult to grasp at first, but alas the fingers begin to type exactly that feeling and suddenly words begin to flow, memories spring forth and vivid images come to life yet again. Imaginary images with such vivid detail that it makes it a very real experience. Images of a friend whom you have never met in person but can truly call a friend, saving your life over and over in what some call a silly game. To others the game is a conduit for life, for fun and or for escape and for a lot of us, friendship with people we have never met.
Summoner was an amazing young man. Some say unfair, cruel, etc, but is that accurate? If he were a normal healthy youngster when he arrived, do we all believe we would know him and have liked him as well? Somehow I don't think he would have stayed long enough for us to know. What Summoner went through was who Summoner was. That is the guy we will dearly miss. A kid who grew up with cancer playing games with Narfellers. A kid who was like family. Many tears have been and will be shed for him because he was respected by so many. In game and in real life.
May God use this opportunity to help those who grieve to be more at ease with the outcome. May their faith be strengthened as time reveals the paths for each and may God have a new right hand man in Summoner.
To Summoner's family…Thank you for bringing us a wonderful young man to know and respect. May God also be with you in your time of sorrow.
I just heard the news of his passing via Facebook update to my phone. I hadn't heard of his cancer relapse. It especially hits home for me as my cousin is also in her last months of fighting a cancer relapse. When people so young can be taken from us like this is hard to deal with.
I first met Summoner when he was new to the community, I did not role play with him in game very much but we talked a lot in IRC and forums. I was there when he was hospitalized the last time and fought and beat his cancer. He really grew over the near decade or more he was a part of the community.My thoughts go out to his family and friends, even though I have not been an active member of the community this past year I will still miss you.
I haven't been around here in a while, I just got the news in an email. Summoner was one of my first online friends in Narfell, our characters hung out and hunted small critters together, and we RPed together on-and-off regularly after that. He was an incredibly fun guy and a real joy to play around. I wish I had been around more lately to see what he's been up to. I will really miss him.
This is terrible news, I'm so sorry to hear about this.