Hoarrans at the tower
The recent news does nothing to relieve Yngdír of his suspicions. He can be seen sometimes looking down from the high places of the Tower, normally a glimpse of his grey cloak disappearing behind the rampart as he takes his leave into the Tower. Whenever he passes the Hoarans he looks down on them with disdain.
Aranwë is around the tower more often as of late. He rarely speaks to any of the guests with the exception of a polite greeting. Though, when he passes, he is always looking around at the camp and those in it.
//spot +9//
Troff Legion breaths a heavy sigh of releif and regards the Horran visitors with a far less tense attitude. He grins, glad that things have been worked out peacefully. He makes an effort to get to know the other horrans stationed here, and asks if they'd be allowed to train and spar together.
When it doesn't seem that she's busy, Soliel passes the Hoaran camp with red rimmed eyes.. likely having found little sleep recently, she Gives a wave and greetings to Danielle and if she welcomes some light conversation, she has a few questions amidst light discussions of the finer points of spear combat.
After a flurry of meetings it seems, between the tower and the tent, and even what sounds a religious debate with Hammerhand separately, Danielle dispatches a messenger back to the camp. The next day a younger woman who seems bright and chipper arrives at the tower. Yet another meeting before finally Danielle just motions her out front, where she bounces with a smile and a flourish of her cloak to the watching Legionairres.
Greetings, my name is Riselle. I am pleased to announce that at the suggestion of your General Grag, and the pleasant Marty of Legion and Peltarch that while there are many differences that still need to be worked out, in answer to their concerns for safety of trade between Norwick and Peltarch… dramatic pause Jonathan has agreed! Passes had been brought up in discussions, and will be issued to merchants to assure their safe passage through our lands. All of the details have yet to be worked out, but I was urged to share the good news!
((cue the make out music and mood lighting))
Finishes her tea, and motions to the arriving wagon to let the barrels be inspected.
Wasn't here to tell history really as it was. This one will do..
Ducks in to one of the open tents motioning to Theaon to follow her if he will.
((PM me, Theaon))
Theaon nods, then follows her in
Finishes her tea, and motions to the arriving wagon to let the barrels be inspected.
Wasn't here to tell history really as it was. This one will do..
Ducks in to one of the open tents motioning to Theaon to follow her if he will.
((PM me, Theaon))
Anor thanks Danielle kindly for her time before she salutes to theaon and lets them both have their private talking, getting herlsef to her job
_General Theaon approaches the leader of the Hoarans
"Good day to you. I would like a moment of your time in regards to something unrelated to your stay here at the Tower."
He motions to the tents
Perhaps we can speak inside one?"_
Finding themselves sated finally by the blood, those who attacked withdrew. Many of the Eastlander fallen were raised by a wandering necromancer of some sort for their bodies were not properly cared for. Eventually, the tunnels were collapsed. Hobgoblins no longer held at bay flooded the pass, displacing the scavenger animals who had originally come to feast on the spoils of war.
My people barely fed themselves in hiding, unwilling to show themselves for fear of death. One who we had thought lost, found his way back to us, carried by his sister, and gravely wounded. This man had been responsible for much of the evacuation, and had been known to help the Legion in Jiyyd even before then. Though he will almost never speak of those last days, you would know him as Jonathan. He was one of the first to recognize that our people would be unable to continue on in hiding.
As his wounds healed, he began seeking a new home for us. One that would allow us to continue on, and eventually he found his chance in a friendship with someone who had lost his own home, and had returned to reclaim his home. Again the Legion played a large part in our story, this time innate rather then harm, for they were amongst the first in the charge into the old camp of the Romani and the removal of the gnolls there. The friendship he struck was with Jonni, who was seeking to re-establish his home that was left empty and gutted. Jonni had a problem you see. What Romani would return to a Kumpani that was so obviously cursed?
Jonathan had people who needed a home, and Jonni had home that needed people to prove it safe once more. So, in small groups, two and threes, fives and sometimes more those had once been Eastlanders arrived from a far off Kumpani somewhere to far to the east and settled as Romani. They helped rebuild the camp from it's destroyed remains. Though there was sometimes misunderstandings between the "new" Romani with the true Romani, for the most part there was peace.
For many years we sat in peace near those who would call us bandits and murderers and yet what came of it? Did you see us in the pass, attacking anyone during that time?
Targohr steps out of the Legion tower eating a wing of official General Grag's Chicken
. He doesn't quite seem to know whats going on and mainly stands around with a blank look while making "Om nom nom" noises.
Anor pays extreme attention to her, and everynow and then takes a sip from the tea
Please do. It doesn't surprise me to hear about faults, errors and missteps, and what you've told so far sounds like a lot of unnecessary bloodshed occured. What is the cause of all these fighting? Why is it so difficult to keep peace…
But...please, continue..And keeps listening
Looks to the sky a moment, with her eyes closed before focusing on the others again, and holding out the tea pot to fill the cups of any who wish to come up to her.
When the wagon arrives, two of the barrels are for yourselves. The other four for my own camp, you may check the barrels to verify it is water and have pick of the two you wish so you know we did not poisin one. I will try water from any of them if you wish to verify its safety. She motions Hammerhand to sit for awhile first, before she would be willing to meet with him. She sighs and mutters something about drawing short straws before speaking.
You are all new to these lands, and was not here during what many have called the Eastlander War. To be fair, I was not here during it either, having not been born. The story has been told to me though, of my people and the pass that they defended against all intruders. It is a bloody story, and one full of cruelty, not only from my side, but also from the other.
There were many faults, and many errors, and many missteps. Along the way, there were many attempts at peace, and many times that peace was broken. It was tried with the Romani, and they were given signs that my people knew not to attack, and those signs were often hidden when they wished to attack us, and brought back out when they wished safety. That peace was broken.
It was tried with one by the name of Amana, and that held true for a long time, but for every time we turned away, there were two times that our people were attacked yet again. The chances of it holding that time were slim already we knew, for much was the hatred of others against our people at the time. That peace was broken.
By then, much hatred brewed in the hearts of both sides and cruelty and blood was to be found in the hearts and on the hands of almost everyone who walked the pass. Those you would call friends, and those that were called bandits to ease the conscious.
Eventually, as all things do, it came to a head. The Eastlanders were pushed into the tunnels that led to their village, just a short ways south of here, where they were forced to lock their gates, and hold against those forces of the Legion, and of Peltarch that had gathered to destroy them. But taking the land was not enough for them.
They broke our gates. They painted the walls of the tunnels with the blood of my people. They brought their war machines, and their siege weapons to the walls of my people, they destroyed them, and they cut down all they found in the village. They beheaded our chief. They murdered our leaders. They built a monument to their greatness in the middle of what was once our lands.
None were spared that were still in the village.
And the story would have ended there. But seeing the rising tensions, and the direction of where things were going, a few of our people, some of the children, a few of their parents were moved out under the cover of darkness and with the aid of some others to the grounds outside the old Alliance Inn, and then forced into the Giantspires to hide from the patrols that sought any survivors.
They were but farmers, commoners. Townsfolk. They had nothing to do with the bloodshed, they knew little beyond their walls, but now, they had nothing to return to, and likely death if they were caught.
Takes a long drink of her tea, and a deep breath, before asking simply,
Shall I continue?
Anor accepts Danielle's invitation to drink some tea and she offers herself some pastries. She starts then talking, while Grag is getting ready for the meeting
I honestly don't see a need for all this hostility, truth be told, I'm just a newcommer if you see in the big scheme of history; but if I've been informed correctly it was your people the ones that lived in the pass to begin with? I would be wiling to hear from your history after that point where you were stablished in the nars, for I believe a wise person should know well the story told by ones…as much as the story told by the others.
Anor looks at her with her soft brown eyes, she does indeed look interested and wanting to know from her what occured, and would anyone interrupt the conversation for disagreement with it, she'll kindly remind how unpolite and poor forms is to interrupt to ladies having a chat, as well as foolish is to ignore Danielle's explanation of history
Yngdír had entered the tower with Grag, he has not come back out.
behind closed doors Yingy… let me see what thar up to fer the meantime.. muzzle it.. I am still wakin up i nae need ta shed any bluud afor I take me mornin SHITE! shakes his head I be settin a meetin wit this danielle see whats the wha.. We are the legion we are bettsa then any warmongerer an we shall give them de righ to present peace if tha is thar true intentions... moments later comes out of the hall
Dannielle? Where ye be? why dunt we meet in private in yer camp. ana ye can teel me why ye been forced to make camp ere... and what ye intentions may be.. how bout in bit i have some important ... holds his tummy then bums mattas squints to attend ta firs!
Mooncandy approaches them with a look of sadness and frustration One of moonie's friends was trying to take the side road to avoids your people, his name is Phurder, and you people murdered him! He not do nothing to you he was trying to avoid you!
Please, make peace soon since Moonie hate killing humans, she not want another enemy to fight yes.
The little hin sighs and holes up in the legion tower for awhile
Well, actually your -superior- officer did give us permission, and I believe your claims of my people constantly as the antagonists are very much skewed, but that is your choice I suppose. As you seem to fail to understand we did the same against gnolls, hobgoblins, spiders and more that have tried to wander the pass, and are far far worse on travellers then you would believe us ever to be.
Smiles to Anor
At least you seem to have more sense. The other is not so willing to listen to sense. Reminds me of a child once I came across years ago. Fell on a rock and bruised his shin. Blamed rocks for years, absolutely hated them. Works on catapaults now, seems to make him happy, but poor soul never to this day could figure out how to lace his boots, which really was the first problem.
Holds up the tea that Ael'Que had left behind, even though she turned down the meat
Care for some tea?
Who looks more inclined to war here? Do you have a list perhaps of those who have fallen to my people?
Hammer briefly touches the framed and magically preserved parchment on his breastplate, which continues to list a growing amount of names, then looks over to the tower with a slight smirk. During a lull in the proceedings, Hammer approaches Danielle for a quiet talk.