Arranged Meeting - Hoarran Group and Jonathan
((posted here since passer by would likely see it, though people will likely not be allowed up close enough to join in the conversation, if you're planning something contrary to conversation, PM me first please with your planned actions))
_Somewhat south of the Shrine to Tempus, shortly before midday, a party of Hoarrans appear from nothing. Five Archers spread out quickly to decent positions in a semi-circle around the four footmen remaining. At the count of thirty another party appears, this one smaller in number, who take up a rough line watching north. In the middle of the second group, stand two men who stand out, and a third who seems almost to not. The first has a spear lightly resting on his shoulder, dark of hair and eye, he looks about with sharp eyes and the faintest touch of smile to his lips before moving forward towards the shrine. Moving with him, and almost glowing from spells is a middle aged appearing man, head shaved and dark almost black tatooes across his head and on his face in some unrecognizable script. His robes dark, he walks with a staff. The third, trailing behind and almost forgotten seems fine with that thought, obviously uncomfortable with being so much in the open. The three move towards what appears to be an agreed upon meeting area, the Hoarrans watching Defenders who have taken up similar positions, though far more rigid in formation.
The man with the spear, stops finally, setting the point of his spear to the ground, and resting both hands on it before speaking._
I am Jonathan, as agreed. The man behind me is Thomas, the scout. The third man is an advisor, goes by the name Vaxin. I offer greetings.
At Martys "request", Hammer abstains from burning the bodies for a little while. But not for long.
//since I missed the whole melee, but Lycka was ICly there..
Lycka sticks close to Ronan's side during the whole debacle, focusing on keeping him and those around them whole. Post battle, she spends the last of her healing spells on the wounded, Hoarrans, Defenders and Legion alike, unless any should protest. Once her spells are spent in full, she inspects the fallen closely, her expression grim.
Marty would not allow the bodies to be burnt until they were identified.
How are we going with that roll call!?
Marty would not allow the bodies to be burnt until they were identified.
Despite his efforts, the few attacking Defenders that Hammer managed to drag to the shrine died shortly after the battle. Their bodies were laid out and given last rites, their souls commended to Tempus, before being burned.
to the closest Defender officer.
I'd suggest we do a roll call. Find out who these rogue "defenders" are.
_With the Hoarrans having taken their wounded off, only a few wounded remain that can't seem to move, one or two of the Senators bodyguard Scouts and the rest of the Defenders from the north are injured, but refuse treatment as they rush the remaining Senators off to the north and out of danger.
Due to the onslaught of the allied soldiers, most of the attacking Defenders are dead by various means, only one seems to be living and on the verge of death, laughing quietly to himself oddly enough in the middle of the road, blood being spit out onto his face as he utters only a few words before passing on due to his wounds. "For the Jewel.."
The attackers seem to wear a variety of uniforms, from brown and black leathers, Far Scout leathers, to Defender platemail, all with the symbols commonly known amongst the ranks in the city. The Archangels, Ignismons, The Loyal Fists. The enemy mages simply wear green robes the color of the Defenders green, with no markings on them, other then uniforms and the weapons carried, the men seem to have little on them except a few coins here and there._
After returning to the Legion Tower for several minutes, General Theaon returns with Legion healers to assist any whom need the attention.
A few actually check on Marty, making sure she is fine though offering nothing beyond the inquiry.
Marty's dress is now soiled with blood and ash as she tries to save what wounded she can
Oh … yeah I'm fine thanks.
She mutters quietly to herself, patching up one of the wounded.
::Nodding to Ronan the heavily armoured knight, raises his lance, standard emblazoned against the sun and wheels his horse back toward Peltarch::
As the groups disperse Ael'Que searches the bodies of the attackers, looking for any and all identifying items. He pays extra attention to any fallen mages and those dressed as Defenders. Anything he finds he turns over to General Thorn.
((Kingcreeper wrote: The Legion Tower is abuzz with action, though no Legionnaires have come out to join the battle save for those archers that had been deployed earlier. : Per previous post, Ael'que did leave the tower and joined the archers in the attack on the defenders. ))
_With Jonathan and Vaxin now gone the Hoarrans begin gathering their fallen, always with a close eye on the Defenders across from them. A few actually check on Marty, making sure she is fine though offering nothing beyond the inquiry. They move back quickly if her Far Scout guards come up. Behind the line twenty fully plated and mounted come riding up hard, fanning out and focusing on any last pockets of attackers, keeping proper distance from the Legion archers east and the wounded Defenders north.
Scouts rush off into the caves to follow those who managed to flee, and one of the newly arrived slips off her helmet ((some might recognize Danielle)) and pulls up in the center of the mess, looking between Legion and Defenders then to the ground at the dead. She makes a motion to the other Hoarrans and under escort they begin a retreat south._
There will be answers for this. Though likely not the ones we'd wish… she closes her eyes a moment before opening them again There was an evil here, it's taint lingers some, but not on the hearts of those still standing. She looks south judging how far the Hoarrans have moved before nodding and slipping her helm back on, I shall speak for you, though I fear many will not wish to hear it.
With a formal salute of her spear, she wheels her horse around and sets off at a trot south.
((OOC, at this point IG and IC reactions are fine. The entire fight was a very pitched and quick clash, even if spread over a few RL days. ))
The Legion Tower is abuzz with action, though no Legionnaires have come out to join the battle save for those archers that had been deployed earlier.
Ronan, finding that the situation is folly, decides to return to the city, glancing at Mariston as he turns toward the Peltarch walls..
Come, there's nothing for us to do here. This isn't a battle we can partake in without making it worse..
_With the constant volley or arrows from Legion and Hoarran archers alike, as well as the work of Peltarch Senators who remain and the Hoarran mages who effectively disable the green robed mages with counter-spelling, the rush of heavily armored Defenders seems to finish their job, though have a tough time of it, using sheer numbers to overwhelm Jonathon and his bodyguards.
With the appearance of Vaxin, the remaining Defender soldiers in the western attack force break lines, most dropping to the ground dead, the few remaining fleeing towards the cave mouth while arrows continue to drop on them. The remaining green robed mages who are living break their line as well and take cover under the shields of the Defender soldiers, turning to the cave mouth as well to get out of the Hoarran mages sight, or any who are counter-spelling them, they cast invisibility and disappear into the cave mouth leading to Oscura.
The eastern attack force of Far Scouts is not so lucky, the few who manage to avoid the arrows of Legion and Hoarran alike are pushed into the flaming oil by the rush of their own men seeking to kill Jonathon, or sent fleeing up the road north, back towards the woods to the east.
To the north, a unit of wounded Defenders arrives finally, making their way down the road quickly, their shields high and weapons drawn. They order the remaining Senators to follow them back to the city, keeping a wary eye on the Hoarrans as they form a wall of armor to give the Senators some protection from any attacks._
// a map is on the way. Pending approval.
_General Theaon issues more orders to the archers
"Concentrate on the fake Defender mages first! Don't let them get their spells off!"
He casts a flame strike spell on a group of fake Defender soldiers, then looks back to his troops
"The Hoarans don't seem to interested in accepting our help by entering our grounds. If that is the case make sure these fake Defenders don't follow them south on the path."_
_Jonathan and the three guards turn towards the sudden press of magic and steel, overwhelmed by the push of the heavily armored soldiers they are physically shoved back towards the flames. As Marty rolls away and then dispells the grease, there is an almost calm moment… then one of the guards fall, grasping towards his throat. Another soon after, and the loss of their shields and the sheer press of the Defenders coming forward, Jonathan spins spearing through a Defenders visor, but down to one guard and only lightly armored, first one blade slips by the stave of his spear, then another. Openly bleeding the last guard shoves him south towards the main line and then rushes the new Defenders, but there are too many. Jonathan slips, turning and backpedaling as they close in, before disappearing from sight in sheer numbers, impossible to tell whether he has fallen, lives or dies.
The Hoarran main line abandon their slow movement forward, charging the newly arrived men, the mages in line no longer tossing spells, but instead focusing on the green robed mages, countering everything they possibly can, arrows from the Hoarrans begin clanging off their armor, the light infantry drawing in close to where Jonathan was last seen, and then a voice echoes across the sounds of battle._
_Flames erupt from where Jonathan was seen last, the Defenders, starting from the center and spreading out catching fire, as they frantically pull at their armor, it already beginning to grow red hot. Then a blast of sound sends them tumbling back, the charging Hoarrans not being spared as they to get knocked back and flat onto their backs. Standing over a bloodied and fallen Jonathan in the center of this stands Vaxin, glowing in magical protections, a wand in his hand.
The first Defender that tries to rush him, he utters a phrase and motions to them watching them just collapse, another motion and a wall of fire erupts between him and the charging Defenders. Not seeming to care about friend or foe, he steps up to the wall of flame where many of those charging have drawn up short to keep from burning and his hands held wide towards them and what almost appears as a simple color spray spell comes forth over those grouped… except many of those in range of the colors, drop dead. Others turn against their comrades, some turning bloodied in moments, the wand raises and a massive fireball comes from it, dropping beyond those who were afflicted by the spray spell, and incinerating a large group. Another motion and one of the green robed mages fall, and this time a different wand is out that he holds for a moment, cold calculating eyes judging.... but the charge from the Defenders has broken around him. He turns away dropping one last spell of Evard's for the ground behind him. He steps to Jonathan as the Hoarrans and those beyond the wall of flame are just starting to struggle to their feet, placing one hand on him they both disappear from sight._
Joining General Thorn and the legion archers, Ael'Que sees the attack from the north, shouting to the Hoarrans
"Fall back this way, to the Tower grounds! We can hold them there!"
He then joins the Hoarran line against the remnants of the attackers, slicing down any who try to get to the Hoarran defenders or Jonathon. He stays with the line even if they continue to try to go north.