In the Temple of Lathander - Shadow War

  • _"Right then, if the Legion's going for the barrows..

    Norwick Crypts. Who's coming?"_

  • On another day.

    The Shadovar have recovered an artifact. Treachery is a possibility.

  • _To Ael, Rico speaks "You can count on me."

    Then he turns to face the others.

    "We've just faced a Shade Warrior of enormous power. With magic on par with Ronan, but a fierce warrior in addition, Troff failed even make him bleed. He said they're return Val when we turn over the five artifacts they're searching for.

    Now we all know we cannot do that. Val wouldn't want us to. I will aid all and spend my own life if it means her rescue, but if we die, it'll be on our terms. But we cannot doom the world to save one, even our dearest friend.

    The Shade Warrior said she is in the domain of Furlinstasis, the Shadow Dragon we've heard of before, on the plane of Shadows. Mike, foolishly, brought us this information. For that we must show our gratitude, but do not let this influence the rest of you.

    Evil uses reason and our own hearts as a cruel tool to manipulate us. It is when it is honest that is most dangerous. Trust your heart and your strength, not the poisoned honey that drips from their tongues. We know not if the Shade told the truth. We did not know if he would even stick to the bargain. No secret is worth your own life. It is the most precious thing you have. Give it to your friends, your families, your cities, your loves. Never give it to your enemy. He does not deserve it._"

    rallies the troops
    //Charisma 24 | Take 10 = 17
    //Persuade +13 | Take 10 = 23

  • (Ael'Que enters the temple)

    The Legion is organizing am attempt on the Peltarch Barrows. We will need the Defenders to hold the area while we go in and attempt to not only find and retrieve Val, but also to close that rift. Once all five are closed, the Shadovar will have lost. This is the group so far;


    I will add more as soon as I can. I think we should keep it relatively small, say no more then eight. And they use traps there, so we will need a good trapper. They also have a beast like a big glowing bird that makes a sound that stuns you. So mind protections and ultravision is almost mandatory.

    And we need Lycka. She will be able to divine where they took Val and also to find the rift or weak spot in the planes. I think she would be the best for this. If needed though, perhaps Aramuil could help us.
    One last thing, while we are there keep an eye out for more globes. We will need them at the other four places. And they seem to be scattered around there.

    And understand, I am not here to argue with you. If you do not think what I am doing will work, then do not go along. I am here as a courtesy to let you know we will do this. Thankfully Senator Mariston has agreed to offer us his full support.

    // We are looking to do this Sunday afternoon the 12th about 4pm Central US time. Anyone wants to go PM me so I can add you to the list.

  • //friday, saturday at any hour. Sunday evening, but not tooo late. I want to hit the bed at 11.59pm

  • Are we certain Cedric is dead?

  • ((sunday euro afternoon works best for me.))

  • Since these Oscurans are heavily implicated in the murder of squire Cedric we must assume all of that city are our foes in this matter.

    We need organise and move forward with our plans, I suggest interested parties gather here at the temple again and be ready to move out on that same day.

    //aim for the weekend?

  • Hammer repots that he and Sol raided a group of shadows in the pass and made off with three more shadow stones.

  • Perhaps a kind priest sympathetic to our cause and stock of spell crystals could help. I've two right here.

  • In turn I suggest that we listen well to what Lycka has said. At a minimum, with everyone intending to travel to the shadow plane obtaining a stock of the Wight Guards… from Adventure Mart? My recall is uncertain.

  • Helena speaks out:

    "I would suggest that we stop talking, and go check out these places. The Oscurans are working with the shadovar, I would believe, and the more time we spend talking the more they get ahead of us. If these places hold nothing, we can scratch them off our list. This talk has gone in circles for four days now - each day we could've checked out at least one of the places. I suggest Fadia be placed as leader, and take us to each of the places theorized to have artifact as soon as possible. Action, people, action. The shadows don't stay still and wait our chat to be done."

  • "A note of caution - my research suggests that places like graveyards, sites of battle and areas of potent necromancy on this plane, often corresponds to so called darklands on the plane of Shadow. These are areas of extreme darkness - bleak, and filled with negative energy. Entering the darklands is generally NOT a good idea.. but as magic works almost normally on the plane of shadow, it's possible to shield against these effects with magic items or spells. Protection against negative energy would be highly recommended if one was to transition to the plane of shadow from a place like the barrows."

  • I am still hoping to hear the logic behind its being those five places. And not, for example, the Jiyyd catacombs. Perhaps you could present the research and the reasoning leading to these conclusions.

  • "So, if we would use these orbs in the barrows, would it take us to the place they took Val, or would it drop us somewhere randomly on the plane?"

  • That is far from informative.

  • @0fb2b873fc=Fraoch:

    Well, why was she taken and what are they after?

    They took her because she figured all this out! Because she's th' best 'f us. And there greatest threat.

    I don't know what there ritual is, but if we kin close off these 5 places ot them then they'll never git a chance 't go through with it.

  • Troff, a few orbs were found recently, if Ama'beal hasn't given them to you yet, you should go speak with her. I saw least two and heard of more but had to leave.

  • Well, why was she taken and what are they after?

  • @1f6fc768d8=Fraoch:


    Senator Mariston, I have come into information that is vital. I know why Val was taken, and I am almost positive what the shadovar are after.

    These things the person knows, however:

    No mention of why she was taken.
    No mention of what they are after.

    And no name. Very likely a trap.

    Either that, or a case of pointing us where wanted, without knowing why. Having been used like that before? I have no wish to be again so foolish.

    This was information discovered by going over Val's research.

    Mariston, 'm we should git our group t'gether 't th' barrows 's soon 's we are able. Caelisar says he kin git us across 't th' shadow relm, then we kin use orbs 't git back. But we need mages 't help us make sense 'f shit when we're on th' other side.

    I know Ronan will help, who from th' divine shield will go? 'n we only have so many orbs.