In the Temple of Lathander - Shadow War

  • _Hammer nods in agreement.
    "We should focus on accomplishing one of the two. Either way we wouldn't fully know what we'd be dealing with, but with the shadow dragon we'd at least know we're dealing with a shadow dragon, even though that'll be a pretty tough thing.

    That rift could really be anything, and lead anywhere. It might be just another deception, and a big one. Even if it leads to this old city, how exactly are we going to destroy it in a way that the Shadovar won't just repair it?"_

  • Yngdír considers what the others have said, but once again tries to reason with Rico and Sol'.

    "_I would recomend full strength for either endeavor. Facing a shadow dragon and possible, if not probable loyal minions will not be an easy task. Neither will it be an easy taskto infiltrate a likely Shadovar foothold thats already too close for comfort. I would advise caution if you choose to proceed against the dragon; and consider why the Shadovar have not already gone there. They can beat you. But can they beat the dragon? An interesting consideration as it is something they have so far avoided.

    No. If this new foothold is in fact the Shadovar's lost city then a full attack upon it with the intent to destroy will wholly ruin any plan that our enemy hopes to use against us. They may not give up, but their quest will ultimately be lost - the war may drag out - but they will have lost their greatest weapon. Destroy one or the other and you have won. There should be no need to divide our forces and attack both targets._"

  • Yngdir, We know the shadovar are seeking the five artifacts and that they ultimately need them all for the ritual they are planning, I'm sure others can fill in more details in this regard. But ultimately, our best shot at stopping them is to aquire and destroy one of the artifacts…. I've lost track now of how many have been lost to the shadovar, does anyone know if an artifact remains undiscovered beyond that wich the dragon holds?

    Soliel looks around for an answer.

  • Rico, the underdark cannot be scouted in the common meaning of the word. In the darkness, many are the things which have evolved senses to detect things other than by sight alone.

  • _"Why does this come up every time? I'm talking about sending two scouts. Two. To two different places. Right now. If all goes well, they're back in time for afternoon tea. Urgency we have, but I see no one with anything more productive to say and I would not risk lives on a matter where fighting our way past Quaggoths is the easy part without knowing exactly what they are walking into first."

    "As for the Dragon, the enemy of my enemy is still a great big manifestation of evil incarnate. Any price for an alliance with such a beast is one we cannot afford. The Shadovar are not so bound by right as we our. Through friendship, fealty, or force, they'll get what they want from Furlinastis. Our only option is to destroy the artifact first._"

    He speaks to the others about who would be willing to go have a quick peek. Stubbornness being in his nature, if he finds none he'll march right out and pay a fisherman for his rowboat.

  • Yngdír offers his thoughs.

    "Are we so comfortable as to send reconnaissance anywhere? The important task is to find out what the Shadovar are doing and stop them with ugency. I was told the dragon is no ally to our enemy, and for now should be noted with little consequence."

  • //Finale will be on Friday the 14th start time to be determined, but likely around 6pm eastern standard time.

  • Then we need two reconnaissance expeditions. One to the Arnath, one out onto the Icelace. One to find the rift to the dragon's realm, and the other to discover what is going on on the lake.

  • _"It would explain why this lost city hasn't been found before, if it's on the bottom of the Icelace. But without the artifact complete, what could they accomplish with this?

    It could also be a huge portal for them to send a fleet trough. Maybe they've decided that destroying us works just as well as trying to steal the artifacts back."_

  • Lycka nods agreement and relays the rumours of strange storms and shadows from the northern Icelace shores, noting a possible likeness to the storm formerly raging over the ruins of Jiyyd.

    "Given how quiet it's been here of late, this rumour might suggest our foe has moved north. The Glacier hides much of ancient civilization, some of which might have been unearthed again after the um.. heatwave following certain war-related events. Perhaps our fallen city lies north? In any case, I think it merits investigating."

  • Priest Janick

    Perhaps soon we can rally a force to discuss the next steps in our battle against the shadovar?

  • Val nods and either motions for Fadia to speak, or lets her pull her aside, if that's what she's looking for.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Before we begin, Val, I need to talk to you about Furlinastis.

  • Troff Legion is one of those entering with Val. It seems hes finally back amongst the living.

  • A smiling Val arrives in the Temple of Lathander with a new sword in her scabbard, and some friends in tow. Seems her trip went well. She takes out some paper and writes a note for all to read.


    We successfully recovered the sword, I can sing again. Speaking is still beyond me and it is likely that I will never speak again, but I can now cast my spells and aid you all in the fight to come.

    I have a plan for what is to come… a dangerous plan, but one that I believe is the best option for the future and safety of the realm. I will speak with Rith and some others that I wish to hear the advice of, then I will share it with those who are to be involved.

  • Priest Janick

    I think it a blessing that Val has been returned safely and aiding her in the retrieval of this sword seems a logical step to take, I am told that a great deal of heroics went into her rescue and the disruption of yet another foul ritual. Those who fought valiantly in this should hold their heads high and be proud, as should all who have battled the darkness thus far should feel no doubts or question the importance of their work and sacrifices, for you battle a great evil, one that plagues not only our portion of the world, but many other realms are also infected. Our work here is proof that the forces of light can and will perservere and that the Dawn will always rise from the night.

  • Troff's shadow orbs slipped to me when he passed, but that's still not enough to take even a small group. We'll need Val to take us there. And for that we need her sword.

    In the meantime, I suggest the rest prepare and and stay vigilant.

  • I think the next step would be to find that swowrd Val Kywre is talking about? I feel still weak and unable to focus pwropewrtly due the wrecent happenings, but I hope by the time we know whewre to go i'll be wready.

  • "Alright. So what's the next step? Finding this shadow dragon and taking the artifact from it, then destroying it?"