Vault Restore Request
1. Old username: Selfmast
2. Characters' names: Max Smith, Jalen Brent, Mihail Graschitsky and Borgor Granbar (If there are other characters, then them too, please)
3. Last time played: 2016
4. My new username is Janpula.
restores plz
gsid: (lol)
id: Voided76Done
restores plz
gsid: (lol)
id: Voided76
I'd like to get my characters restored please:
User name: LifeLikeSage
Characters: Jorg Sigerthen , Unia ThielleFull vault restored.
I'd like to get my characters restored please:
User name: LifeLikeSage
Characters: Jorg Sigerthen , Unia Thielle
Hey if I could get my characters restored as well please. Thanks
Login: Holy_Ronin
Characters: Rathuil Pei'ren, ThruliaDone.
Hey if I could get my characters restored as well please. Thanks
Login: Holy_Ronin
Characters: Rathuil Pei'ren, Thrulia
PC restore request
Player Character: Thorin Goldenaxe
Last played: Around January 2012 (hopefully)
Restored, but your login was "–preacher--" - not as listed above.
PC restore request
Player Character: Thorin Goldenaxe
Last played: Around January 2012 (hopefully)
I'd like to request the following characters restored to my current vault
Current Login: Dhund
Login: Dhund
Character: Argent EarthbornLogin: Mejare
Characters: Merin Wyerspell, Vine Spellsong,
Annyri Oakstar-Spellsong, ZaleLast played: 2012, not sure when the vaulting/deletion happened though
Done and done with a few bonus PCs (basically your entire Mejare vault is back).
I'd like to request the following characters restored to my current vault
Current Login: Dhund
Login: Dhund
Character: Argent EarthbornLogin: Mejare
Characters: Merin Wyerspell, Vine Spellsong,
Annyri Oakstar-Spellsong, ZaleLast played: 2012, not sure when the vaulting/deletion happened though
Vault Cleanup request for CryingChild account login
I need the following deleted:
Simo Steel Level 4
Nelalolad Cend Level 2
Vick Blake Level 7 - Do not confuse this with Vick Blake level 12
The second Vick Blake resulted form an old demon event and a death and with DM help we rebuilt my character, but the old one lingers, this was many years ago.
1. Your NWN Login: Rei_Jin (it was beng4eva, I think?)
2. The Character's Name: Val Kyrie
3. Time Last Played: 2013, I believe? Maybe 2012
Vault cleanup request
Login: metagodX
Characters to **KEEPAurelia'
Chaevre 'Vaelen
Esra Paraj
Sarantha Colle
Scott GrimmThe rest please delete**
If I could get my two old characters back I'd appreciate.
Login: IFC
Chars: Mike Bin and Fafir Ganeer
Last Played: 2015/2016 maybe, not sure.Thanks in advance.
You are the man, Dora. Thank you very much!
Your spelling is off on your account and there are multiple characters named "Danny" in the other… please specify.
If I could get my two old characters back I'd appreciate.
Login: IFC
Chars: Mike Bin and Fafir Ganeer
Last Played: 2015/2016 maybe, not sure.Thanks in advance.
If I could get my two old characters back I'd appreciate.
Login: IFC
Chars: Mike Bin and Fafir Ganeer
Last Played: 2015/2016 maybe, not sure.Thanks in advance.
Everything is restored to the requested account except for Dominick. Did you play him a longer time ago than the others?
Maybe? I wouldn't be shocked if the build and login information I saved was for that was a -planned- character I didn't actually end up creating, though. Hard to remember what I did on Narfell with that one, as I definitely played a character by that name on another server.
Either way, I'm good with just starting over with that one.
Thank you, again, for the help.