Vault Restore Request
login: Aeolderr
Character: Terren Asen
Last played: 2012? It's…been awhile, lol.Was poking about the other night and would love to be able to jump on again from time to time!
My brother Aghila wants his characters restored.I'm unsure as to when he played last… I think it was 3 years ago.
Account name should be Aghila or Aghila Than'hys... X.x
Ozzy here I have given it some thought and I'm going to build my character back from ground up it gives me a chance to do things that narf did not have back in day (crafting ect. Love what's been done) and relearn this version of the greatest role playing game.
All my old toons (think I had three) were all 6th level anyway cause I had just gotten my c token And my computer crashed, and by the time I got another one nwn wasn't supported by my os and I'm not the smartest computer guy so I thought narf was gone to me forever. Now that it's not and I'm back I'm really enjoying it again just miss some old friends ( god bless sean who played Karen Hightower I just read his thread and learned he has passed on) but have made new ones and meet some from the past and narf is better than ever because who is left are some fine role players and I'm happy to rejoin you all.
login: ozzy71
Characters names:Ozborn
Quill longfeather
ZordlonPlayed around the year 2003/2004
Sad to say, but we do not have vault backups dating back that far…
login: ozzy71
Characters names:Ozborn
Quill longfeather
ZordlonPlayed around the year 2003/2004
1. Login: Darkpowder (i think) or it might have
hello again Dark.
1. Login: Darkpowder
2. Characters to restore:
Barrim Asbravn
Albor Bennard
Vertus Dahl
Senathe Milarr
Quoros Imytheren(yeah ok, just restore all of em
- so any more you find from that account stick them in too
3. Time Last Played
Last login to forums before now was - Dec 26, 2008 11:33 am - so that's about the date you are after.
Huge apologies for the amount of time that took.
I'm hoping there is still a copy of Anna Sigerlson and Arien Ashald hanging around the vault.
My account name was arden_chasemoradin
Last played…around 2006
lol thank you very much Dorakhan, MC!
Most grateful
Garrow and Lydda restored to "Dr_Benway" as well as about a billion other characters.
Haven't been able to locate Captain_Clam yet.
Hi there,
I was wondering if you could take a look at these characters and see if it could be possible to restore them to my accounts. Sorry that the info is a bit garbled, its been ages…
My nwn account names are:
Captain_ClamThe character's I'd like to ask you to recover would be:
Lydda Blackhand, Mook and Garrow from the Benway account
Brogahn and Paris from the Clam account
I have posts in this forum on August 2007, so I guess that would be around the last time I played them.
I am aware its probably quite time-consuming to retrieve, and I understand that the info I'm giving you is far from exact... So apologies in advance
Trying to get the gimpster138 account restored.
Also the busbycat account restored; my friend & I just re-installed. Thankya!
Sorry for the wait, got them restored.
Had some questions about yours gimster, I'll PM ya.
Trying to get the gimpster138 account restored.
Also the busbycat account restored; my friend & I just re-installed. Thankya!
Account restored. Found in 2012-2-4 back up.
Please let me know if this has all the characters you were looking for.
Looks good, thanks much!
Account: Chrystoph
Characters: Theodopholus Silverleaf, Ono Ryuken, Zephyr Lightfoot
This may or may not be possible, as it has been almost 2 years since I last played.
Is it too far gone to ask again?
Account restored. Found in 2012-2-4 back up.
Please let me know if this has all the characters you were looking for.
Account: Chrystoph
Characters: Theodopholus Silverleaf, Ono Ryuken, Zephyr Lightfoot
This may or may not be possible, as it has been almost 2 years since I last played.
Is it too far gone to ask again?
I'll take a look and see what I can find tonight
Account: Chrystoph
Characters: Theodopholus Silverleaf, Ono Ryuken, Zephyr Lightfoot
This may or may not be possible, as it has been almost 2 years since I last played.
Is it too far gone to ask again?
Not entirely certain when he got deleted but I'd like Hirst the Pain Bearer restored to me. It should be from a year or more ago. He was a lvl5-6 Palladin.