Searching for a local Temple of Helm

  • If anyone has been there when the temple was sealed or know someone who can tell what happened there and who sealed the door i'll be very grateful of hearing

  • ::Mariston smiles::
    Not thee old chap, our rather excitable legionnaire there ::nods to Benji::

  • // i have a poor English, i'm from Brazil so if something that i wrote was misuderstanding sorry.

    I wan't to became a Helmite so never wanted to destroy nothing

  • Not wanting do destroy nothing i just want to see where the temple stays and maybe see if can be reopened so people have a place to pray for Helm.

  • ::Mariston listens to the back and forth as he stands in the commons, as of the does. At the mention of kegging a Temple is raised the oddly young looking senator raises a hand, and shakes a finger::

    Any attack on the Temple will be seen as an attack on the Order and the memory of the Knights interred there. If a Temple hath been sealed by it’s god, rather than seeking the ire of said god, one would suggest the near radical, it would seem radical from this conversation, idea of actually seeking to commune with said god.

  • It will be vert nice go there and see the situation of the place, let see if we can gather more pepople to come

  • The hurdy-gurdy dwarf known as Stubs overhears "keg" and "blowing stuff up" and "demons and devils" and comes running up to the group

    Oooooi! If'n it be ter demon smackin un keg blastin den yer gunna need sum firepowah! Ol' Stubs 'ere be teh un teh talk teh. Bwahahaha! Stubs'n Telli'll give em a Kerpow! un a SPLAT! does ridiculous crushing and smashing motions Yuh! Jus' like dat! So, yous lets Stubs know!
    with that the dwarf downs a pint of ale and promptly heads back to the tavern to refill it

    ((An ooc note, I'd like to thank everyone, as this is my 1000th post! 😛
    I am officially a lifeless narfeller now…..)) 😄

  • Legion

    Benji stops as he passes, obviously overhearing the conversation

    Can't be opened? Obviously nobody has tried a keg yet! And even IF the door is too string, why not just blow a hole in one of the walls?

    Tell you what Mister. You go buy a keg or two then you and me can head out there and see what kind of door we can make in the place. Send word for me at the Legion Hall. I'm Sergeant Benji.

    //There's currently no in-game way to enter the building, in fact I'm not sure there's even a map behind the magically locked door any more. We'd have to bug a DM about a little mini event like this.

  • //I assumed it was

  • Legion

    //Is this an IC convo because Benji could butt in if it is…

  • To my knowledge none of attempted

  • So even if i kill de demons e devils i can't enter the temple, is that it?

  • There is a temple of Helm within the ruins of Jiyyd, it is currently surrounded by demons and devils and the gates to the Temple are magically locked