The Trial of Arlinn

  • _Notices around the cities and town criers declare that the trial of the blood traitor Arlinn will be held soon by the Red Falcons.

    It is declared to be a public trial, to be an example of the just law in Oscura, as well as the harsh punishment of those whom betray Oscura.

    The trial will be under heavy guard, troublemakers are unwelcome._

    //I'm thinking 2 PM Thursday Australian Eastern Standard Time for this, which would be 2 AM GMT. Can everyone interested in this make that time? (Arlinn, Oscura PCs, Arlinn's friends, people who enjoy the law)

  • _The trial was completed. The city found Arlinn guilty, but dealt her a rather lenient sentencing.

    She was sentenced with three days of purging, where after she will be branded with the mark of a Bloodtraitor to Oscura. She shall then have her left eye plucked from her skull, and be banned from Oscura for life, punishable by death._

    //Correct me if I got it wrong.//

  • //Half an hour away folks.

  • //Really? Raul told me otherwise, and he is just +1 GMT.

    Bleh this is so confusing, the trial is in an hour and 50 minutes, everyone can understand that 😛

  • // That makes it 2am GMT MOB, not 4am…

  • //2 hours from now until the trial is held. Come one, come all!

  • Legion

    //cant make it. REALLY wanted to be there. 😞

  • //Sorry for the time mix up, this is actually 4 AM GMT, not 2 AM GMT. It's still the same time, I just screwed up my conversion.

  • //It's in the Meeting Hall, yep. Outsiders will be escorted in, if anyone is curious.

  • //Might we know the location of this Trial? Is it going to be held in the meeting hall in the undercity or what?

    I'm in EST time zone, and I don't have class until 2pm on Thursday, so I have no problems logging in by midnight and being online for quite awhile.//

  • Official notices are posted around the city for the lead up of the trial.

    Any attempts to break Arlinn out of prison or to disrupt her trial by outside forces will be treated as an automatic confession to guilt, and the bloodtraitor will receive the highest punishment possible. Any who seek to do these things will promptly be killed themselves.

    • Alexander Redfalcon

    These new notices are accompanied with a huge surge in guard presence in the city.

  • Ever since her capture Belma'r has been very woried and almost constantly lot in though. Now it seem his poor mind has snapped because he spends all his free time -reading- in the Spelweaver library. Absolutely unheard of behavior.

  • I'll try to be on at about 10pm est, I think this be fun to see, I'm in the middle of mid-term season so I'll do my best.

    -Marshal, Guardian of the Keep of the Fallen

  • // I might have to take my laptop on campus and log onto to Narf to be there for this.

  • //Erm, I thought that 2 am GMT is the same as -6 hours for Eastern. I could be wrong though. I used a time conversion table so, who knows.

  • ICC

    ((Oh, nevermind then. Too late for me. Thought Senria was 3 hours ahead of me. Can't make that.))

  • Thursday, 2pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (Queensland) is midnight on Wednesday, US Eastern. US Central would be 11pm, Pacific would be 9pm. That's 5am in the UK.

    I'm us US Eastern. Since I have to work on Thurday, I'll have to pass.

  • //if thats 11 eastern I'll be there

  • //Sooo… daylight savings makes that an hour later for me? 3pm?

    If so, I'll be there.

  • ICC

    ((7pm Wednesday night for me I think. I'll be there for an hour and a half or so))

  • ((I can make it))