An Evil Revival
If you are planning to create an evil PC or have recently created one I'm not yet aware of please PM me!
Also look at the last post here
If you want to create a character with virtually no limits ;), as the nobility themselves have some restrictions.
I recommend seeking out MOB for any evil characters you want to set up due to this post is putting a lot of work into making Oscura a fun and interesting place to be and to be evil, from what I've seen so far it has been a blast.
I've actually been thinking of making a cleric of Malar… but can't bring myself to take time away from Caelian. :oops:
I have an evil PC but he's just a sidekick. Somebody roll up a REALLY evil powerful guy and I'll be your sidekick.
So is this offer still up for the takin'? :twisted:
Currently I'm sure his owner would be willing to put him out on loan to you
Ok, so everyone make a half orc and join the clan!
Weak and inferior ones; dont bother. (generally weak or females) :lol:
I have an evil PC but he's just a sidekick. Somebody roll up a REALLY evil powerful guy and I'll be your sidekick.
So is this offer still up for the takin'? :twisted:
Ahh evil, oh the wonderful times.
Almost makes me wish I never retired mine. . almost.
I suggest everyone interested should join the #Narfell_Oscura channel in IRC.
As a heads up for DM interaction, I can run plenty of things for evil PCs, and I will, but I only can if you log in and play. Also, you don't need a DM all the time as evil PCs, there is plenty of stuff you can do.
I'm not saying he's evil…but Kence will offer you new evil folks help if you ask him nicely. Perhaps a safe guild to chill in, too. Seek him out IG if you want to judge for yourself. Then MOB can give us fun. =P
Sure would like playing an evil Charcter though not alone…
One of the things I learnt about playing evil on Narfell - having friends is all the more important. And that doesn't mean evil friends - in fact, knowing evil, your character probably knows the lack of value of a truly evil friend
So, yeah, what Wolfhere said: Entertain even your character's enemies, make sure your character at least pretends to have friends, or you will be very, very lonely.
My Banite, for example, who wanted nothing more than to command about others, always kept in mind, that in order for him to be able to command troops, he would first need to show them how orders are followed. On the other hand, my Beshaban - well - she was an up in your face zealot.
She was mostly lonely, though.
I have one follower of Mask lurking in the server that I play regularly. So, if anyone is willing to throw in other followers of this dead god that is still expected to return someday (or already has one), I'd be more than eager to get bit of secretive underground "business" going on in that frontal as well. Of course the secrecy of followers is one thing that makes it difficulty getting us together in first place, but with bit of innovation and arranging I have no doubts it couldn't be done. Maybe even some DM might have interest in bringing the followers of the area together (hint,hint,hint)? ;).
I myself play mostly euro evenings (6gmt - 10gmt mostly). But yes, if you're interested and the schedule seems to match at some level, throw me a PM and let's figure something out.
I have an evil PC but he's just a sidekick. Somebody roll up a REALLY evil powerful guy and I'll be your sidekick.
If you can't find anyone to roll up a character for your sidekick I'll see about making one.
Perhaps an evil gnome sorceror called Luto Darkswell?
I have an evil PC but he's just a sidekick. Somebody roll up a REALLY evil powerful guy and I'll be your sidekick.
Healing and such would be a lot easier if there were more evils around, hence the thread
As for the ICC, as much as I love them, we can't let a bunch of stinky half-orcs have the monopoly!
Ok, so everyone make a half orc and join the clan!
There's plenty of evil on the server at the moment, just look at the Iron Chain Clan.
Now there's an evil group devoted to an evil god, and yet they have a lot of fun together, are able to find employment, and generally are heading where they want to go.
I agree that a lot of the old evils are gone, and that things could be spiced up by some more nasty PCs running around… even a lot of the old longer running evil organisations and individuals seem to have given up on evil in order to not be so lonely.
So remember, when you play evil, even when you play in a group situation that you WILL get lonely more than when you play a neutral or good character. It's often more important to be self sufficient and to not expect to be able to play with the support of a group at all times.
Healing may be difficult to get except from NPCs, and getting raised can be tricky as well.
Sure would like playing an evil Charcter though not alone…so if you have ideas of making an evil group send me tel i'll be delighted to look into it. :twisted: