The Plague!

  • Quara seems to spend a lot of time with those who have to wait for treatment. A warm smile never seeming to leave her face, she makes an effort to distract those waiting by listening to their troubles, showing around paintings of meager quality and providing the odd toy for children that have to wait - more often than not tiny, crudely carved wooden cats. On occasion, she even seems to cure the odd person of the plague.

  • Catching the rumour, Senator Petrarch seems quite surprised. "Just who are these "all the city's authorities"?

  • Shade's anger steadily increases as more and more infected refugees find their way into the city. Her frustration stems from all the city’s authorities telling her to butt out when she suggested an eastern roadblock to prevent this situation from getting worse. She tries to meet with the Children of Hoar to see if they can be persuaded to assist and what they may want in return.

  • Senator Calen Ashwynd is seen helping in the docks and surrounding areas providing fresh cooked food and bandages, as well as blankets and clean clothes. Also he is seen, without fear, tending to the most ill, helping feed them and assure they are warm and safe from the superstitious.

  • ::The number of diseased coming from the east increases, and occasionally there's small outbreak within the city. People have to wait for their turn to receive treatment::

  • General Ash and General Neverith have set up Guard/Archangel posts on the road leading to the Docks District, advising people entering to cover their faces, and checking those exiting for symptoms, and within the Docks empty warehouses have been leased to Lieutenant Rose and the Archangels so that anybody who thinks they may have plague or know somebody who has may present themselves or bring their loved ones for aid. For the most part business continues as normal thus far in the Docks, aside from these changes.

  • A few cases are rooted out at the soup kitchen and they are taken away for treatment. Shade tries to calm them as they go telling them it will be ok. She is sure to mention often to those passing through not to be scared and to report any signs of sickness right away because we can help them. She begs the people not to give into fear or aggression and hugs those that were sick and return from being treated, making sure people see she is not afraid of them. Finally, Shade reminds them that in all things…

    Selûne will watch over them if they look to Her for guidance and…

    Hope is our greatest weapon!

  • Senator Adrian Petrarch also takes some time to visit the sick. Though by the grace of his god he has little to fear from the disease, he doesn't seem able to cure it as most other paladins seem able to. Instead, he offers kind words, drinks of water and aid in the comfort of those ill.

  • _Victims of the plague are few so far, combined effort of Archangels, Temple of the Triad, Divine Shield, and other healers seem to be enough to aid them. (So far there have been four deaths to the Black Death in the city).

    There are horrible tales however of men turning against men in face of crisis, killing and burning the victims. Loved ones separate, old friendships are lost.

    It is also rumoured that more plague victims will come from the east soon, and this will be the true test for the city's healers and their resolve_

  • The youngest squire of the divineshield is seen amongst others removing diseases from the sicks.She barely talks when forced to,keeping from coments as she tends to the sicks.

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    A bald man in red and black armor with runes squirming over his face takes occasional walks towards the medical stations, occasionally offering a potion here and there to those in the early stages. If he is approached by someone with an advanced case, he simply turns on his heel and walks away.

  • Walking away from the local apple cart with his red macintosh playfully being thrown in the air Boris looks up to the tall announcement board. Catching the apple once more he opens his maw to take a bite but stops . . . reading the announcement of the "plague" he freezes his face and his hand. His mouth salivates with the promise of the apple merely inches away as he turns to look at the man he had just purchased it from.

    Strolling down the dirt road the man coughs violently upon the apples infront of him before continueing with is route.

    Boris's eyes widen in horror as he looks at his apple and then to the man, to the apple, and again to the man. With his mouth still a'gap and horror painted upon his face he drops the apple and closes his mouth, placing a gauntlet over his nose and mouth he tippy toes from the city as if the plague were attracted to loud noises.

    Beyond the walls he finds a stream and starts a fire, pulling forth a stein and steel pot he fills it with water and waits for it to boil. Herbs are dropped into the stein along with the boiled water giving off an arouma of tea. After finishing his stein he puts out the fire, brings the cooled water with him back to peltarch and to the woman he saw previously, using a wooden bowl to quench her parched and cracked lips.

  • Nor Dolvak can be seen walking the less attractive areas of the city with a cart trailed behind him. In the cart are a wobbly stack of rat-traps and many different colored and shaped bottles with either skulls or XXX printed on the sides.

    He is also updating a map that (if asked) details where the known rat-nests are in the city, sources of known food, neglected areas, etc.

    Orders are to start takin out as many rats as we can… Hope them guards can use this map to show em where the major nests are... wouldnt want to be in their shoes when they go in nest-bustin!

  • ICC

    A blonde man in halfplate can be seen often near the tent city offering to help wherever he can.

    Some may know him by the name Siegurd, he asks people to come see him even for the smallest wounds they might have and cleans them with clear high concentrated alcohol before bandaging them. He asks the other helping folks to just send him word if they need help in a specific task.

  • _*The halforc/elf known to most as Wog is seen wandering around the city in gold robes visiting the plague victims occasionly joined by other representitives of Kelemvor.

    He is often seen helping aid the victims with balms or evan with the worst cases explaining that death is not the end and they should not fear death. Although this bleak aspect is told iwth a smile and only to the worst cases of those who are on their way out, obvisoly supposed to be comforting, some accept these words others try giving the plague to him._

  • The Knights of the Divine shield are seen offering alms to those that require, ever ready to aid. Above their makeshift stations flutter resplendently in the breeze the banners of Torm, Tyr, Ilmater, Lathander, Helm, The Red Knight, Mystra and Kelemvor. The alliance of followers that is the Order showing unity and kindness throughout their endevours.

  • Telli waddles the streets of Peltarch blessing people with negative energy protection, cure disease, restoration, full healing, and greater restoration in the name of Chauntea in her persuit to find Diet to hear more about this recent epidemic.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    If Telli asks Dietrick ever, he would say he has some clues on it.

  • Telli asks around trying to find a relyable source to point her in the right direction to offer her aid to rid this problem from the source.