Soup Kitchen Progress

  • Thirteenth Official Food Drive
    Date: Marpenoth, 4th Ride



    2 Tendays worth of soup

    100 pounds of Meat & Fish
    60 Quarts of Pease
    ((Have 3 months store of Pease and half a year's worth of Rice))

  • Twelth Official Food Drive
    Date: Marpenoth



    2 Tendays worth of soup

    100 pounds of Meat & Fish
    60 Quarts of Pease
    ((Still have a few weeks store of Pease and more then half a year's worth of Rice))

    The children frown and the gnomes cheer as many days of turnup flavored dishes are served up at the soup kitchen.

  • Eleventh Official Food Drive
    Date: Eleint, 6th day of Second Ride



    1 Tenday worth of soup
    6 Loaves of Bread

    50 pounds of Meat & Fish
    6 lbs. of Flour
    ((Still have a store of Pease and Rice))

  • Silmiel is seen in and out of the district many times a day…some times to tend to the sick some times bringing roasted meats some times going to the craftshall.

  • The Selunite priestess Nyda spends some time every day or two tending to the injured and ill amongst those there, her presence advertised by the marvellous smell of baked pastries and cakes.

  • The Cauldron is rolled out of the orphanage to the new stall. The servering tables are set up and the boxes containing the bowls and cultery brought out. A food chest is set out for donations. There still are no facilities for people to sit in peace and eat but Sister Shade assures the people that they are working on that as fast as possible.

    Whatever is left of the day's soup is brought over to the warehouses that have been reserved for the plague victims.

    Alicia the bard comes by on occasion to entertain people while they wait in line and keep people's hopes up.

  • Tenth Official Food Drive
    Date: Eleasis, 1st day of Third Ride



    1 Tenday worth of soup
    16 Loaves of Bread

    50 pounds of Meat & Fish
    40 quarts of pease [[garlic]] (A Turn of the moon's worth)
    16 lbs. of Flour

  • Shade's days at the Orphanage/ Makeshift Soup Kitchen

    As more and more people flock to the the soup kitchen Shade walks around and gets to know the frequent visitiors. She asks those that seem like decent people what else can be done to make their lives better, looking for suggestions. She asks some if they have enough to pay their taxes so they are not evicted and starts with the people who come in with their children. Often she mentions Selûne's dogma, that the Moon Goddess wants people to be self-sufficient, so she enquires what they need to make that possible.

    If they are looking for work she points them to a wall by the door where she has set up a variety of listed professions. She asks them to include their name, years of experience, and where they can be reached. If they have no place to live she tells them to list the orphanage address as their place of contact.

    (Standard & Expert Hireling Costs are here for sisterhood reference, not publically posted)

    Standard Hirelings. . . . . . . . . . …... ..... Expert Hirelings
    Occupation. . .Daily CostMonthly. ..Profession. . .Monthly Cost
    Bearer/Porter …..1sp. . . . . 1gp. . . . … Blacksmith…..30gp
    Carpenter. . . . . ..3sp. . . . . 2gp. . . . . ..Engineer.. . ..100-150gp
    Leather Worker…2sp. . . . . 30sp. . . . . Jeweler. . . . .100gp
    Limner . . . . . . . ..10sp. . . . .10gp. . . …Mercenary…..2-6gp
    Linkboy. . . . . . . …1sp. . . . . 1gp. . . . …Ship Crew…..2-5gp
    Mason. . . . . . . ….4sp. . . . . 3gp. . . . . ..
    Laborer. . . . . . . . 2sp. . . . . 30sp. . . . . . . . ..
    Tailor. . . . . . . . . . 2sp. . . . . 30sp
    Teamster. . . . . . . 5sp. . . . . 5gp
    Valey/Lackey.. . . .3sp. . . . . 50sp
    Merchant/Trader..4-5sp.. … 3-5gp

    [Peltarch DMs,Caoimh]
    Shade then begins trying to get the best candidates noticed by the appropiate businesses, guilds, and unions. If they are young and have no experience yet she tries to get them apprenticed. She asks if some deal can be reached where the Sisterhood or Selûnite Church can help to offset dues, or if the dues can slowly be taken out of their pay. If they show a lot of promise Shade offers to insure them by paying the dues should they not complete their training/trial period.

    Once in a while she makes the occasional thieves cant gesture and if someone responds she mentions she would like to get in contact with the Guild. If they press her with the appropiate nonsense babble she tells them she merely wants to pay dues so the Sisterhood's Holdings are left alone. She also walks around the docks looking for sigils.

    [If DMs simply want to post a general 'Bill' due and basic information like 'x' number of people helped or 'x' number of contacts/ allies made that would be great, or I am up for in-game meetings/confrontations.]

  • @63dc9a2b24=EodenValmer:

    who knew that Mariston made such fine spiced apple pudding?

    Pudding night goes off with glorious success. Shade absconds with an entire tray so the orphans can have another serving on the morrow. She is a rogue after all.

  • @7beb8f564c=Lairilwa:

    Dear Mr. Doubleday,

    I am the first to admit the soup is bland as we have been more concerned with getting the people anything to eat. However! The Moon Goddess also wishes us to enjoy life so I am all for doing anything that makes people's lives a little better.

    I appove the GGLLAA mission you proposed. Just let me know what you need from our end.

    I must speak with you concerning a far more grave matter though…


    Turnups? Yes! Turnups! They used to be readily available in the area but ask yourself 'When was the last time you saw a Turnup?' I do not have to tell you how important the Turnup is to Gnomish cuisine. I am surprised demonstrations have not already broken out in protest. I believe their rarity is partly to blame in your kin's steady decline of numbers in the region and I would like to get to the bottom of this mystery. They also make for good soup stock.

    Another task is we need to secure a yearly supply of flour (3600 lbs., app. a ton and a half), enough to make 30 loaves a day.

    Finally we would like to start giving out a frequent or daily treat to the children. Can you recommend anything? I was thinking of something like Marzipan- a simple mixture of almond paste, powdered sugar, and a moistening agent such as water or egg whites. Or perhaps a bulk order of some candies.

    As you can see, we welcome a culinary master's input and assistance from such as yourself.

    We look forward to working with GGLLAA on this joint venture.

    I hear the children enjoyed your visit. They walked around for hours afterward pretending to be nobles and royality all day after the 'food taster' left. Thank you for bringing a little joy into their lives.

    I await your reply.

    Maiden Shade, Big Sister of the Crimson Gloves

  • ::Sir Mariston and other knights of the Order of the Divine Shield are seen aiding in the day to day tasks as best they can, who knew that Mariston made such fine spiced apple pudding?
    Offering aid as they can, the knights provide healing to the sick and offer comfort through prayer to those affected by grief. Always patient and caring the, the Orders knights do their utmost::

  • @3ee7dbdd00=Lairilwa:

    Senator Redralen,

    Thank you for taking the time out to visit with the children at the orphanage. It was hard to get them to go to bed after you left, they were still so excited by all the tales you told them. I think little Suzie has a crush on you and sees you as the heroic leader of the people.

    Thank you for bringing some hope and entertianment into their lives.

    Maiden Shade, Big Sister of the Crimson Gloves

  • _Dressed in magically light looking full plate, which is polished and burnished and decorated to within an inch of its life - and crown by a pert little hat at a rakish angle, gastrognome and restaurant critic Perriwig P. Doubleday makes a "mystery slurper" visit to the soup kitchen. He seems sorely disappointed by the smell of the fare on offer, and asks for the smallest, smidgeon of the broth to try. Whatever its actual flavour - or whether or not the goodly Sisters consent to the tubby gnome tasting their fare - Perriwig will insist that it is too bland requires a dash of this and that to spruce the whole dish up.

    To such an end, he proposes to the Sisters to organise a GGLLAA mission to collect appropriate herbs to enliven their repast - and that he and his gnomish cronies would do all the leg work, herb selection and delivery. With a waggle of a rakish eyebrow, he awaits their reply…_

  • Not knowing he was a senator at the time, Shade blushes deeply when she hears one of the women address Redralen as such. She is flustered and keeps her distance but does listen to the stories from the doorway and smiles.

  • Senator Ronan Redralen stops by the kitchen again, seeming on invitation of Lairilwa. He seems to spend most of the time with the children from the orphanage, and offers them a story of his many adventures throughout Narfell. Along with his stories, he creates fanciful, but small illusions with his magic to emphasize his telling. He tells of dragon slaying and a love story… seeming very enthusiastic with his stories, and sometimes overly dramatic. If none had known him, they'd mistake him for a bard.

  • So that is another week's worth of Soup Stock!

    *Shade looks around and smiles at the robust children, women, and frequent visitors to the soup kitchen and glad some at least do not have to go to bed feeling they are hungry.

    She keeps an eye out for the half-orc that has been terrorizing the homeless, although they are all too frightened to give a proper description.*

  • Marie comes in with two fifty pound sacks, one under each arm. One seems to be full of garlic, the other with salted meat.

    Been out gathering for our supplies, Caric and Sister Silmiel have been giving as well.

    Think we've got enough of this sort of thing for the moment though, still trying to negotiate that flour we need. Lots of folk struggling to get enough for themselves from what I can tell, not much spare to go around. Still, I'll keep trying.

  • The Woodworkers deliever all the new tables and chairs, but without new accommodations they are precariously stacked in the storeroom up to the rafters.

    The root cellar is packed with food stuffs.

    Shade says a quiet prayer to Selûne that these Lords of the Seafarer's Guild get off their arse sometime soon and get back to her. Then she feels guilty for thinking such about her betters.

  • Eighth Official Food Drive
    Date: Mirtul, Last day of First Ride



    2 Turns of the Moon Worth of Soup!

    • Still no bread. Must secure large Grain or Flour order.

    100 pounds of Meat & Fish
    80 quarts of pease [[garlic, turnups]]
    (Rice order for a year)

  • Yngdír Mel'fein stands silently, close enough to the soup kitchen that he's noticed anyway. He looks at every sorry one of those who need to be handed food, although shows no concern for one way or the other. As quietly as he arrived, he's gone again. Headed in the direction of the south-bound boats.

    Perhaps he was just there to say goodbye for now in his own fashion.