Whispers at the Fire

  • _Lightning was seen striking down in the eastern Rawlins… apparently the druid grove was attacked by horror spiders again.

    When dawn came, Wolf wandered into town with a tired look. He seems to be in a bad mood due to recent events and rumors, barely speaking to anyone and in poor spirits. A scout reports the druid could have been easily slain if it were not for Mord and a huge dire bear distracting the horrors._

  • Locrian, Khory, Darius, Cleon and Ezachiel were seen heading into the eastern Rawlinswoods not long after midday. A short time later, cries of battle and unearthly screams split the air as the five were set upon by spiders and deep horrors summoned from the depths of the soul well. Ezachiel sped back to town while the other four held back the foul creatures. After a hard fought battle they were forced to retreat to the druid grove to tend their many injuries. Ezachiel returned a short while later with the help in the form of Elridith, Genzir and Elenwyd. The four battered fighters were escorted quickly back to the town where their injuries were tended.

    The group returned to the south gate at nightfall, where they kept vigilant watch for half the night. Cleon, Darius, and Khory set out near midnight, heading once again into the woods, saying something about checking to see if the grove was alright, though in truth they simply wished to hunt down and wipe out the last of the unearthly abominations. A short time later they returned, covered once again in many wounds and the gore of both goblins and spiders. They then proceeded to throw each other in the lake, much to their own amusement, if no one elses.

  • Syclya can be seen wandering around the town tending to injured townsfolk and adventurers alike, handing out fresh apples to the children. After some hours spent at the Friar's mixing healing balms she heads outside and give the herb garden a nod of approval. Many have noticed that her holy symbol no longer rests at her side, she scabbard empty, and the Tormish symbol that was usually around her right wrist is missing, further, when she aids those in need Torm is no longer mentioned at all….

  • later a large group including scylya, wolf, raisa, briar, kreasha and others entered the great hall. After a long while, A man in wizard robes was escorted from the hall to the barracks by the Chancellor, Wolf and one of the Spearmen seen around norwick of late. The chancellor, Wolf and the spearman all emerged shortly after. The wizard they escorted to the barracks has not been seen since.

  • It seems a large crowd was near the south gates when Brandril and Syclya had heated words and it kept escalating over time. Into the middle of this one of the town guard tried to intervene. A three way shouting match started then Brandril started gesturing and chanting odd words. This seemed to provoke the guard further and he drew his blade and knocked the mage about kicking him several times in the ribs once he was down. Branddril and the guard went north into the city.

  • @3a3569db85:

    It seems that Niamh is a junior druid with the Circle and is filling in as a town healer for a probationary period.

    the chancellor lofts brow hearing the rumors as he enjoys a bottle of wine at the boarshead.

    Funny that, I've not hired on any additional healers. The poor woman must be mistaken. and a druid? rubs his chin now that I find odd. A druid of the circle claiming to be a healer of norwick … probationary or otherwise, without first speaking with the chancellor. That must be a first.

    after a moment of thought, he shrugs it of

    So long as she's not charging any coin for her service and not pestering kia for supplies, then I see no harm in it.

  • A chubby blonde woman with some new-looking enchanted hide armor has taken a room at the Boarshead until she finds other accomodation. Most days and evenings she's stationed at the south gates and is happy to tend wounds and bandage militia or adventurers alike, returning from the woods.

    It seems that Niamh is a junior druid with the Circle and is filling in as a town healer for a probationary period.

  • _The mage - some say necromancer - known as Brandil was found injured and standing over a patch of dying grass near a field in Norwick, apparently the result of a necromantic aura. Scylya and Briar were offering to help when Raisa intervened took the mage to the Keep. A few moments later, Brandil barged through Norwick with Raisa in pursuit. When they finally returned, the half-orc Hirbag was carrying an unconcious, aura-less, and badly injured Brandil all the way to the Keep. No one seems to know the full story, but some say Raisa's staff had fresh blood stains at both ends.

    The next morning, Raisa was seen repairing all damage to grass and crops that the mage's aura caused within town walls.

    Several days before, a crowd had witnessed Brandil making threats against Raryldor (who wasn't present). Then too, he fled into the woods, followed by Genzir._

  • The last time the archdruid met with the chancellor in private, both walked away steaming. One could almost hear the inn furniture breaking before they had left the Friar's. A few days ago, they met once again (with Wolf in tow), and eyewitnesses swear not only was no shouting heard but the archdruid left looking…surprised?

  • Dwin sends a half-dozen guards to collect the drow's corpse and belongings. The guardsmen carefully place everything into a large box and drape an oil-cloth over it. The wisk the whole lot away before anyone can see where they are going. Rumor has it that they took it to the graveyard for immediate burial, but recent events in the graveyard make people second-guess that rumor…

  • _Norwick's southern gates were attacked by a drow mage. It was eventually captured near the eastern walls and taken to the jail cells. The drow then committed suicide within the cells as the adventurers tried to talk to it.

    Later, three guard corpses were brought in. It seems the drow mage had claimed some victims. The dead guards were brought to the Friar's. After several hours, only one guard emerged from the Friar's, escorted by Locrian. The guard was sobbing and looked to be greatly disturbed. After the guard came the rest of the adventurers who had captured the drow mage… their expressions also quite disturbed.

    What became of the other two dead guards is something worse then anyone might imagine..._

  • Once more two posters appear on the inner wall.


    Midwinter Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((Do you keep count of how much I owe Norwick for the posters yet, Lucid? 😉 ))

  • _Dwin nods and smiles as he sees the deliveries coming in.

    He has a few guards start packing up the meat, some to be dried and saved for later, other slabs to go straight to the workers that are working at Piss Hill and now on the Southern gates and walls._

  • The following tenday , fresh hides and dried meat is delivered into Norwick's stores once again by a group of chessentans. It would seem that the group of sparcely clad warriors enjoy the hunt as much as they enjoy aiding the town.

  • A day later, a fine slab of meat is brought to the guard house at each shift change and given to the guardsmen by Misty. She tells each that it is a gift from the Chessentan's for the general guards honorable work in defense of the town.

  • the next day, townsfolk at the boarshead receive a pleasant surprise: a free slab of meat in a trencher and an ale from barlie "complements of the chancellor and those half naked guys with spears".

    (( I'll burn some gold for the ale when I'm ig next ))

  • Rumors spread that the strange Chessentan Spearmen recently arrived in Norwick caring a great number of full medium and large sized animal skins, perhaps two dozen, and over twenty pounds of cook and dried meat. They delivered the load to the town hall, letting Lucidious's assistant within know that they are gifts to Norwick.

  • rumors continue to fly about calendel the norwick town healer, the latest being that the senators of peltarch thought it best to have him put to death at the hands of lizardfolk for breaking their treaty.

  • rumors spreads that Calendel the healer in Norwick was arrest in Peltarch for trying to break the treaty with the lizzards. No one is sure if the treaty still stands, but it seems Calendel is in jail for the time being.

  • The Keeper can be seen about town looking for people who witnessed the events, and asking what kinds of tasks the woman in white wanted done.