Whispers at the Fire
Rumor spreads that the Milita is not doing an ample job of watching the crypts. Strange sounds from the crypts, Ghosts haunting the graves. Tond denys any problems but the fog there still plays tricks on the mind.
Rumors spread of a battle in the far west Rawlins between the goblins and the lizards. Some even say that the goblins have brought in their hobgoblin kin to help. Of course these rumors are mostly tied to a big half orc, and no one believes him anyway.
Rumors spreads of a girl who was seen running through the area covered from head to toe in mud screaming "I'VE BEEN JYNXED!"
According to the rumors, she was wearing only rags and was covered so completely in mud that it was impossible to discern her facial features or hair color, or even her race, only that she was, in fact, female.
When asked what had happened she exclaims wildly:
"I've been JYNXED! I fell asleep with all my belongings. Gold, clothes, weapons, armor, everything! When I woke up I was miles from where I was camping. I awoke in a large puddle of mud. There was a man standing over me dressed in all black. I could barely see his face, but I think he had white hair."
"He said, 'FOR YOUR SINS YOU HAVE BEEN JYNXED!'. Then he disappeared into the darkness."
When asked which way and where, she she vaguely points off into the distance and then runs away. She hasn't been seen since.
Rando was seen at the North gates, issuing a challenge to two of Jandor's Guards. When he began pelting them with arrows they charged him, successfully repelling him but suffering serious wounds in the process.
Someone at the South Fire is seen at the cooking pot, reading from an old tattered piece of paper. In their rush to pack up their food, they drop the recipe on the ground.
~ 5 badgers
~ 2 cups corn
~ 1 lb. bacon, chopped
~ 5 lb. potatoes, diced
~ 2 qt. tomatoes
~ 3 lb. onions
~ 2 lb. beans
~ 1 cup chopped celery
~ 1/4 cup Jiyyd sauce
~ salt & pepper to taste
~ flourPut the badgers in a large pan. Cover half way with water. Bring to a boil. Cover and simmer until the badgers are tender.
Remove the badgers from the stock. Set the stock aside. Remove the meat from the bones.
Return the meat to the stock and add the corn, bacon, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, beans, celery, salt & pepper, and Jiyyd sauce.
Cook for 2 hours stirring occasionally.
To thicken the stew add a small amount of flour mixed with water. Simmer 20 - 30 minutes longer.
Serve & Enjoy!
Rumor spreads through the town that a woman who claims to be an Envoy of Spellweaver is asking adventurers young and old if they have any skills in the usage of weaponry.
Rumors that follow from this are that she is raising an army, that Spellweaver is raising an army and several variants on this
_A man named Ogam has been seen about Norwick complaining of highwaymen operating near the crossroads in the south end of the pass. it's hard to tell if he's more concerned or incensed that the forces of Jiyyd and Norwick are preparing for a senseless conflict with each other, while such valid threats remain unchecked and unchallenged.
He appears to be unharmed, but his purse looks a bit light._
Messengers are being dispatched from Jandor's hall to all points of the compass. What message they carry is unknown to all but the receipients. In a change of pace they are dispached directly by Lucius, without any intercedence by Mecc.
Rumor spreads that a pissed off dwarf woman, a quiet elf man, and a lovely redheaded lady were seen entering the Boarshead Inn. Shortly afterwards, Rando and a large Orc Man were seen entering after them. Shouts could be heard echoing through the halls of the Boarshead when Rando yelled for the redhead to stop as she tried to exit the building. Those within earshot would hear him telling her she was to be detained for simply being a Banite. After arguing back for a bit, she simply gave up and began to wonder about the room, stepping in and out of side rooms as the dwarf, the elf, the orc and Rando talked. Shortly afterwards a hundred guards surrounded the outside of the inn. From the tones exchanged, talks did not seem to go well and the words war, murder, and Jirka were mentioned several times. A few hours later the dwarf woman and the quiet elf were seen leaving the inn without the red haired lady.
Word spreads around quickly about how some of the druids were yelling at townsfolk to stay inside the walls of the town and to keep the gates shut. Those who didn't heed the warning quickly found themselves under the paws of a very large and strong tiger. The druids and tiger also had a brief exchange of word, weapon, and magic against a man in red and black armor and wielding a flaming sword. One of the woodsfolk turned into a werecat during the fight, and the man in red and black seemed to appear and vanish at will.
Recently, over the last few months in the near woods south of norwick a few ambitious and young travellers and adventurers were assulted by a magic using goblin wielding a large hammer in two hands. Unfortunately for the goblin caster he happened to cross the path of a wood elf female of considerable strength in arm, the axe-blows that opened the goblin up like a fruit soon were too much for him and the sling-fire of another female elf. Stripping the armour from the goblin and tossing it easily to the other female she grinned.. <e>brave to stand with Anariel… fight good.
The elf was seen to remark in simple words in her heavy wood-elf accent and tongue.. grin <e>Worry no, great goblin dead. Goblin weak... giant and warg much harder fight... Tempus like to fight.- as she hung her green tinged battleaxe back on her belt.</e></e>
_Reports and wild rumors filter in, telling of full-scale war between the Druidic Circle and the remaining goblins. Many travelers report seeing a large warband of huge animals and angry druids roaming the southern part of Narfell, and some talk of rituals performed in Jiyyd.
Tales vary, but the most common version is thus: goblins attacked the Druid's Glenn, defiling the altar, killing sacred animals, and taking two druids captive. In retaliation, the Circle, along with a black-clad gali ranger and a warrior of Helm, stormed the Goblin Hold, slaughtered the goblin holdouts, and killed King Ugog in his own throne room.
It is unclear how much of this is true, but something clearly seems to have taken place, and only time will tell if the something was the deathblow to fading goblin power or just another pile of yellow-green corpses.._
_Reports and tavern brags tell that an adventuring band under the leadership of the dwarf Wren Halfabrick has cleared out a band of goblins from the Old Bandit Mines north of Norwick. The goblins had been raiding travelers on the road into town. The number of goblins vary from 40 to 400 depending on who is asked, but most of the reports mention spellcasters and a vicious sneak.
Some darkly express the belief that this is the first sign of a goblin attack on Norwick. Others scoff and submit than in their current state the goblins couldn't invade a henhouse, let alone the town they have failed to take so many times in the past._
DHE listens to the tribes man and bring him into the militia barracks, there he questions the barbarian. (please if you want to, who ever plays the barbarian send me a pm wth the info and I will reply on how the questioning went
Yolanda hears about the man's plans and mutters to herself
That woolhead… better go and talk some sense into him...
Recently, rumors of a tribesman of the Heyokarr tribe talking about the downfall of the Banites in Peltarch can be heard. When confronted, the tribesman gives a grunt, looks around, and starts to tell a story of news of his friend in a far off land who had just fallen to some Banites. The tribesman claims that he now feels obligated to avenge his friend's death by removing the Banite threat across the land. After he has finished with his story, he speaks fiercely.
"Everyone talks about how bad those Banites are, and yet, they all sit on their arses and let 'em be. It's apparent ta me nobody's going to do anythign about 'em unless someone starts something! Guess that someone'll be me! I'll fight those fallen souls until the last drop of blood has fallen from my body!"
He then walks off, running his hand over his axe handle, muttering under his breath about clerics of various denominations.
Cyrian hears the rumors of Orc threats and decides to redouble his efforts to mine the valueable nickle right off the Orcs backs whenever he should find himself in the area
Rumors, though roughly translated from a half-orc's broken common, circulate amongst the locals that Orcs had raided the northern gate in Norwick and threatened war if hunts by Norwick locals continued in their lands.
Rumor circulates that a "Phantom Army" is moving through the Rawlinswood. This rumor is somehow associated with an eccentric half elf looking for a long pole with grease on the end or a Sunite with unusually thick skin. Rumor also has it that a picthfork weilding posse will be formed in the coming days to track down these phantoms.
Someone has been in town looking for the last whereabouts of Esther, a scholar/mage in training, who was allegedly coming to Norwick to present a paper at Spellweaver academy. His whereabouts are unknown and have been so for at least two weeks.