Whispers at the Fire

  • Rumor quickly spreads through the town. A huge white dragon has come to destroy the city and bring a never ending winter to the region. Even now it begins its trail of destruction in the Rawlinswood

  • Several piles of lumber and masonry appear on Piss Hill in several areas with the 'Foreman' taking control of the incoming inventory and directing the deliveries to be dumped in the right places.

  • Ezachiel appears to have reached the limits of his patience…when Raryldor made a comment about him being a Banite, Ezachiel walked up to him and screamed "GO ASK DAISY!!" in his face, before walking away calmly.

  • Rumour has it that Ezachiel approached Miss Elenwyd in the middle of Norwick, and turned himself in to the judgement of the Shield. She escorted him north towards Peltarch later.

  • With some of the stranger occurrences now long past and life in Norwick settling down to a routine of calm between attacks by goblins, undead, and who knows what else, Keeper Genzir and Chancellor Lucidious have often been seen eating breakfast together in the Boarshead, chatting about their work and downing copious amounts of ham, eggs and bread before heading off to start the day.

  • Rumours filter in of a massive goblins attack that lasted for over a day. They came wave after wave yet with the large group that gathered they never managed to get very far and with the exception of a certain Booger no one really got hurt too bad. The went far into the night and then raged on during the day with waves of fighters followed by invisable casters hoping to make the people beat eachother up with mind spells. After it seemed to be over and all but a few of the people had walked off they began to come again. This time with bigger troops, but they were also held off.

    However some people mention that this second attack was not made solely of goblins, but it seems some white and purple clad gnomes decideed they would jump into the fray out of the shadows and make things a little more exciting. Luckily the evil gnomes were also killed and another attack ended with angry elves, tired humans, and upset hins.

  • _Dwin is seen walking around town with a large, very thickly-built dwarf who he only refers to as the "Foreman." They spend some time walking the perimeter of the graveyard and making notes, as well as some time looking at both the southern and northern gates of town.

    Finally, after a long lunch of cheese and ale (mostly ale) they spend some time on Piss Hill pacing around and looking at the hill itself. All the while the "Foreman" is making sketches and counting on his fingers, and when necessary, toes. The two appear to disagree on a few items which leads to some foul sounding dwarven language, but by the end of the day, they are joking and seem to be in agreement.

    Later, at the Boarshead, The Foreman finally hands Dwin an estimate with some details written on it. Dwin's eyes go wide and he scratches his chin. He scribbles something down on the paper and hands it back; now the Foreman is the one that seems surprised. They both drink a few more ales and write some more numbers. This negotiation goes on for a long while until Dwin falls off his chair and lands on his arse.

    The Foreman helps him up, Dwin thanks his kinsman for his time and says that he will be back in touch after he "gets the coin approved by Pastey."_

  • Those who know Tindra notice that she seems to be avoiding most people lately.

    Also, an unusually friendly panther who has helped people fight goblins in the woods before is seen more frequently.

  • _Rumours circulate that Calendel, heavily involved in both attacks saved many adventurers from sure death. People chuckle that at one point he had actually yelled at the druid Fadia to move so that he could restore health to a fallen Lillie who lay beneath her. One person around the fire mentioned he saw Calendel being thanked by the Paladin Knight Steelfin for bringing him back from what would have been sure death.

    People also are found to be discussing his ability at squashing undead during the previous attack with powerful turns brought on through Chauntea's will and his caring for the fighters who found themselves severely injured on the battle field.

    The town of Norwick appears to be quite happy with the efforts put forth by their local Cleric lately and even with the increased attacks the mood appears positive._

  • _A great host of undead poured from the graveyard. They were met by many defenders, which included: Legion, The Circle, Divine Shield, Norwick's Militia, and other brave adventurers. The undead were held off without any of the defenders losing any of their own.

    A day later, the south gate was heavily attacked by…kuo-toa? Yes, the fishmen came from out of the lake south of Norwick. The sheer number of them caused the defenders to lose two of their own. Steelfin bravely fought, though was nearly felled, but he survived due to the quick acting clerics, one of which was Ramona. Also, the druids Wolf and Fadia destroyed large groups of them by calling lightning from the sky. Later in the battle, Genzir came and finished off the last push of the fishmen._

  • ::rumors about what caused the undead attack fly and few know the truth behind what really happened, the guards mutter of meddleing evles::

  • One of the Norwick guards could be heard talking in the tavern over a brew in his off time.

    "Aye, tall man, dark hair, covered in scars. Just went walking through the town, stark naked as the day he was born. And there were people walkin' with him too. Two women, one which had pure white hair, that much I remember. And a little gnome with a bright purple mustache. Damned strangest thing I've ever seen."

    Word leaked later into town that the group of wayward wanderers were seen walking through the Pass toward the Gypsy camp, the scarred man still wearing nothing but a pair of boots.

  • A white haired pretty warrior type is lounging in the Boar's Head drinking a quiet ale or two and suddenly grins to a bunch of the regulars "Bet you the next round I can tell you a tale to chill the blood" She tells of a ghost that thinks she's alive, of the dead witch Vinessa and of one girl and her bear returning to Norwick with the corpses of four fallen adventurers who'd gone to see if the dead girl who thought she wasn't needed any help, and whether it made the crowd shiver or not, her smiles meant she didn't pay for another drink that night.

  • _New rumors have begun to circulate that the Chancellor has sought out a chef of some fame who recently relocated to Peltarch, one Chef Pierre Bourgois. This man, it seems, is a master chef who claims to cook exclusively for the rich and famous. Little else is known about the man, except that he has cooked a few special dinners for Peltarch nobility, and he has a pension for the dramatic. Nevertheless, the Chancellor is said to have put out an invitation to meet with him and sample his dishes.

    In other news, Lucidious, Genzir, and Rose were seen recently hustling into town, the Chancellor carrying a small, injured child (or hin) in his arms. Little could be seen on account of their hurry except that this little person was wearing black robes. Supposedly, they were seen heading straight to Friar Fred's, leaving a trail of blood in their wake. Rumors suggest there was an accident at Spellweaver and some innocent bystander was killed after some new experiment went wrong. Some regulars at the Boarshead mention that Tristina was able to raise the girl, but when they did, her hair and eyes went white as a ghost's._

  • _Recent rumors make their way to Norwick amid the farmers on the trade route from Jiyyd. Apparently, the Chancellor, in his official Norwick Chancellor robes, was seen in the Regal Whore with a pale hin woman who was wearing a suit of fine white silks. They purchased several bottles of wine and talked in low whispers at the bar for some time. Afterward, they both headed into one of the back rooms.

    About an hour later, as the story goes, the Chancellor emerged from the back room with the hin woman passed out in his arms and rented a single room, taking her upstairs with him. Shortly thereafter, he was seen leaving the inn and the town altogether.

    As word reached Lillie's ear while she worked her shift at the Boarshead, she was said to roll her eyes and comment that at least the Chancellor had started holding his "business meetings" in appropriate places these days._

  • _Smelling the foul oder near his home, Wolf drags the dead, diseased goblins from the pond and then burns them. He then chants a blessing and the water is purified.

    He mutters, "Dumb goblins.."_

  • _The smallest pond in the near east part of Rawlinswood seems to have a few half-rotting goblin corpses floating in it, each of them having small bite marks around their throat. The bitemarks are heavily infected with some disease.

    The pond itself emits a foul odor, and should someone dare to drink from it, they will suffer from stomach cramps and fever, along with diarrhea, as the unlucky brown-panted goblins have noticed.

    The effect seems to fade on it's own in a few days._

  • A usually quiet and reserved Elyl has been seen more and more in the town of Norwick, being more talkative and walking around with a smile. He and Kia, a town healer have been seen taking walks around town or by the lake. Once in a while, when the town healers are busy after some incident, he is seen carrying food from the Boarshead to the hungry and tired healing staff, insisting that the Boarshead wait staff are too busy and not to worry that he can deliver the food to Kia and the others.

  • Rumour has it that shorly after the defense of the most recent South Gate attack, Calendel was approached by a Knight going by the name of Kenton Seth. The Knight inquired if Calendel was able to provide a blessing of True Sight in which he replied that he could perform such a blessing if he requested it through his prayer to Chauntea. Upon recieving this information the Knight inquired if Calendel could enchant an item he possessed with such a blessing to which Calendel replied "As a position holder within the town of Norwick, a requested service that I offer as such would require the approval of the Town Chancellor Lucidious". The Knight, accepting this response indicated that he would seek out the Chancellor's permission for this blessing and would offer a donation to Calendel to assist in the maintenance of Friar Freds.

    //ooc I'm not sure, without a c-token whether I could perform this enchantment or not. This is a guild item requiring this enchantment and based on Lucid's blessing and a DM's blessing I would be more than happy to have Calendel perform this service. Send me a PM here on the forums or a Tell ig if you see me and let me know what the end result is//

  • _The Gong rang out in Norwick and messengers were sent to the other towns in the area to inform of a massive attack at the South Gates. This attack consisted initially of goblins growing stronger and stronger with each wave. After a successful defense it appears that the goblins had others in their ranks to send forth. Hordes of powerful Orcs then advanced and began to attack the defenses that had formed. Defenders mentioned included Troff Legionaires such as General Grag, General Lyte, William, and Calendel; Members of the Druid Circle such as Wolf, several spellcasters from the SpellWeaver Keep such as Rose Hollowmoon, and many many other local adventurers. Norwick Scouts and Militia held the rear ranks behind the gates in case any sneaks managed to make their way through and were strengthened in numbers with members of the Cerulean Knights and a few other Paladins.

    The defense of the town was a great success and provided the defenders with much knowledge as to the potential strength of the Orc attackers. With Jiyyd being threatened by a possible Orc invasion, General Lyte indicated that the information learned as a result of this attack in Norwick was incredibly valuable.

    Only one adventurer fell during this conflict, a lass by the name of Rhiannon but before her soul parted from it's body an attentive Calendel, Spiritual Advisor and Healer for Norwick, quickly ran to her aid and revived her with a powerful blessing from Chauntea preventing even a single casualty from occuring during this long and ardourous battle._