Whispers at the Fire

  • Genzir continues to stop in at the Boarshead regularly, enjoying the ham as he often has since he took up residence in the Keep, going out of his way to be affable and friendly (in a sincere way) with the other patrons, and avoiding any topics that he senses would make people upset.

  • One needn't be all-to-skilled in the art of observation to see that the guards are rather upset as of late and have even taken to civil disobedience at times in not tending to their posts with the usual vigor they dispaly. Some yelling and hurling of insults can be heard from time to time as the newest addition to the Norwick Militia passes by.

    One rumor talks of several guards showing up in the Great Hall, laying down their shields and swords and turning in their colors.

  • Whispers at the south fire ceased for a time as several gnomes outside the gate cried out for "sacrifices to Vixthra" and mounted an attack.

    Militia captain Dwin and former chancellor Maythor, as well as members of The Order of the Shining Phoenix, the druid circle, the Legion, and Spellweaver Keep were on hand to defend the unguarded gate.

    The defenders fought back several waves of gnome attackers and eventually won the day. The bodies of Raisa of the druid circle and Oscuran mage Todd were taken to Tristina for prayers. Some suspect Todd suffered under powerful gnomish enchantments, as his soul was unable to return to his body.

  • Rumors flow that someone stirs the dead up that have been quiet for so short a time.

  • Ezachiel appears to be taking his new "job" seriously, having made a number of trips there in the last couple of weeks, cleaning out the graveyard and the upper level of the family crypts with ease.

    //make that 5

  • Ezachiel has been visiting the Norwick Crypts quite a lot lately, going in only to come out again a couple of minutes later. Those who go in after him notice a distinct decrease in the amount of undead around.

  • Lately there have been whispers around the fire near the South Gate of Norwick regarding a long absent cleric that stumbled out of the nearby graveyard near death. Some people have mentioned that it's the Chancellors old friend Calendel, a cleric of Chauntea.

    "How could it be?" a small hin comments, "Calendel has been dead for many years!"

    "Wasn't he a member of the Troff Legion?" inquires one of the nearby guards. "He's one of the few Legionaires I actually didn't mind wandering around town."

    "I heard he was planning to construct a temple to Chauntea near Norwick, or was it Jiyyd? I bet that would provide a blessing on our harvests!" whispers a local farmer.

    "I swear I saw a much healthier looking Calendel walking with Z through the South Gate the other day. Could have just been another elf in Legion colours though…", mentioned a mill worker that just strolled down from the mill for a midday meal.

  • Rumor has it Vincent has not been seen since he left into the woods, some keen observers would note that an hour after his departure the sounds of battle and the chants of bugbears could be heard.

    Sighs of relief are not unexpected in hopes the banite was felled in battle with the scourge bugbears.

  • *A lovely golden haired elf is seen in the town square near the gate to the hall. She had returned from a trip to the rawlin's wood with a group of mages including the chancelor. While the rest of the group moved on the two elves are seen to be talking.

    They both seem uncomfortable or agitated. In the end some of the people in the square swear they saw the chancelor kiss the elven woman and then stalk off. Others think that the woman kissed him and still others think that it is all a tale told by a bunch of drunks after leaving the boarshead.*

  • The man formerly known as Chancellor is seen moving into and out of the barracks carrying small crates and boxes. He loads a small cart with a few crates, secures the load and has a few brief words with the guards there, then heads towards the north gate. Pausing a moment and speaking with the guards at the gate, he shakes their hands and pats a shoulder or two. He looks back across the town square with a look of sadness on his face then turns and slowly makes his way into the pass.

    One guard says he heard thw words "be seein' ya… be takin' care o' 'er fer me" as he departed from the north gate.

  • _In an effort to "stay fit" Dwin Dolvak has taken up early-morning swimming.

    Several early risers have seen a scantily clad Dwin run to the lake south of town, enter the water, and spend long amounts of time swimming. Apparently he enjoys swimming underwater. "Helps me lungs to hold the air fer a long time," he says if anyone watches.

    After 15-20 minutes of this aerobic excercise, fitness-minded Dwin sprints back into the gates where a guard is waiting with a robe. Then, he usually continues on to the Boars head for his usual breakast of bacon, sausage, eggs, cheese and ale._

  • Rumor has it, vincent went into the woods alone just before the fight night… its unclear what's become of him now.

  • Rumour has it that a messenger boy approached the paladin known as Elenwyd right inside the "government district" //or whatever it's called//, and handed her a small package with a note attached. Further rumours say that there was a rather nice diamond inside…though no one knows who sent it to her.

  • …hearing this rumor, Dwin inquires with the guards about the situation, and asks that Dentin speak to him directly since he is in charge of the Militia.

  • _Dentin enters Norwick one evening, and heads to the great hall. Yet, failing to find Lucidious anywhere, he simply heads over to the inn and starts telling the Innkeeper about how he was attacked by a Norwick Guard in the pass near Norwick, beaten down and left to die. If it had not been for a rather silent traveller passing by, he would have bled to death and likely rotted in the pass.

    Maybe the guards have been trained to take out their agression on anything in the pass, hobgoblin or otherwise?_

  • _The High Prayers of Harvest Festival, which celebrated the ending of autumn and the beginning of winter, was a great success.

    It was started with prayers to Chauntea, the Earth Mother. Then an introdution of the festival Lady, Fadia and Lord, Jerr. Then, a contest to see who could get certain types of wood the fastest to make a bon fire that, as the master crafter Ginger said, would be seen from the heavens. It seems Ginger's team had won and acquired several magical potions as their prize.

    Next was the archery contest. In the middle of the contest, two interesting characters showed up… two orcs named Grug and Grog. They came with peace and the druids welcomed them to enjoy the festival. The winner of the archery contest, was of course, Ginger!

    But wait! It seems the celebration was interrupted by father winter himself, played by Wolf. He and the festival Lady fought in an epic battle. The Lady eventually drove father winter away and the crowed booed as winter ran away in cowardice! The two orcs, Grug and Grog, told Raisa that they would offer to smack father winter if he did return.

    Then things calmed down and those that remained watched as the bon fire slowly burned out.

    The Festival was held by the archdruid, Raisa, and the rest of the Circle of Quercatha Terr. It seems druids can party rather well._

    //thanks to all and Nilla for setting up and doing all the DM stuff needed for this sort of thing, you rock! And to mirror for planning out most of it.

  • The pale faced blackguard vincent has been seen hanging around norwick quite often recently, difficult to tell why but more than a couple citizens have given him suspicious looks…

  • Rilia passes through Norwick looking for Lucidious. Upon going into the boarshead to see if he was drinking she hears some of the rumors about the demon and the Yaunti.

    Her lovely muscial voice is heard by patron to most clearly say,

    "I saw the Yaun-ti cast on the demon a tentacle spell, to hold the demon in place. After she cast to destroy the demon a woman in robes, I believe the monk woman, attacked the Yaun-ti. The Yaun-ti then fled and rather than defend the lands from the demon all of the defenders gave chase to the Yaun-ti."

    her look one of consternation, lavender eyes sparking with irritation

    "I alone and invisible ran after the demon. I kept track and pace with it while the other ran off. It ran after those running south for a time before heading towards the cave mouth in the hill and then seeing nothing to fight it launched itself into the air. If i could have remember the trick of flying I would have followed it."

    rilia having worked herself up recounting the story orders a bottle of wine and sits down to drink it.

  • (since when??? surely the player playing the char would have been informed he was just pked without even logging on?)

  • An announcement is made by a herald of Norwick

    For the murder of the Chancellor of Norwick and for his recent misconduct as Sergeant at arms of the Norwick Militia, Rando Di'ran is hereby dishonorably released from his service and sentenced to death by the Chancellor of Norwick. Rando Di’ran's sentence was carried out last night by the Chancellor himself. Should Rando Di'ran ever rise to walk these lands again, he is hereby banned from the town of Norwick. May the gods have mercy on his soul.