Whispers at the Fire
Cecil has been mentioning to anyone who will listen, to keep an eye out for well equipped goblins, possibly even in plate! He cautions to assess your foes wisely before engaging, and not to bite off more than you can chew. Things may shape up to be a little different in the Rawlins, if rumors prove true.
::Approximately two tendays after having departed Norwick, the Defender of Peltarch is seen leaving the Temple of Lathander with María of the Spellweaver. They look to be in quite misserable state, armors dented and robes ragged, but they appear to be alive and well. The Defender takes her mare after offering another generous tip to the boy that had been taking care of it and gallops back north, with a lighter pack, but a few extra scrolls and maps rolled under her arm::
::A fine mare gallops into Norwick carrying the crimson armored Defender of Peltarch, Shallyah. She seems to be in a hurry as she finds one bored-looking farmer boy and drops a generous amount of gold coins on his hand before giving him some instructions, and then walks southwards hurriedly. She was seen leaving into the Rawlinswoods one tenday ago and is yet to return, while her mare keeps being cared for by the boy that now spends his afternoons playing next to it with a good lot of new shiny toys::
_Rumor is that the High Priest of Torm Shannon D'arneau and Headmistress of the Spelweaver María were seen sitting in front of another by the south fire. What's more unbelievable… they were ......
A half elven lass with very long fiery red hair has been seen often around Norwick of late. She's been speaking with the guards at length and though her common is broken, they seem to have lengthy conversations. Some say she's been asking about being a Scout for Norwick, and who to speak to about it.
((Not sure who to approach with that, please PM me if you know.
_Things seem to have been fairly quiet around Norwick for a while… but one day, the peace is broken by screams of horror coming from the Rawlins. Anyone who investigates would find the hobgoblins hiding in corners, gibbering about a massive rock monster, those that survived, anyway.
If the investigator continued, they would find the Harbinger Mines briefly evacuated, with bugbear bodies littering the area, and any traces of ore missing, along with a chunk of the tainted stone.
What could have caused such mayhem and chaos?_
No one knows why, but the city's militia and the Raumviri have increased the number of guards on the gates and walls of town.
Whenever asked the reason behind this, the guards mutter and grumble. Sometimes, one complains clearly about "some bloody adventurers that are scared of litle goblins".
Elidor comes out, peeking.
"Hey, It's you, pretty-face"
Then he explains her that they are already talking about her and that he will contact her shortly. Throws her an apple "For the wait".
lisa knocks on the union hall doors and waits for someone to answer, when someone does she firstly asks how she can join the guild, secondly who she can buy a crafted bow from.
Danika's bright smile has become a common - if unpredictable - sight around town once again. She's sometimes seen approaching adventurers or the militia's scouts with an apple and a quiet word or two. After a cat nap by the fire she inevitably disappears south of the gate once more.
Rumors say a golden lock red cloaked mage is walking around in the, currently rather quite, town of Norwick.
She is showing merchants, barmaids and peasants a burnt note asking for clues or answers to what it means.
//removed and sent as a PM
Cecil has been asking around about shields, as he is currently in the market for an improved version of what he has, which is a great big Cormyrian Greatshield.
Any crafters who are handy at making a high quality, enchantable shield, may want to look him up.
A tall, dark-haired woman clad in red, silver, and black was seen strolling about town. Could it be?
At the Grapevine, a group of fresh faces (and at least one ancient one) were overheard discussing religion, gadgets and gizmos, the recent destruction of some magic artifact, and… pants?
The south gate was recently very busy again a couple nights ago, with a few returning adventurers, old and new, discussing the great victory over a sizable hobgoblin ambush force in the Rawlins!
Some loot was split, and friendships made, and a general good mood kept the area smiling for a while, a nice change from the solemn mood that some felt beforehand and made mention of… perhaps regular guest patrols might become a recurring thing, as a very tall guard was heard mentioning.
Afterwards, rumor spreads that they placed the blame for the bugbear invasion squarely on deceased Chancellor Biswan and her misguided policies, and made certain demands regarding leadership, though rumor can't seem to agree on what these demands were.
Fafir Ganeer, being one of the heavily armed and armored dwarves, even tough he carries no armour nor weapons, can be seen around town ranting about a lying people and their tricks to mislead general opinion.
- And I have proof!
He shouts before heading to the tuck me inn to get his well deserved ale mug.
Having failed to manage to get Norwick's other leaders to grant him meetings to change things before such a thing occured, Cecil hand-delivers a letter to the new folks at the Great Hall, requesting information on the proceedings from here on, with a note that their action has gotten the attention of parties abroad, and that he would like to be informed on any future plans and happenings. He says the same to any guards or citizens who ask him as he walks through town, but he does not enter the great hall himself, as he was not a part of this process, which he also answers if asked.
_A company of heavily armed and armored dwarves of the hold, led by Dwin Dolvak, is seen to enter the Norwick Great Hall.
Afterwards, rumor spreads that they placed the blame for the bugbear invasion squarely on deceased Chancellor Biswan and her misguided policies, and made certain demands regarding leadership, though rumor can't seem to agree on what these demands were.
Upon hearing the news, Gemli starts to put up a sign:_
However, an irritated messenger from the hold makes him take it down again and gives him a good ranting at.
A farmer and his wife have a rather loud and public marital dispute. The husband says his new Raumviri neighbors are good-for-nothing squatters. The wife says he should be grateful they came or he would have wound up a drooling zombie just like their previous neighbors.
When a friendly dwarf (Fafir Ganeer) tries to intervene and defend the Raumviri both the husband AND the wife turn on him asking him what business it is of his to enter their perfectly civil discussion.
The dispute continues and spills over into other topics such as "You're a lousy cook!" , "You're lousy in bed!", and "I should have listened to my mother when she told me not to marry you!"