Whispers at the Fire

  • There is a new hero in town!

    A knightly gnome, serving Garl Glittergold was seen on south fires talking about getting rid of vile and evilious creatures of these lands in the name of the Joker himself. This knight in his rainbow-gold colored armor was seen heading to Rawlinswood with bunch of other adventurers to give bit of spanking to naughty greenskins, cranky pigs and vicious undead.

    Later on the party returned, many of them all bloody but in good spirits. The knightly gnome himself was seen going around patting the shoulders of his fellow adventurers and cheering how such cooperation can save any lands from any vile beings of most villainish foulinesh!

  • Some would say they saw Noah Wildthorne drawing arms and protecting a Banite from a Purple Dragon Knight of Cormyr. Others have also said they've seen Noah leaving with a large group of people the PDK included. 3 weeks later, Noah returned with the shield of a Purple Dragon Knight slung to his back, and the sword sheathed to his hip.

  • "TROLL!!!"

    _While anyone familiar with the skinny, green-hatted gnome Caramella would know to take her fearful squeal of terror with a pinch of salt, this time the exclamation would seem to be frighteningly accurate. The Norwick gates facing the Rawlins are broken and burnt to cinders, flaming skeletal figures once again the chief - but not sole - culprits. Following this wave of burning undead, rumours say, came the large, hulking shape of a troll, covered in fiery flames.

    Caramella, clutching her singed hat, can be overheard commenting thusly:_

    "FIRST, the fire skeletons BURNT my hat, I mean burnt an actual hole in my actual HAT, and then -IT- came.. the Burning Trollicken of Despicable Naughtiness and Hat-Stealing Tendencies (that's the BToDNaHST in short, good people - beware of such)! Beastly, ghastly, smelly like.. a Trollicken on Fire! Gilly-Gill and Martie-Two-Shoes were ever so brave fighting it, and Apollollollollollollollo too, I do declare! Once the fell creature -fell-.. "

    Here, she trails off to giggle to herself, geekily, then resumes the story in an all the more excited tone, practically bouncing:

    "We.. noticed.. something… GleamingInItsForeheadAndItWasaGEM! NotjustANYgemeitherbutaPRANKSTONE, an Actual-Authentic-And-Holy-Garl-Be-Blessed-Prankstone! It's... so beautiful.. "

    Once more trailing off, Caramella's eyes seem to glaze over and she drifts into a trance-like state that her friends would recognize as a distinct gem-coma. Further communication seems futile, as all one would get in response is a dreamy, far away smile from a gnome that's clearly not quite there..

  • Legion

    Benji visits Aramuil. He's packed for what looks like a long journey.

  • Word spreads around the fires, both by the gate and the center of town that Maya has a dragon tooth she’s looking to have blessed or enchanted. She looks hopeful that an item from such an enchanted creature would hold powerful magic.

  • A few wolves can be heard south of the gate. Howls, growling, and playful yips can be heard along with the laughing of elves, or is it elf? A good time seems to be had playing with wolves int he middle of the night. Crazy elves.

  • Legion

    Benji frantically tries to gather up all his copies as he's startled by Ronan. He smiles an embarrassed smile.

    Uh… that's good Ronan.

  • In Spellweaver's library, Ronan catches Benji there, and curiously looks over the hin's shoulder..

    Ooh… see that place there?

    He points at some random spot on Benji's map.

    That's where I fought something really evil and dangerous… but was I scared? Of course not!

    Clearing his throat, he stands up straight..

    Right right, I'll leave you in peace… mhmm.

  • Legion

    Benji spends some time in the Spellweaver's Keep Library hand drawing copies of maps from their geography section.

  • Mari Yuhanna has been seen walking back and forth from Spellweaver Keep and around the fires and in the inns with a thick stack of paper covered in notations and markings. When asked he says that the papers are:

    "Studies into the kinds of compounds that when taken in small doses are medicinal, in large doses deadly and any sort of compound that also seems to act like wolfbane but for Goblinoids… and of course their broader alchemical properties"

    He resists any further questioning by appearing to be distracted by his notes. There are many diagrams amongst them. Some even seem to be tracings of goblin and orc anatomy, presumably found in a book inside Spellweaver Keep. Most of the rest of it is in some kind of elven but it makes very little sense if any at all to those familiar with elven texts.

  • Legion

    Benji asks around Norwick about Kara Willendt and where he might be able to find her.

  • Legion

    Benji visits Spellweaver's Keep and pages through books in the geography section. After searching through an atlas for a while he puts his finger on a page and squints.


  • [voice = MARI]
    It's a brown.

    [voice = Brother Commerz]
    Well, to be more specific, it's a very similar colour to that found in deer pelts. It's really a soft tan colour.

  • Legion


    Recently, a few whispers have circulated at the fires of Norwick, of two dire wolves "appearing out of nowhere to save people" in the Rawlins…one of the descriptions of the pair is of a great silver wolf, and a smaller, yet no less massive tawny colored wolf.

    Benji hears the rumors

    What the hells kind of a color is 'Tawny'?

  • Recently, a few whispers have circulated at the fires of Norwick, of two dire wolves "appearing out of nowhere to save people" in the Rawlins…one of the descriptions of the pair is of a great silver wolf, and a smaller, yet no less massive tawny colored wolf.

  • (( Several times now, Celad and Syclya have been seen entering the rooms above the temple of Chauntea at night, not to emerge until early the next morning. Afterwards they are observed sharing an early breakfast at the Grapevine.))

  • Lately Caldor has been looking around for a powerful Druid, For reasons he seems to be keeping to himself.

  • More fire. This time it started to the north of the town. Some time after the fires started, two elves and a human stumbled into town, badly burned. They carried another human and a half orc that were no longer capable of walking. A woman, less burned, but burned nonetheless, followed some time after to join them at the temple of Chauntea. Those curious could overhear them speaking of burning skeletons and ghosts of flame.

  • Typically, whenever Yngdír crosses one of these charred corpses he'll bury the bones. Usually after whatever carrion has been eaten by those opportunistic forest creatures. Occasionally the skull of one of these forest creatures (though never of Goblins) will be found arranged in such a way that they could be mistaken as magical totems or wards. In truth, they are merely hunter signals to show which beasts are often found in this part of the forest. The tools gained from the Burning Man's seemingly ruthless torching of the forest, in Yngdír's hands, will serve as providence to the Town - or at least for those willing to hunt the dangerous wood.

  • For some days after the fire accident by the south gate, small pillars of smoke can be seen in Rawlinswood every now and then. Those who wander into woods can find charred animals and burned trees. Also every now and then next to the charred trees, there are charred corpses of small humanoids to be found.