Whispers at the Fire

  • Uljas seems to have come up with a new exercise for his Smashers to do. The routine involved picking up a woman and lifting her up and down. Uljas did this with Tindra several times, and then rushed off into the woods with her in his arms.

    The two weren't seen after until well past nightfall.

  • Rasuil has been busy of late around Norwick, spotted in several places in and around town. The usually sour looking ranger was seen in generally good spirits lending himself easily to such roles as diplomat, investigator, warden, medic, defender, allayer and .. druid trainer?

    Some people are heard to mutter 'Isn't that what ranger's do?', while most seem to agree on principle that it simply can't be the same man.

  • Legion


    There's talk of a powerful vampire making its home in the Rawlinswood. It's said to be trained the arts of the arcane archers, sending arrows flying so true they can even find their target if shot from across the other side of the vast forest. Of course, most likely people just made up this story to distract themselves from the terrible screaming of harpies at the southern gate.

    Benji scrunches up his face hearing the news.

    <g>Fark that. I'm calling bullshite.

    Have him come here for Fight Night and shoot against us in some archery and we'll see how well the <g>bastard</g> does.</g>

  • There's talk of a powerful vampire making its home in the Rawlinswood. It's said to be trained the arts of the arcane archers, sending arrows flying so true they can even find their target if shot from across the other side of the vast forest. Of course, most likely people just made up this story to distract themselves from the terrible screaming of harpies at the southern gate.

  • Ever since the recent explosion, Z has been spending even more time than usual in the Temple of Chauntea and roaming remote areas of the Rawlinswood. He seems to be looking for something.

  • Jaelle was spotted leaving Norwick with Alestra. Where they went is up to speculation, but Jaelle never returned.

  • @1b695178d7=Celtic8824:

    Those spectating this past month's Fight Night saw the muscular Ranger Druid Caelian nursing a broken and bleeding right hand as he made his way from the hill by the fairgrounds to the south gate.

    Anybody that got a clear look at his eyes would say that his hand wasn't the only thing that was broken.

    On another note, the brick building at the top of the hill has an crumbled spot about the size of a large fist… and has trace bits of blood on it's surface.

    _::Toilir stands over the broken and bloodied portion if the brick and shakes his head::

    …them Druid folk really nay like anythin' what doesn't grow r' make ye itch do they?...wonder if'n this be some kinda tree huggin' display o' vandalism r' somesuch?..._

  • Those spectating this past month's Fight Night saw the muscular Ranger Druid Caelian nursing a broken and bleeding right hand as he made his way from the hill by the fairgrounds to the south gate.

    Anybody that got a clear look at his eyes would say that his hand wasn't the only thing that was broken.

    On another note, the brick building at the top of the hill has a crumbled spot about the size of a large fist… and has trace bits of blood on it's surface.

  • _Some people seem to remember the fight quite differently, as the two aggressors targeted the area near the fire with an ice storm - calling down such lethal magic in the very center of town. Oddly enough, in some stories, the first one to be struck was Elder Jerrick - who reportedly sat under a tree, indulging in idle chatter - at the time he wasn't even armed.

    It's also said that while the two aggressors may have claimed to target only one person, they did not seem to be able to direct their bloodlust, charging randomly. If there was no commoner to have died, it is certain that that was not because the two agressors had meant it so, but simply because nobody was near the fire when they called down their cruel magics._

  • _A huge fight broke out in the middle of Norwick, shortly after a confrontation of words between the hated bully Jay and Gina and Troff. The umberlant priestess known as Jack joined Jay's side, and the two suddenly went on a frenzy, attacking both Troff and Gina… and any who stood in their way.

    During the scuffle, only one was killed, that being Troff. The two culprits fled the scene after their bloodlust was sated. Oddly, they didn't target any of the guards and no guards were even hurt, seeming hell bent on just Troff and Gina.

    Many on the scene were outraged by the sudden attack, and have promised vengeance against the murderers.._

  • Any villagers that were unfortunate enough to be enjoying the morning breeze near Gemli's got a nasty surprise as a foul stench crept through the air. The odor passed as a black leather clad figure, most would recognize as Rasuil, made his way to the south holding his stomach.

    Once at the gates, an undescribable array of noxious gasses leaked its way from the ranger, overpowering some and causing all others to give him a very wide berth. Only one was brazen enough to approach long enough to attempt a treatment, which caused a violent purging of Rasuil's innards. None were spared as he stumbled in a near daze, projecting the contents of his last meals in a disturbing display of just how much a human stomach can hold.

    Able to stand no more and seeing no end to the retching, one of those gathered finally knocked the ranger unconscious and carted him off to the temple where he seemed to regain his color and composure.

    There is talk that the whole ordeal started over a bowl of pea soup, but one thing is for certain. With the mess left at the gates, no one will be complaining about the rain anytime soon.

  • Apparently another gathering at Jerricks, this one heralded by strange smoke from the tree; and more people, yelling, laughter, and eventually some small amount of sword play a small ways away from the party

  • Kayden was seen speaking with a pasty looking elf woman on the watch tower for several hours. Late into the night they headed north out of town. He seemed very happy to be with her.

  • Legion

    With a dazed look on his face Benji heads north past the inn toward the Legion Hall.

  • An altercation is reported outside the gates.. an elven woman in all dark leathers is supposedly have attacked Thorn.. it was stoped by others there and decended into a shouting match between the two which ended with her busting open Thorns nose before retrieving her swords from Aelthas and storming off to the north

  • Benji is seen to be wrestling apparently with a young and barely clothed brown haired elven woman. Though initally he resist her they withdraw to the wall (or did she just corner him) where she rained down kisses on him and whispered in gnomish to him before slinking off gigling toward the inn

  • Caelian has not changed from his previous behavior… though Eli is back, he is still seen watching the guards closely, and embracing Eli every chance he gets.

  • @dde1811f48=KT:

    After about a tenday or so of being 'Taena', it appears that Eli has returned to normal, not remembering anything from her time being Taena.

    This has led to a side effect of Troff being ridiculously happy. Many who approach him should be wary of hugs.

  • After about a tenday or so of being 'Taena', it appears that Eli has returned to normal, not remembering anything from her time being Taena.

  • Some say to have seen Locrian become hypnotised and disapear into the north.

    Only to return with a fancied longcloth tabbard hung from the belt. when asked, he remarks: "Shuddap bout th'arseflap"