Whispers at the Fire

  • Pass-remarkable Peltarchian snob, gastrognome and crossbow crack-shooter, Perriwig P. Doubleday made one of his regular trips down to the Grapevine Inn recently. While he was enjoying critiquing his plate of dinner and between sips from his goblet of wine, the dashing gnome made a few ungallant remarks about a certain local halfling inventor and infamous crossbowteer's sniping skills…

    "Oh, I'm sure dear master Benji would be quite … well reasonably competent for your mammoth hunt. He'd probably made an admirable stab at whaling. He'd certainly come in a reasonable - oh I don't know - fifth or sixth in a one-eyed barn-door shooting competition. Capital fellow for plugging bullseyes are seven steps or so. But … for the spinning coin at 300 yards - or putting a bolt through an evil grig sat on the nose of a cloud giant - no, no. That requires a particular talent that - alas - few are as lucky as my good self to possess. Pass the butter, could you my dear?"

  • Perhaps spawned by current gossip, a new tale is occasionally passed at the local Inn about the most recent destruction of the south gates, though details are loose and the story itself seems even more sketchy than the usual bar talk.

    Most commonly it's told - after several tankards - that a robed man appeared from nowhere, and with a snap of his fingers turned the gate to a pile of smoking sticks. After a brief verbal exchange the man vanished as quickly as he arrived, as did the leather clad woodsman. Reappearing a short time later, the ranger retreated to the south east, heading into the Rawlins as the sky itself laughed down.

  • Just after dusk, the darkened leather clad ranger, known around Norwick as Rasuil was witnessed entering from the south gates, heavily wounded and bearing the slumped form of Elder Malika in his arms. An injured black panther close at his heels, allowing nobody near him as he made his way to the temple. A few long hours later, the trio emerged looking slightly shaken but stable, taking a rest by the fire before making their way south one more.

    The gates were thrown open to reveal an enraged troblin on the other side, which charged straight into the center of town. Rasuil was faster and called for the aid of the few by the fire, who all rose valiantly to the defense of the town. The troblins attacked in several waves, though only one came at a time, and their goal was made clear as they charged passed the defenders to hammer at the gates beyond.

    All were gravely wounded by the end, the ranger barely pulled through requiring drastic field surgery after a vicious confrontation with a berserker and his greatsword. Though no one was lost, it seems every defender that was present was infected by the waves of attackers at some point in the skirmish. The eight brave souls have re-established the small camp just beyond the south gates, though Malika and Rasuil have each retired to a safe place near the Glenn.

  • The Infected seem to have re-established themselves south of town in tents after barely repelling a Troblin attack. The numbers where small but they only had the gates in mind when attacking. Still many of the brave infected nearly fell to the blows that instead leave them outcast from the town. Among them is Troff Legion, watching every night for vampire attacks.

  • Aramuil was seen showing a young girl of about nine or ten years old around the town, obviously not one of his own children as this girl was human. After the tour, the two returned to the Spellweaver Keep.

  • Hearing the news that the affliction has passed, Syclya packs her things and returns to the town proper, retiring to her second floor residence in the Apothecary, offering her assistance to those working there. Additionally she can be seen watching over the South gate by night and continuing her patrols into the Rawlinswood by day.

  • A fw days before this, there was apparently a confrontation in the woods between some priests of nature dieties, and Druidic followers of furies that were passing through.

    Rumor has it that the local Druid circle stopped in, and for some reason, not only was no further blood shed, but the priests and Fury Druids left together?

    As odd as it seems, they passed through the rest of Narfell in the same group, and left peacefully. Some even say they left gifts and their thanks for some kind of understanding that was reached… but that might all be rumor.

  • ((Dwin orders a server reset to replace the gates))

    The Chancellor orders the Red Cloaks that are usually at the south gate to be extra vigilant in their watch until the new gates can be replaced. He also sends a messenger to the lumber mill to ask them what is taking so long in the replacement gate order, as they have been asked to have many in store for this exact reason.

  • ICC

    A Goblin scout has reported that Norwick´s South Gate is down. Soon enough, the forrest was swarmed by hundreds of goblins…. The first attack was sucessfully stoped by the adventurers that were sitting by the south gate. When night fell, a second wave of Goblins trying to push forward, were also stoped. The attacks have ceased... but the word is out, Norwick has a soft spot for the time being... there is no south gate to stop intruders....something must be done, fast.

  • *THose watching from the town towrads the south gate saw a large bear walking into town.. All those around semeed fairly relaxed by it, presuming it was a druid..

    Two hoever seemed quite warey, a trainee guardsmen of Norwick seem to try and speak to teh bear before it statrted mauling him. THe beast was quickly slain by those gathered. Norwicks broken gates are definatly in need of fixing soon*

  • The former priestess of Umberlee who has taken up temporary residence in Norwick, has been spotted sitting around the fires and inside the inn huddled under her cloak and looking plain miserable. It seems she is very ill, but tries to ignore it. It's said she even took a long walk to Oscura with Drelan and came back a few days later looking even worse then before…

  • Rumor has it that citizens of Norwick have been hearing yells and cries..sometimes whimpers coming form the barracks prison late at night.

  • After a large argument in front of bystanders by the South Gate, Jaelle and Jay were spotted heading into the Grapevine…oddly, neither one has been spotted seen leaving the inn...

  • _Welcome news circulated Norwick, it seems that the affliction that had seen fifteen people isolated outside of the town walls had passed, and that they were no longer a danger to anyone around them from randomly changing forms.

    Many of the previously afflicted were seen quickly heading into town for baths, warms meals, and confortable beds._

  • ICC

    **[a grunt wearing colors of Iron Chain Clan enters the town and is obviously looking for certain newly arrived human shaman, who has been asking great many questions about nars pass and its histodry[/b:e5808c1851]

    "whes da newly arrived nosy huumie asking questions aboot da pass und tribes? Grand Shaman Grak has granted im un short audience."**

  • Being that the Chancellor himself is one of the "exiled" orders are given to deliver meals from the barracks and the inn directly to the group. Likewise, the chancellor calls for a large table and suitable bedding and tents for all.

    if I'm to stay put 'ere with all o ya, then we'll at least be comfortable and well fed!

  • // Nope, still going. We're all still sitting out there, enjoying the peace and quiet.

  • ((is the south gate exile still going on? It was my understanding the "coating" of magic would wear off.

    If it hasn't yet (almost 3 tendays ago IG) then please let us know. I assumed Dwin was back to normal by now))

  • Legion

    A trio of women dressed in red and black set up a number of tents to shelter those encamped outside Norwick's south gate. A small pile of wood and a sack of food has also been left for those exiled form the town.

  • On a stranger note, a quiet Norwick night turned into a boistrous night of drunkenness as ale rain began to fall from the sky, many drinkers running outside to catch the free ale. After a while of many public displays of drunkenness, the guards chased everyone indoors and the rain disappeared.