Whispers at the Fire

  • _There has been quite an uprising in goblin attacks on the south gates. Caelian says he knows of two that he helped stave off.

    There is also a chance they are getting more strategic, as they attacked the gates at the same time a group of hobgoblins attacked Silver Valley_

    • A group of 4 adventurers headed towards Jiyyd and Mintas on a mining trip. They found Nickle and Lapis. All returned safely. The group consisted of Rando, Mord, Cele and Silv.*

  • Rumor has it that the Chancellor is going to make some sort of dedication to Cyrian. Some say it might be a statue near the barracks or the Crafting Hall, others speculate that he might ask the Dwarven Hold to brew a special recipe in Cyrian's honor. It is said that the Chancellor knew Cyrian for almost as many years as he had been a resident here, and was struck very hard by his death.

  • Calen is seen stepping into the Apothecary to pay his respects

    We were not close, though you made many a journey interesting and to see someone as stong as you fall from age is an encouragement. You shall be missed greatly. Helm watch over your soul.

    he bows his head and then walks out quietly

  • Members of Peltarch's Seafarers Guild have been sighted about town, often going to and from the Rawlins, seemingly just exploring it. Word has it that the small group was sent by worried traders to inquire about rumours of Treants.

  • @396a586a42=metagod:

    The body of former militia lieutenant, Cyrian Loreweaver, was recently moved to the apothecary to be preserved while preparations are made for a funeral. It seems that the old timer passed away peacefully in his sleep some days ago. Cyrian was a Norwick guard for over fifty years, and he was pushing seventy years old himself.

    Z is seen entering the apothecary to pay his respects.

  • Maythor and others fallow the sounds and wait and watche the goblins for a long while as rage building in his blood till it feels as though the heat of the hotest forge is floing threw his vains and then he strinks out in a murderous unstopable rages Axe wielding goblin blood flying and not stopping till every goblin he see's is dead. He serches for days killing any and all goblins on sight not sparing a single one untill all that can be heard in the woods is the sound of birds and other animals.

  • @80b165aa81=metagod:

    The body of former militia lieutenant, Cyrian Loreweaver, was recently moved to the apothecary to be preserved while preparations are made for a funeral. It seems that the old timer passed away peacefully in his sleep some days ago. Cyrian was a Norwick guard for over fifty years, and he was pushing seventy years old himself.

    The pale elven wizard Lucidious pays a visit to Norwick shortly after, dressed in fine purple robes lined with sliver and gold. After a quiet stroll through town, he makes his way to the apothecary to pay his respects.

  • Deep in the Rawlins, the goblins can be heard celebrating Cyrian's death with bonfires and drunken revels, culminating in sacrificing a stolen cow to the goblin gods as a bribe to keep him from coming back.

  • ICC

    Although not the best friend of Cyrian, Major KULL pays his deepest respect for a fellow soldier and honorable man

  • @5ac9c26355=metagod:

    The body of former militia lieutenant, Cyrian Loreweaver, was recently moved to the apothecary to be preserved while preparations are made for a funeral. It seems that the old timer passed away peacefully in his sleep some days ago. Cyrian was a Norwick guard for over fifty years, and he was pushing seventy years old himself.

    Rando pays his most deepest respect for a long time friend and travelling partner..

    "Well, Cyrian, looks like this was your final trip and one that's resulted in you death than i cant pay to have you raised…. You must have cost me over 20,000 gold in bringing your ass back.. You will be missed my friend, sadly missed. Be well and safe on this journey, maybe we will meet again.. Goodbye friend...."

    Rando leaves the room with some would say a tear in his eyes

  • ICC

    The sound of Clanking metal against metal and warcrys, can be heard from afar, deep in the Rawlinswoods graveyard path.
    Few hours later, a badly wounded Arak´Hur can be seen limping into Norwick assisted by one of his clansman

  • The body of former militia lieutenant, Cyrian Loreweaver, was recently moved to the apothecary to be preserved while preparations are made for a funeral. It seems that the old timer passed away peacefully in his sleep some days ago. Cyrian was a Norwick guard for over fifty years, and he was pushing seventy years old himself.

  • Drow! Arson!?

    First it just seemed to be a mean goblin sneak that left a trap directly at the southern gates of Norwick - then the word spread that a drow elf was caught sneaking about the gates. A hunting party of adventures brought that one down, though, and with the dawn quiet settled over Norwick once more. And the next night, Norwick was prepared, defending the gates against small groups of drow mages. It's possible that the attack on the gates was just a distraction, because the same night a fire was laid to the Phoenix guild hall - and a note was retrieved from the scene.

  • As the latest Fight Night was coming to a close, but before the adventurers' return, some of the contestants experienced spontaneous magics invigorating them and turning their skin to living stone. Shortly afterward, a white stag surrounded by mist appeared and curiously walked about town. The stag seemed to be skittish of men, but was fine with women and even blessed a mother with healing. Some residents tried to follow the white stag to figure out why he was in town, but it disappeared near the Grapevine Inn.

  • After the latest Fight Night rounds off, a large group of weary but triumphant adventurers arrive to Norwick from the Rawlins, carrying tales of fighting all manner of foul beasts (including a -dragon-!) in the fabled Dun Tharos, deep in the forest, on a quest to retrieve a lost artifact and regain the favour of a godess. Prominent members of the druid circle form a sizable part of the group, the Divine Shield's finest also standing out, alongside other well known names such as Ronan, Gears, Celebring, Kaetlyn, Terren, Lycka and Aelthas - the latter two appearing very happy indeed.

  • ICC

    _Adoras has been seen warming up the General Lyte of the Legion around the campfire. He has openly spoken of assisting the Legion if required and future possibilities of Peacekeepers working alongside the Legion in a crisis.

    While not condoning the past actions of Oscuran citizens (mainly himself), Adoras has spoken of change to polish up the tarnished Oscuran reputation for a better future._

  • Anor is seen spending some times at the Rawlins and Norwick, tending to wounded animals and also just taking walks for the fun of it. She also tends to help any adventurer that is in need of aid.

  • Seems there were a series of raised voices in the Trade Hall and then Mord stalks out followed by Valad and Quinn. He exchanges a few short chopped words with them then gestures south. The two take off running in that direction and Mord heads back to the Hall muttering.

  • A short note on Gemli's shop and posted elsewhere says the following:


    By order of the Chancellor:
    Powder keg sales by anyone except for the Chancellor and his Militia are forbidden until further notice. To purchase a powder keg, see D'Cameron in the Great Hall for application.

    Any trade of powder kegs outside of this process will be treated as a high crime and the punishments will be quick and appropriate.

    ((any way to give D'Cameron a store? If not, then I would ask everyone to RP that Gemli does not have any kegs, as they have all been ordered removed from his store.))