Whispers at the Fire

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Gears, when in Norwick, leaning against his customary tree, can often be seen to cast a mournful glance to the now abandoned pavilion previously occupied by Selene. "Luiren's Best" seems to be the reoccuring theme in his mutters as he looks at the empty structure.

  • *Rumor spreads that Peltarch soldiers have been wandering around town poking about and asking questions. Are they here to aid, to take over or what? *

  • Rumours circulate Telli travelled south to the lake with nothing more then a beat up robe and scythe in her hand. A few weeks pass and she's yet to have returned.

  • General Lyte of Jiyyd is seen around Norwick, speaking in a friendly, supportive fashion to both Dwin and Aramuil, and speaking easily to the guards around town, affirming more positive feelings that things are okay around Norwick.

  • Rumor has it that Just'ene of the Jiyyd Watch staggered into town and punched Gemli square in the nose, setting off a brawl that had to be broken up by nearby adventurers.

  • A group of four adventurers consisting of Ronan, Celebring, 'Jack' and Kara are seen to come running in from the forest at full tilt, pausing only once inside the gate to regain their breath. Three of the group appeared to be bleeding heavily, though all of the group appeared to be fairly elated and in high spirits.

  • _Word spreads of a recent death on the road in Norwick, just north of the Inn.. it seems a large bear walked through town before the body was found a few hours later and ate a woman, spitting her shoe out on the road later in front of a group of people. The bear proceeded to simply walk out of the town while some shrugged, thinking it was just some druid and it wasn't dangerous.

    Others, like the Priestess of Umberlee that was present wondered why anyone would let any type of animal in the town like that, druid or not, but even she shrugged and walked off after, as it's the town who decides, not her._

  • The Chancellor makes a show of being quite alive and heads over to the site of the explosion.

    Rass? Folks… Tis more rumors. We'll tell ya what really happened soon...

  • A huge explosion rocks Eastern Norwick and quards are sent scurrying. It is rumored that the Chancellor or maybe the guard commander has been blown to bits in an explosion that wiped out the eastern part of town. It is whispered that Rass is back and destroying one house at a time. It is rumored that fire swept through the mill and destroyed a still that was secretely bein operated there.

  • _The Apothecary has no shortage of work in recent times. A constant stream of the injured, half dead or completely dead, with their companions seek treatment from Norwick's own Kia and Tristina.

    At the end of a particularly long day for the two, one more novice traveler is brought to their proverbial doorstep. Townsfolk overhear a distinct scream soon after. "WE HAVE NOT BEEN ARRESTED!" …. Or something along those lines.

    After an initial misunderstanding, a bolder eavesdropper might have heard talk of a 'Masked Swordsman' with a blade as sharp as it was red, and glowed. Supposedly this was the one to strike the novice traveler down, who was later identified as a devout of Torm. The 'Masked Swordsman' remains unidentified.

    Present during these events were two Elves as well, one tall with black hair, the other more brightly colored in blue armor, with red hair._

  • _One night, a white haired fellow leaves the Greathall of Norwick, hand in hand with a red headed half-elven maiden. The two head straight to the inn for a night's rest from… portal exaustion? Either way, the two appear to be happy, though a bit tired.

    The next morning, the white haired gentleman is seen heading back into the Great Hall once again, seeming to stay in there for quite a while into the night. Once he leaves, his expression is very grim.._

  • ICC

    Groups of Iron Chain Clan halfers can be seen entering Norwick to replace others that are returning from a night of patrol in the woods. The group beeing replaced can be seen entering norwick from the south gate, showing evidence of beeing involved in skirmishes with whatever lurks behind the trees and bushes at the cover of the dark night. These barbarian warriors look weary and their armors and wepons are stained with the blood of whatever they´ve fought and slain

  • ICC


    Sightings of a great and terrible wolf roaming about the Rawlins occur every couple days. They say its paws are bigger than a hin's skull. Footprints leading to and from aat least one farm with missing livestock support that much. Other stories claim the creature is at least two stories tall with eyes of flame and teeth as long as greatswords. No one can agree on just how big it really is…just that i'ts is.. big..really big...and hungry.

    Grak is tapping his large belly on the campfire
    "Ya heards them rumors, eh? Har har, of course ya haves, because ya bunch bes such rumormongering wenches yarself.

    Snickers a bit

    "That runaway wolf-curr bes roaming them lands and devouring cattle, vermhins and even farmers alike. Fear nots. As soon as yar shorty-boss opens dem town coffers and announces reward from head of that wolfy, Grak and Graks brethen will takes care of its.

    eyes start to glitter
    Mmmm.. Hopefully shorty-boss values yar safety up fer our trouble-solving fee of dem 1300 coin…. mmmmm..

  • Rumor has it that Lana Ogden, Tristina, and several guards have been arrested and charged with treason.

  • Sightings of a great and terrible wolf roaming about the Rawlins occur every couple days. They say its paws are bigger than a hin's skull. Footprints leading to and from aat least one farm with missing livestock support that much. Other stories claim the creature is at least two stories tall with eyes of flame and teeth as long as greatswords. No one can agree on just how big it really is…just that i'ts is.. big..really big...and hungry.

  • The guardsman Rupert has begun circulating rumors that his normally very boring shift in the Great Hall was livened by the sudden and inexplicable appearance of the Imperceptor Zanetar Den 'Kath the other day.

    The priest came out of thin air, said good day, and left.


  • After recent events, Cherry Holimioin, usuallyhappily absorbed in motherhood of late, works extra hard to get herself back into fighting shape. She often trades helping out in the Grapevine kitchen for extra babysitting help when she has hers and Aramuil's three children in town.

  • Eli has been seen walking out of Norwick with her eyes to the ground and most of her hair covering her ashamed face.

  • ICC

    word has it that Norwick was attacked by goblins in the very same day the Iron Chain Clan half-orcs were NOT allowed to patrol the woods and banned from norwick for the duration of one day, by an Elf Norwick Scout named Eliliam Ama . When asked why the ICC halfers didnt patroled the area where goblins usualy roam about, Arak´Hur simply blaims the elf scout and says that she´s the responsable for such attack

  • ICC

    Arak´Hur and his boys can be seen entering norwick to patrol the woods as they have done for the past month. He enters norwick holding a letter with Norwick´s chancellor seal. Passing by Eliliam Ama, he nods and grins a toothy grin at her as he passes by