Whispers at the Fire
During a trip into the graveyard by a small band of young adventurers, a portal of some sort was opened and undead began pouring out. After defeating the many undead and closing the portal the group began to depart, as they were leaving a mysterious headlass messanger arrived and demanded that they not leave without offering the master a sacrifice, the gnome called Aleum volunteered himself on the ground that he speak first to the master, the group argued about it for a while but then conceded to allow the gnome to leave. While the group tried to think of something they could do to save him the ground shook and a summoning circle appeared, moments after a bone dragon the size of a big house appeared and chased the group out of the graveyard. the Scout Aurelia returned to town to seek help and moments after another of the group came in a more panicked state, when the group returned to the graveyard the dragon was gone and the gnome was returned.
((DM was DM Ugly i believe Thanks!))
Dwin shares some quick quiet words in response ((PM'd))
When the announcement that Elith has been exicuted, the response is mixed. Dondiah nods and steps up to Ronan or Dwin, who ever is closest and requests to be present at the cremation, if it is permitted
(( Either can pm me the response
The scout Aurelia managed to spot out of the corner of her eye a strange red glow coming from the small gap of the gates leading to the town hall, she quickly went to investigate and saw there was a red star drawn into the ground, she alerted a few people around the fire that something was amiss. Dietrick and Thorn came along to investigate,several candles appeared around the star, dietrick stepped into it thinking it was a present for him and was sapped of his energy, the ground began to shake, without any strong casters to identify the phenomena Thorn handed Aurelia a scroll of dispelling, she quickly read it and cast dispel at the center of the circle, a small earthquake shook the group off their feet and the circle and candles faded.
((DM was DM Stormbringer, thanks! ))
_Just after midnight, Dwin and Ronan exit the Inner gates of town and step up the fire.
Ronan announces to anyone that can hear that the Criminal ELith Healinghands has been executed, and that his body will soon be cremated.
<leaving a="" space="" here="" for="" ronan's="" actual="" quote="" if="" he="" wants="" it="" since="" things="" got="" bit="" ooc="" confusing="" last="" night="">After Ronan speaks, the two head off in different directions, Dwin heading back towards the Great Hall.</leaving>_
Once in a while, the perceptive or observant might feel a hunch of being watched in the wild areas south of Norwick, near the graveyard. Looking around they may spot a glimpse of small shadowy movements through the thick vegetation or hills.
((the Execution is scheduled for this evening sometime between 9-10pm EST, depending on when we can all get there))
((Has the execution taken place yet? If not, which DM should I talk to about it?))
_Tendrils of smoke snake their way to the sky from the south eastern rawlins near the Blood Spear camp. Those scouting the area spot a few scattered patches of once corrupted foliage now alight with bright white searing flames. These small patches burn for the better part of a day, then gutter out without warning leaving nothing but ash and scorched earth behind.
The damage done to the woods as a whole is minimal, but the results are pain to see in these small patches. Nothing survives prolonged exposure to the white flames. Even roots buried deep in the soil are nothing but smoldering cinders afterward._
The exotic goods merchant Stacey Aldawyn is seen about town making big sales as usual, she happily reminds everyone that if they need restocks of her goods that they can simply ask around for her.
Word spreads that one of the often seen faces of Norwick, Gears, lashed out at the visiting Thayvian captain Harion just beyond the northern gates. It is said the hin knocked him straight off a cliff and stabbed him repeatedly despite others' efforts to intervene. Some say the shadows themselves rose up and aided Gears. Whatever the case may be, the captain ended up running away from the incensed halfling, through Norwick's northern gates and all the way out the southern ones, bleeding profusely.
Fendon tiptoes his way out into the Commons to read an official proclamation.
Hear YEE! hear YEE!
By Order of his Honor,
Lord Chancellor Dolvak,The Treacherous, Dangerous and
Ambiguously Named Criminal
Elith Healinghands
Shall be Executed at Mid-Night,
One Ten-day from Today.His Crimes put the Realm and its
Brave Citizens in Mortal Danger, and
Took more than a few Brave Souls away from us.May the Criminal's God be as Merciful on him
As Lord Dolvak has been.After reading the note, Fendon quickly retreats back inside, avoiding any questions or eye contact.
((9pm EST on 6 May 2008 is when we would like to do this…))
As usual, Bagnar has been seen talking to Devvie and Mordie about everything, ranging from bellybutton lint, to how overpriced Devlin's masterwork longswords are.
Celestria frowns deeply hearing about visitors gettings into the jail and wanders about asking various people how this happened since the jail room is locked and can only be accessed by Norwick personnel with keys.
muttering to himself
<g>What the fark did he do anyways?</g>
_After a few visitors get in to see the criminal, the jail is closed to any further public entry. Double the normal number of guards are placed at the Barracks entry and there are rumored to be 2 guards watching Elith at all times.
Rumors amongst the townspeople range everywhere from immediate execution to life imprisonment as the fate of the criminal, but thus far the Lord Chancellor and his senior advisers are quiet on the subject._
_Dondiah was seen whispering heatedly with Ronan. Often, she visits the Norwick jail, where Elith is being kept.
Those may notice that she is mostly always pale and absent minded. Quite different from the bard that laughed and sang and danced._
Quite some time after five intrepid adventurers left norwick only one can be seen returning as they left, apparently something turned the other three into cute little zombie eating penguins, and one into a bardic snowman…
But thanks to the care of a kind stranger they were soon returned to normal.. all be it with a craving for fish and an ocasional flap of the arms.
A a plae skinned, blue haired human in fancy clothes has been seen smoking cigars and spouting an odd sort of common by the fire in Norwick lately. He mostly sits about studying books when no one is around. Occasionally he can be seen identifying items for adventurers and taking a small payment for his service. He seems to be more of a business man than and adventurer. He sticks to the urban centres of Narfell, as opposed to going out and exploring the out lying areas.
Jerrick on a now rare trip into town overhears talk of these creatures, stops, seems to think a moment, then rushes off to the wolves den