Whispers at the Fire

  • _Several people report seeing Wren and Vescar escorting a protesting Hen south towards the bailey after placing her under arrest within Norwick's walls. They return some time later without her. Wren looks to be in an abnormally foul mood.

    Word has it that she's being denied visitors for now._

  • Hen was seen at the fight night some say she came to sture up a storm and other say she came to turn herself in.

    everyone also saw her make a complete fool out of the wizard that they called Eza fooling him at a game of "catch the Hen"

    all they know is that she came she played and left with a biger purse then she came and was never arested

    (sorry for this post being a little late :evil: )

  • Dwin is awakened by one of his guards and is seen walking around interviewing several folks about the recent problems in the graveyard.

    Rubbing his temples to try and help sort out all of the contradictions and hearsay, he finally calls his senior guards and says within earshot of anyone nearby..

    The wiggler stays in jail until I say to let him out. He'll probably be safer in there anyway.

    Melanie Stern is not to be allowed to linger within our borders. If she needs to travel to her shrine and back, I will allow it. If she so much as stops to smell squish a bug, she is to be arrested. I need to have a sit down with Thander and find out why his people are torturing others on Norwick property.

  • Rumour has it that a large amount of undead passed through the Norwick construction site, rushing into the graveyard. Some might mention that a couple of people went in there too…others say that they were Ezachiel, a powerful necromancer, Wren, a Militia member, Cherry, Cera's Granddaughter, and the bard Melidian. Later, a priestess of Kelemvor and Melanie, a Guardian and member of the Watchful Repose, went in too. Not long after sunrise, some say that they left again, with a horribly injured carried over Melanie's shoulder. Chopped up, with both of his hands crushed, his mouth gagged, his arms tied behind his back, and his face bloody and bruised, one might wonder what he might have done to deserve such a punishment. Probably created an army of undead in a bid to overthrow Norwick. Which would explain why he was carried to the Norwick jail by Wren later.

  • amywen leaves note at the milita barrecks concerning the Elven named hen requesting a meeting to settle fine or sentence concerning said assualt

  • Rumour has it that someone who might be recognised as Ezachiel has been going into Norwick at night, covered in a layer of shadows, some say to try to find out more about the fog, others to perform immense satanic rituals in an effort to summon an army of pitfiends. Whatever it is, he appears to have Dwin's permission to do it.

  • I'm tellin' ya, I was just going out for a walk in the Nars, and I saw that creepy mage guy, what's his name again…eh...Eza something? Whatever. I saw that guy just walking out there, wandering back and forth. Anyway, I was getting ready to go back and forth, when all of a sudden this hobgoblin ran up to him. You know, the big ones? He just stood there, waiting for that thing to get closer, and he was mumbling something, I dunno what. Oy! that's my beer! Give it back! Hmpf. Kids these days. Right, where was I? Oh yeah, that thing was going at him, and he snapped his fingers, and it dropped dead! And then he just walked back to town... I've seen those mage types killing stuff with fire and all kinds of weird stuff, or scaring them to death and all that...but that thing just...I dunno. One moment it was running and shouting, the next moment, it was dead. Scary stuff man. I sure do hope that I never piss him off. So, what was that you were saying about them kids?

  • @e70afffd46=Clan:

    _The Norwick Guards are seen passing around a crudely drawn wanted poster of a elf-lass named "Hen".

    Word has it that she is wanted for attempted assault on Lord Dolvak himself when he tried to politely bring her in for questioning one evening._

    _An exasperated Wren is seen on gate duty at the barracks arguing with a man with a chicken.

    "Yes, I know the poster says 'Hen', but that's not what it means. We don't want your chicken."


    "Yes, I'm sure she's a desperate and vicious layer, but we don't want her! We're looking for an elf named-"


    "That is not an elf, that's a chicken! Look, you just told me it was a hen! That's… yes, we're looking for a 'hen' who's an elf, but this is not an elf, it's a CHICKEN."


    "It does NOT have pointy ears! Chickens don't have ears!"


    "If you're still here in five seconds, you and your chicken are going into the cells!"_


  • Dwin hangs a sign at the gates and on the crafters hall.

    Newly forged, and never-been worn Steel Fullplate and matching Masterwork Steel Tower shield for sale. Extremely competitive price for full set or either piece. Please inquire with Dwin if you are interested. Customizations for your size at no charge.

    ((PM me if interested))

  • _On a visit to Norwick, the young mage Dyani al Fehzim spies the Wanted poster and studies it curiously.

    After a moment or two of thought, she makes an inquiry as to whether a bounty has been offered for Hen's return._

  • _The Norwick Guards are seen passing around a crudely drawn wanted poster of a elf-lass named "Hen".

    Word has it that she is wanted for attempted assault on Lord Dolvak himself when he tried to politely bring her in for questioning one evening._

  • Rumour has it that the former militia trainee Ezachiel can be seen visiting Norwick again from time to time, though not often, and usually not for long.

  • Word has begun to spread about an elf who speaks with a noble tone asking around about creatures he calls "Fey'ri" or "Daemonfey"; half-elf, half-demon. Apparently, he believes some may be in Narfell and is trying to find them. He says that they would have an "unhealthy" interest in magical artifacts or demon-related lore and areas. He has started his search in the Rawlinswoood, apparently trying to find areas that the Fey'ri might be hiding.

  • Seems the rains have stopped giving Norwick a much needed respite. Though the weather isn't exceptionally warm, the mud dries nonetheless much to the chagrin to the half orcs who are seen carrying buckets of water to favorite mud spots.. A moderate blowing wind from the west even grants the citizens some fresh air.

  • Some might remember the Norwick Militia kicking out someone who has risked his life in the defence of Norwick many times, and who was doing alright in the training.

  • Word of the cheeky Rhistin and his uninformed remarks makes it back to Dwin and the Senior officers of the Militia.

    Funny, them druids all but abandon their own home and then criticize how we defend ours. Somebody ask that Rhistin lass if he wants to join the Militia ranks and show us how its to be done!

  • Rhistin is seen cursing near Norwick South gates. "If those brave Militia men were just a bit more into guarding Norwick and less into filling their pockets, such box nor trap would never have been laid before the gates." Sloppy guards…

    Earlier that day she was seen aiding Albryanna in the incarsenation of two dwarves that left the gates wide open and were "hesitant" to follow Albryanna's instructions to properly close them. The stiff dwarven talk back made Rhistin's cones turn a high crimson.

  • _Word around the area is that a bunch of adventurers, including Vescar, Mareann and Melidian, after returning from battling goblins in the East Rawlins, came back to find a trap laid in front of the Norwick gates. It is rumored that while keeping watch to find out who laid these traps, a goblin scout was chased off, only to return a short time later, leaving an unmarked crate outside the gates. On investigation, a strange bird struggled out of a small hole in the crate, only to suddenly attack Vescar and turn him to stone.

    While trying to keep the creature from damaging the stoned Vescar, Melidian was also chased down and stoned. Thankfully, Mareann and two other adventurers who were not recognized, succeeded in killing the bird, (identified later as a Cockatrice), and then securing help from the Norwick healers to return the two stoned men to life.

    Deciding then that the crate needed destroying, the group was seen arguing about how to do it, when Mareann had enough and destroyed the crate with a swing of her weapon. Unfortunately, this released another of the cockatrices. However, luck was on their side and they succeeded in killing this one before it turned anyone else to stone. Rumor has it that Vescar has swift legs indeed.

    Because of this incident, it is obvious that the goblins are still up to something, and are turning to more devious tactics than open attack. A situation that has people wondering if all of this will ever end._

  • Albryanna, Devlin, Vescar, and Kresha were seen entering the deeper woods, reporting to Mord before they departed that they were planning of scouting the goblin cave in the Western Rawlins for Nickel ore. Some hours later, after encountering numerous goblins and beetles, they came fleeingly from the caves, goblin archers, elites, and beeltes in close pursuit, them looking like they had been cast into the deepest pits of hell. After their safe return to Norwick, they were seen heading straight for the Friar's shed, a look of determination upon Albry's face. Some time later, they emerged from the small house, their wounds seeming to have disappeared, though signs of exhaustion upon their bodies. Emidiately, without the company of Devlin, still pouting of being "ripped off for the price of healing", Albry, followed by militiamen Vescar and Kresha along with citizens Abel Nightrode and Kalienah Summerbloom, marched back into the woods withs strong souls and spirits. Hours later, they returned, burdened with bags filled of possessions, Abel carrying an elven body over his shoulder: the body of Celebring. After some time in the care of Tristina, a tired looking and exhausted Albry was seen entering the barracks, looking for a good nights sleep.

  • Khory and Albryanna returned to Norwick bloodied and battered after an excursion into the Rawlins. The few who asked were told in Khory's traditional un-verbose manner of an expedition into a cave network in the deep Eastern Rawlins, where the two came across umberhulks near a vast underground lake, and spotted a large group of hook horrors deep within the various tunnels and caverns. They even stood toe-to-toe with one before beating a hasty and well advised retreat back to the surface. As her wounds could attest, the encounter with the savage subterranean beast did not go in their favor.