Whispers at the Fire

  • _Dwin and several of his guards are seen returning from the Rawlins with several hunted deer and a couple dozen birds of all sizes.

    The group sat at the fire, and carefuly plucked the feathers out placing them in their helms while they roasted the poultry.

    They then skinned the deers and roasted the meat. Dwin started sewing the hides into bags. After the bags were sewn, he and the guards (who thought Dwin might be losing his mind at this point) stuffed the bags with a helms-worth of feathers. The bags were then sewn shut and placed in the cooking pot, one by one.

    The feather bags were then boiled. As they cooled, the feathers would expand and the hide would shrink, making a compact ball.

    Dwin carefully inspected the balls once they had cooled and threw a couple into the fire as they "weren't round enough."

    He placed the rest in his bag and then headed off towards the smitty, mumbling something about irons._

  • Those passing through Norwick hear talks of a small attack led by none other than the evil, murderous gnome Droido. The details change depending on who you ask, but it is said that somewhere between two and ten gnomes assisted Droido with traps and ambushes.

  • Rumor has it that the imprisoned banite attempted a hunger strike in the Jails, which ended when guards shoved some boiled rat down his throat.

  • If the one or two people wondering about Ezachiel's militia training happen to wonder "out loud" within earshot of any guards or scouts, they will hear a variety of tales, most of them ending the same way… Eza has been released from the Recruitment program based on crimes alegedly committed in the Romani camp.

  • Some might notice that the wizard known as Ezachiel has not been to Norwick, even though other rumours say that his guard duty at the gypsy camp has been suspended. Others might remember that he was a militia trainee before he left, and wonder why he hasn't returned to his training?

  • Rumor has it that yet another Norwick-bound caravan has been found slaughtered.


  • _The passings of the nights in Norwick, had been one of unease.

    But the recent appearances of driders terrorizing Norwick, had only made atmosphere of dread Norwick had been clutching, grow bigger and more obvious than a person holding such fears in their heart.

    The weak willed ones are probably in state of paranoia as we speak.

    It happened in the middle of the night, driders raiding the northern site of Norwick, leaving the scene with captives with them. Some dwarf workers who were tasked in building the new Norwick and the other a notable individual, a Romani merchant by the name of Selene.

    A group of brave men and women pursued the driders they did, to rescue the catpvies in distress. Some notable from the Legions, some notable from the Norwick militia while the rests are simply notable, for their bravery as a passing adventurer.

    So entered the underdark they did, the darkness where it blacker than the piercing night itself, relying onto their brave hearts as their source of beacon of light. Follow they did, the trails left by the driders, with hopes that the captives were still amongst the living.

    Alas but sadly, the group emerged from the underdark with only a weakened Selene in their grasps. The fate fo the dwarves were unfortunate and most of the adventurers, were reluctant to speak of their ill fated end.

    The brave ones then gathered in the Friars, letting Kira to tend to the weakened Selene, whom everyone thought she be poisoned. But the results shared by Kira, of her findings on Selen brings a series of revolting gestures from even the most loudest and hot blooded adventurer amongst the group.

    The details for such gestures were not clear, for not many were able to stomach the news and willing to speak of it.

    For an entire day and night, the Friar was closed as both Tristina and Kira, informed Norwick that they were performing a dangerous surgery upon Selene to remove 'eggs' within her.

    One wonders, what would happened to Selene, if she was not rescued in time? What about these 'eggs' that all speaks of in town in form of gossips means? Whether an answer is given or not, or just as uncertain rumour, it is enough to bring a sense of dread amongst the hearts of Norwickens._

  • Lately, Keiji has been seen sprinting the length of Narfell, meeting with merchants of all shades and inquiring about healing balms, saying that there is a batch out there that has gone bad and is as effective as water at this point.

  • Jerr was seen dragging four corpses into town and heading for the town healer just before sunset. his sundown song was especially poignant that eve.

  • an elven woman with flaming red hair is freqently seen to enter the town hall .. when she leaves the floors are always wet; apparently she doesn't have a towel

  • _Words in forms of rumours gossiped by the maids, tasked with cleaning the Chancellor's room, managed to find its way into the gossips amongst the town locals.

    The gossip involved about the Chancellor's impressive bathtubs that seemed to be free for public use, or so claimed one maid who witnessed a couple in Norwick entering the Chancellor's room freely to use his bath tub that almost turned into their own private love nest.

    Amongst the gossiping discussion involved about one cannot help but wonder in the near future, if the Chancellor's room will be converted into a quick love hotel as a form of Norwick's expanded business?

    The gossips rages on and possibly gets more exagerrating as the time goes by._

  • Rumors pass through town of a drowning incident which almost led to the death of a dwarven fellow. On asking one would hear that the dwarf is alive and well, but did have a hacking cough once recovered from the south lakes grasp. Others joke about dwarves spending too much time in the mountains they never learn how to swim.

  • Hen walks around norwick seeming to be puzzeled about something
    when she mumbles all is heard but "what one what one"

  • Albry is seen keeping a close eye on Keiji while he remains in town. Her watchfulness around him has increased due to the recent event of Keiji's imprisonment and the charges for it.

  • ((note my edit above… the guards could care less about Keiji once he leaves town or stops trying to peddle his junk... believe me you aren't THAT important 😉

    ...and a general reminder that any sales of items need to adhere to the DM SET pricelist that the union has nothing to do with beyond IC pricing...))

  • After discovering that he has had guards assigned to follow him around, Keiji can be seen grinning ear to ear as he makes their lives as miserably boring as possible, and trying to see if he can get them lost in the woods. He's heard remarking, "You sell a few battleaxes from fallen warriors at discount price, and you get a guard contingent? I'd hate to see how he handles legitimate competetors! Probably dispatches a group of guards to go rough em up for daring to mess with Big Boss Dwin and his crafting Union."

    ((Not everyone selling cheaper-than-usual equipment is trying to undermine the crafting guild.))

  • As soon as Word gets out that Keiji is offering weapons at discounted prices, a pair pf guards is assigned to shadow him just around town when speaking to other merchants or travellers and watch for underselling. Likewise, it seems the offer to be an alternate for the trusted Norwick guard was not taken lightly.

    ((assume that any attempts to undersell Union prices are being watched and will be dealt with accordingly…))

  • _After hearing about the merchants and loitering around somewhat, Keiji offers to provide them with "_A good supply of…eer...lightly used battleaxes at a very discounted price."In addition, he has offered his services as an alternative to the Norwick Guard, especially guarding supply caravans out of town.

  • Dwin hears of the new merchants and asks the young pointy-eared lass if she would like a tour of the town, in which he can answer any questions she might have.

  • Among the merchants arriving on the caravan is Stacey Aldawyn, a young elf woman, she mentions that while she gets settled in and her shop is prepared that she is looking for some information on the local area, she says that knowing as much as she can about the place she intends to do business will help her to offer the best deals possible and will greatly improve the chances of success for her business.