::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Roland is seen leaving the city during the night with a good number of commoners, including women and children. A knight in Divine Shield armor accompanies them. Those who live in the docks know that most of them are Brynmors or other close relatives. Roland is back in the city by morning.

  • _Natanya (who also like Maya has been sighted dressed up, with her hair done, and in fancy outfits), has certainly made a few eyebrows rise lately, with her unusual behaviour.

    She seem happy, which in itself wouldn't be odd, if in this dark and stressed out city, happiness seem to come in tiny sealed dosages.

    She is seen running around the kobold hills barefooted, rushing off to bath in the local lakes - even supposedly in the nude, spend nights gazing at the stars, have picnics in the grassy edge of the commons, wear flowers in her hair, and generally just smile and giggle at the most minor of things.

    Roland, and Shannon seem to express a great concern for her well-being, and the old senator has been wanting to get his hands on the Paladin for a long talk, ASAP - though currently too occupied with paperwork regarding the election.

    When asked about it, she just giggle and says_

    "Isn't it obvious? The world is a wonderful place, with fascinating people, and fantastic landscape. We all have the individual opportunity to make the best of it, create our own happiness. Tyr make me feel loved, and I have faith in his wisdom."

    Yup, pretty annoyingly sickening, rumors circles it might have been something she ate or drank, or maybe she finally has properly snapped.

  • Rumor has it that Maya was seen in of all things, a dress. The barmaids in the Mermaid report that it was a rustic dark red skirt and top arrangement, elegant yet simple. Her hair was washed and braided, the black feathers in a tasteful arrangement in the back. She was sitting down with the priest of Torm Shannon D’Arneau over dinner. Shannon appeared to be his usual quiet self, while Maya appeared more animated and talkative than usual. A few whispered and wondered what Arien Ashald would think of this.

  • Peter Stokabo can be seen giving earnest thanks at the altar in the temple of Tyr.

    If asked why he, a devoted Oghmite, would pray to Tyr, Peter responds by telling of how he stumbled through the lizardfolk lands half-conscious and gravely wounded, hauling the body of a fallen comrade on his back… Only to fall dead in front of several Defenders at the South Gate of the Civic District. A kindly priest of Tyr heard of the brutal slayings, and raised both Peter and his companion from the dead. In lieu of personal thanks, the priest told Peter to offer his gratitude to Tyr.

    //Thanks for the assist, Darkpowder! 😄

  • Council of Moradin

    A disturbing rumor spreads quickly among the tight knit dwarven community. It seems the reason for the riot was that the guard sergeant slit the throat of one of the dwarves in his sleep.

    Additionally they are asking for a dwarven priest to raise the fallen dwarf.

  • Council of Moradin


    _Dark rumours spread of a demon.. or maybe a devil eating Rath's brain, he seems strange and unlike himself, passing gold to beggers, patting children on the head and smiling strangely at odd moments - and on occassion turning a disturbingly knowing smile on those he speaks.

    His guards are twitchy and mutter something about Horsgate too frequently to be coincidental_

    Azrael imagines a starving demon and chuckles…

  • The riot at the jail seems to have ended, with a rather dramatic turn of events when Senator Brynmor presented a warrant for the arrest of the prison warden and another city guard. Both men were taken into custody and led to the Ceruluean Knights' tower at the Defender fortress. Heffa and the other dwarves who had seized control of the prison were seen surrendering peacefully and were taken to the tower. Their families were allowed to return home.

    It is said two guards and at least one dwarf were killed in the fighting, but the dwarves' surrender precluded a frontal assault on the jail by Guard forces that was being planned by General Dunderstone.

  • Sir Richard Luis is seen taking some time out of his busy schedule of training the new squires and the construction of the new orphanage. To patroll in complete Order armor the commons to help the gaurds if need be and show a presence of the Order. He does not comment his views on the election. He is seen brining non alcholic drinks to the elderly who stand in line and any worker of the both who request it.

  • _Dark rumours spread of a demon.. or maybe a devil eating Rath's brain, he seems strange and unlike himself, passing gold to beggers, patting children on the head and smiling strangely at odd moments - and on occassion turning a disturbingly knowing smile on those he speaks.

    His guards are twitchy and mutter something about Horsgate too frequently to be coincidental_

  • Ocean snorts "ah love yer deerly Clan, bu' yer nutz if yer think Mirk'd leev hissen dead an Lilly neer abou ter kill herssen juz fer a few votez. Yer may ha sell'd yer zsoul ter tha Azhaldz, bu' mozt of uz iz nay so daft az nay ter noe better. Fackers."

  • "Always a bard, that Mirkali. I doubt he even is dead. And.. "

    Clandra chuckles, looking at the crowd around her..

    "..if people looked at the past, they'd see that Mirkali doesn't stay dead. This is obviously just a trick to get those voters."

    Clandra winks and dissapears via invisibility.

  • _Most of the people of Peltarch who appreciated his charity were saddened upon hearing Mirkali's death, which news reached them not long after voting had officially started… and some begining to tear up and others weep when they heard his body was not responding to raising attempts.

    Words of mouth spreads, but most recall Gallab's words in the Mermaid, who drank with Mirkali often when Mirkali was in Peltarch, and Mirkali seemed to talk to him most of all the others..._

    "Mirkali was in the ferret a week before this… tragedy... when he told us that he voted for Zyphlin and Eowiel... despite being offered a "blank trader's slip", as he called it, of limitless potentional fortune, by the Ashald family to support Aaron. He said that..."

    "Gallab covers his face, sniffling a bit as he seems to have a bit of trouble speaking… but looks up to the crowd anyway, his eyes puffy, as he forces himself to continue.

    …he would not sully his donation with the practice of "Political Endorsement", but he told us, in our questions of why... in many many words of grace, beauty, and reasoning... of why he voted for them. I could never hope to emulate the great words of the late Mirkali, but if I were to summarize them, I recall one qoute clearly though, for he said...

    'Those two people shall serve Peltarch best, for they are neither saints... nor career politicians... for they keep Peltarch's prosperity close to their hearts, the cries of the people to their ear, and their coin purses closed to those trying to manipulate politics with hefty sums. They shall bring equality to the people, as much as can be gained without collapsing Peltarch itself into poverty, and bring justice to those who have avoided it this long through their power. They will do, my friends... they will do...' "

    The man gives a pause, looking down for a solemn moment, before looking upon those listening, nodding to everyone as in thanks for their audience

    Word of mouth spreads Mirkali's personal voting choice across Peltarch of Zyphlin and Eowiel… though others talk of a scandal of the Ashalds, about how Mirk often joked that the Ashalds would get back at him for not supporting Aaron, and monger at this being quite convient of his body unable to be raised right in the thick of the voting season, being the perfect way to silence Mirkali's opinions. Some of Mirkali's supporters are almost violent and furious to those that proudly defend the Ashald name.

    Other rumours are abound of his fiance, Lilly, being unstable and quite possibly suicidal after recieving the news. His corpse is currently being preserved within a case of glass, at the edge of the theater balcony facing the front of the stage, until times that they attempt something else to bring the bard back to the land of the living… most of his supporters taking a trip to visit the corpse.

    ((SDM Approved))

  • _A large commotion was heard from the Seafarers Guildhall. Screams of people dying and orders being shouted. After a moment of this Lord Aarron Ashald in the company of Lady Natanya came running out of the hall armed and glancing about.

    They proceeded to the temple to speak with Daisy before heading into the Senate apartments. What happened isnt really known but rumors are spreading about devils in the city. Aarron doesnt have a pleasant look on his face as he walks around the city._

  • A human man wearing Vestments of Bane, and several symbols of Bane, was escorted into Peltarch through the south gate by a hin, his face obscured behind his helmet. The man held a conversation with some people in a strange-sounding language //infernal// in the commons, and appeared to be in a good mood, despite being arrested. He claimed that it was all an administrative mistake.

  • Rumors spread that the charitable bard Mirkali has passed away mysteriously. No one truely knows how this occured and speculation runs rampant but some state that the Bard angered some very powerful people who wanted his support for the campaign and that he had made some prophetic statements before his passing of what he thought they would do.

  • _After the great party of heroes entered back into the city Zyphlin can be seen in the commons somewhat often telling his tale. As time goes on, key points become rumors though the full story can be heard often.

    Word passes that it was Senator Roland and Zyphlin that heard words of a plot by someone within the city to hire out pirates and mercenaries to violate the tomb of the great Fisher King for political reasons and organized the trip. Though it was later found out that whoever hired them was douped by the conniving Lord Hashnar.

    Many women seem to swoon at the thought of the brave Shannon…in many stories now turning up bare chested...wrestling and beating a massive Fire Giant.

    The tale of Rolands slaying of the dragon after uncovering the truth of its dealing with his ancestors is wide spread, as is the recovering of his families ancient armor and the gifting of an ancestral sword of House Brynmor.

    The names of the brave heros also is rather remembered, as the tale of a Dragon Slaying had not reached Peltarch for some time._

    -edited for accuracy-

    Full Story Here

  • Hushed voices spread word that Sir Roland Brynmor, Senator of Peltarch, has slain the white dragon Hashnar… by himself.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    :: A man, "Z" was heard to be spreading rumours about encountering zombies within the morgue in the docks district. A red robed elf named Arikess and a bard named Lilly was seen later accompanying him there, supposedly an hour later it is said they have gotten rid of the zombies, though the caretaker there is nowhere to be seen, some rumour him to be killed by the zombies, others believe he is a practioner of necromacy who is behind the zombies themselves.::

  • a white haired bard was seen speaking with Eowiel about the campaign… after hearing her support for the paladin his questions became a bit rough and biased... his exiting words were "The paladin will screw things up, Eowiel might do some good, and the other is probably in it for himself"

  • Apparently the red-haired warrior-woman has brought a cow to Hemrod's stable from far south, with the help of some friends and placed it in his stables.