::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Rumor has it that the spawn of a red dragon was sighted in the pass. There's even a tale about a man that was supposedly eaten by the dragon but since that man's still alive, most people just tell the story for laughs.

  • A man bearing the armor and gait of the executed criminal Arthus Goldmoon was seen walking through Peltarch, alive and apparently well.

  • _It was whispered among many as a very public arrest was made of the well known annoying scruffy bard. Supposed charges were "Harbouring of a Number of Demon Summoners" and "Obscuring Justice". Mirkali was much surprised, and quite surprised even more when the old "knight" (who's feature would Identify as Mecziq, if people knew his features well enough) himself said that both Magistrates had ordered his arrest. More information was not given during the arrest. There was also much argument from Mirk's fiance, along with murmurs of those surrounding the guards surrounding Mirk.

    Mirk eventually said he'd go along with it, this time, as he figured it's the usual nonsense of thick-noggin politicians and army buffs._.

  • Drelan Ashire has been in many places seeming not to hide that he's taking bids for a new set of armor he needs. Evidentally he's looking for high end quality.

    Bids and inquiries are asked to be dropped by his office in the docks.

    ((ooc: pm me via forums or find him IG))

  • Council of Moradin

    Peltarch can be an expensive city to get anything done in. Let me know what exactly you want done and one of the local scribes may be able to help you. Be sure to include the quality of workmanship you are looking for.

    A hardback leather bound book with gold leaf inset perfect bound pages made of a cotton blend (probably close to 400 gold) is far different from a cloth and wood cover with spiral threaded parchment (more or less 40 gold).

  • ((OOC: the DMG lists a scribner's services as 3 sp a day. How much they could copy in a day is debatable I suppose. Also… the DMG pays its NPCs extremely poorly, considering the cost of goods. For instance a pound of sealing wax is 1gp, a single parchment is 2s, and a 1 oz vial of ink is 8gp... are we really to believe a scribe must work almost a month to buy an oz of ink? Anyway, that's the DMG's guidlines, I'm no offical.))

  • A note is attatched to the wall of the Mermaid, written in a neat, bold script:

    Competent scribes are wanted, to copy books and take dictations. Craftsmen who are competent in the art of bookbinding are wanted as well. The payment for this service includes coin and possibly magical instruction. Speak with Genzir Malark if you are interested.

    OOC: if somebody, a DM perhaps, could suggest a price for copying books (how much per book) I'd be grateful.

  • Hjoichi Olsen has been seen near various entrances to the sewer of late…. sometimes in converse with a young elven woman... sometimes on his own.

  • Legion

    _After engaging in a legthy discussion with the two Banites, a scruffy looking character, one many people have seen begging in the streets, Headed for the temple.

    After some time in the temple, he emerged, headed straight for the for the snowy creek just to the south of Peltarch, and immersed himself in the freezing water. Some travellers noticed that he stayed there praying till dawn the next day._

  • Following the public speaking of two banites it is reported that the one called Rando was seen making threats inside the mermaid. The two banites in question were reported to be clergy spreading the word of their faith in the commons during the morning.

  • _Word has it that the elf that was so recently seen quizzing dockworkers and caravaneers alike is now to be found recouperating in an upstairs room of the Dancing Mermaid Inn itself.

    It seems that he wandered in and paid for a room shortly after sundown looking somewhat the worse for wear, his clothes scuffed, hair a mess and sporting a fresh black-eye. Though he made no effort to hide the smile plastered across his face_

  • Nearing noon one day, within the commons, some may have heard a Lord Aarron Ashald speaking openly with a white haired lady who was wearing what appears to be The Black Lord Bane's colours, black and vile green. They left together soon after, apparently heading south from the commons.

    While within the commons, a short man wearing brightly coloured plate and bearing Mystra's symbol spoke up and questioned the young Lord Ashald.

    "Tell me, do the Ashalds usually employ Banites?"

  • Over the next few days the same dark-haired moon elf has been seen in and around the city talking to various porters, dockworkers and caravaneers. On more than one occasion he was also seen in conversation with some lowly clerks who work for one of the city's trading costers.

  • Word has it that a series of interviews were carried out with a number of senate aspirants. The Lady Elissa having been seen questioning Eowiel Senella in the privacy of a side room in the Dancing Mermaid Inn and having a far less formal conversation with Clandra Galpen in the Peltarch Commons. On both occasions a quietly spoken and well dressed moon elf was present; skillfully transcribing the conversation with charcoal and parchment.

  • Word spreads that many of the elves of region recently gathered in a large meeting. Rumour has it they came together to elect a Coran, or leader, for the group known as the Shesae en' i'Seldarine. Tavern gossip can never be certain, but apparantly the elven ranger Tanin Valdar was voted to the position. It is unknown how this will affect the status of the warband he was supposed to have raised.

  • An older women aprouches Sir Richard Luis she is beaten and extremely sadden. Sir Richard Luis renders aid to this poor older women. She states that she was picking herbs when out from nowhere a kobold attack her and stold her necklace. This necklace was a gift from her husband of many years before he died. She continues by saying she thinks the kobold ran in to a cave. Following day sir Richard, Sir Merum, Senator Roland and Sir Amana enter in a cave to find out that the kobold gave it to the sea hag. Sir Richard retreives the necklaces and returns it to the poor older women. Her face turned from extremely sadness to jubilation. She invites Sir Richard to dinner and Sir Richard tells her of the order of divine sheild their commitment to people of peltarch and especially of Sir Thel's run for a seat in the senate.

  • Sir Richard Luis is seen helping Sir Mariston Thel set up for his clinics. He is seen in the commons talking to the good people of peltarch about Sir Thel and his qualities. Words such as courage,honar, fairness, and new ideas are mentioned when he speaks of Sir Thel for senator.

  • A thin, dark-haired moon elf was seen in the City Hall deep in conversation with the herald. A passing clerk claims to have overheard the pair discussing the lineage of the Ashald family and the possibility of delving into the Hall of Records to obtain a copy of such information.

  • Drelan has been seen in the city again for more than just brief moments. Most recently he was seen entering with Miss Nyda into the Mermaid, and after sometime leaving seeming somewhat unsettled.

  • Mariston can be seen over several days setting up a clinic so that people can come and ask questions of him and his intetions if he is elected.