::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::
_Chuckles, picking up the apple and cleaning if off with a spell, handing it to one of the young kids running by the streets of peltarch. He can be heard telling the tale the apparently very rookie bard tried to say to the child to others around the college, adding a bit more humor and adventure to it and a lot less "ums" By the end a wizard, dragon, brave warrior, and beautiful princess all worked thier way into the story along with the wonderous emerald bard turned trout.
He goes on to instruct the bards near there with a smile that they aer to always remember that the truth is what is important, and if you know the truth then you can laugh off anything that is absurd. He tells them to be good bards, do good things, help good people, and use your words to combat those that don't do these things…and to always remember that no matter how poorly or expertly people try to dimish what you do, you know you do good things and have a good heart and that is what is important about being a bard.
He also pointedly tells the young bard if they ever want to improve thier aim, ability to seem discreet, and story telling abilities that they are welcome to come by the theater sometime and get some help. He also tells her she should ask around to some of the older people of the city about a woman named Aspera Chillwind if they want to know about "mercy" and peltarch...that or go ask instead about her lions_
If Mirkali ever heard the story, he'd mention that "Green Bard" and "Green Bardo" are two different people, as one is a respected magistrate of Peltarch known for various heroics, and the other is a crazy magical Cariboo bard with a shiney staff thingie.
i'Aika who was juggling apples quietly to entertain the child, suddenly slips and one of the apples goes flying at Zyphlin narrowly missing his head as he walks off towards the college…..
"oh… umm.... sorry 'bout that Mister Magistrate, purely accidental.."
After apologizing to Zyphlin for the apple, she begins to tell the child Sune a story about a very lawful city in a very far away place, that was very very large and very very lawful. But the city you see was at the evil mercy, and not much mercy at that, of a bard… who was very very odd. He wore green you see, no not blue... nope Green. He was known as the the Green Bard! and though he tried to enforce the law he was not a man of law himself, because you see, he was a bard, and bards well... they can not be so much lawful because they bounce about a bit to much, and really are not to steady.... the story rambles on for a bit about bards before Aika seems to forget what she was talking about, though somehow the bard was a fish by the end of they story for some reason
::pulls out a flask of elven wine, looking it over a moment before nodding with a smile. He pops the cork in it out with his teeth, takes a quick swig of the fine elven liquor, and then pops the new cork in while discarding the old::
Knew i had one that was wearing out a bit. Thanks elor
::smiles and nods as he walks back off to the college, replacing the bottle to his bag::
Elor, getting a bit tired of the whining, walks over and tosses Zyphlin a cork before wandering out
::smirks to her and just shrugs a bit::
Have her tell me a bit about her mother and father sometime and see if she has anything they once touched, had, or gave her. If she does, I'll scry and see what I can find. I have no problem helping. And there are a number of families, all over peltarch, adopting children. I have commended lady anna a number of times for her and Mariston's noble taking of children, as well as the large number iydm is caring fo r, amongst others.
Perhaps you'll do good by the child and she'll get a few nice things for a bit…but frankly given the fickle personalities of yourself and the captain I'd just wish the child was lucky enough to have been brought in by a bit more stable of a family that may not end up doing more harm than good due to thier personalities and ways in which you live your lives.
Nicahh and Anakore sit among several of her sisters, the little girl named Sune sitting between them, sporting a new fur coat, new boots and highly fashionable items for a supposed orphan. She looks well cared for and although the child seems slightly shy at first, she seems to be blooming in the couples care.
Nicahh finally speaks, her voice quite venomous before she goes back to doting on the child.
Yes, it is better to leave a child on the streets, coughing up blood, then to let her into the home of people you hate who obviously can feed and cloth her. This here people is Magistrate Zyphlin Recual, a man that represents Peltarch. A fine example of a magistrate and a man.
However, you being a representative of this great city, why don't you do something useful since you are suppose to serve the people and help me find her real mother and father since you know everything about everybody.
::Gives a good chuckle and elor and grins::
Aye, those chickens down south do look mighty tasty, though I'm afraid Shantie would boot me farther then grag could throw me if I barbequed her chickens. As far as the "happy" couple that is "deep in love". Well, I'm a bard…we like looking at history and facts. Now you and your little brothel of ladies can think what you like, but i've seen enough of the two to know the truth. When you work in the justice system long enough and realize that almost every screwed up person in it is there due to screwed up parents, you start to get a little jaded about even "good" acts when it'll likely turn into trouble in the future.
Elor, haunting around Peltarch as he often does, keeping an eyeball or two on Zyphlin as usual, adds
"Zyphlin, it's just a chicken. I'm sure it'll be fine. We all know you've desperatly longed for one a long time, I've seen you watching the chickens around Jiyyd, but being jealous like this will not help you.
Here, have this egg. If you can keep it without breaking it for a week, come see me and I'll buy you a real chicken for you to love and cuddle, alright?"
The quiet and ever-present Miss Nyda looks up from deep contemplation of an irridescant black feather and sighs softly.
'If you cannot say nice things about people who are doing nice things then why speak at all, Sir. Whilst i am sure that malicious gossip fills your own empty life perhaps it would be better filled with building up the positives that you see around you instead of the negatives. That Nicahh and Anakore have taken in a child can only be a good thing for the child and if you cannot see the deep love the couple have for each other then perhaps it is because the love within you has withered from lack of use.'
So saying she goes back to watching the light bring deep colours from the blackness of her feather.
::Zyphlin smiles and chuckles a bit at the sight::
Damn, almost would think the kid be'd better off on the streets then with those two. Well, maybe if it keeps ear muffs…and a blindfold...and well just stays away from the bath house...maybe it won't be to traumatized. But then I'm sure they're still "just friends" like always...just like the other eight guys she's "friends" with.
::chuckles and sighs:: Now if only we could get decent couples that actually would make a good example to get some of these children like Anna did....
Rumor spreads of a young girl being seen escorted around Peltarch by Nicahh and Anakore, the little girl calling them Mommy and Daddy. In the trio's company a chicken affectionately called Mr. Pok is seen following behind them closely. It appears the orphaned child has been taken in by the couple.
As dawn lit the skys over Peltarch a majestic sight was beheld, a coppery coloured dragon was seen soaring through the skys. Upon its back three armoured humoniod figures. Those with keen eyes would have seen the glint of blue and gold of two sets of armour and green from another.
Rumors spread that Sir Richard Luis received a note from his hometown of hardcastle. He is seen boarding a caravan travelling south, he appers alarmed and worried. What the note contained or of his return is not known (( I'll be on vacation for 1 week rl = to 30 plus days narfell time, look forward in coming back to see everyone again))
Another attempt was made upon the life of the young paladin Mariston Thel. An assassin disguised as a defender tried to strike the young knight down, but failed. The guard Lisa was seen taking the body of the assassin, and informing the young knight that he had broken no laws so need not hand himself in.
Word spreads that the elven warband, known as the Velahrae, are gathering for a raid on the goblins to the south. It is said any of the Tel'quessir are welcome, provided they can work within the warband and follow orders.
//6pm EST, Friday October 14th. Nothing fancy. Just some good old fashioned role play. Getting our feet wet, so to speak
Be there or be square!//
EDIT: Time changed!!! Friday evening instead now!
Yolanda, who was part of Belade's group, seemed more than a little irritated and worried over "Full grown sauri along with their cubs and tracks of a stegadon found".
A group entered Peltarch though the West gate, looking like they had been in a fight of sorts. They sold a nice pile of loot, Sauri and Kobold loot together. Each of the members of the group got what seemed like 300 or so gold. One redheaded elf, dressed in full plate, handed a human shaped bundle over to one of the Guards at the West Gate. More men were posted there after they entered the city.
Several armed men are seen attacking Senator Brynmor in the commons before being cut down by Guards, Defenders, and Divine Shield Knights. Crowds gather to watch as the fallen are carried off. Roland is seen taking the body of a guard to the temple.
Rumors spread of an exorcism performed in the Temple of Tyr. Apparently, some fiends tried to stop it, but all fighting remained in the temple and out of the streets. No serious injuries were reported.