::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Nate also enters the docks more often after hearing these rumours, muttering something about "I told them so…" and something else about guards. His hand rests casually on his mace, donned in his fullplate. He smiles friendly to a passing commoners each night as he makes his way to the docks.

  • Zyph has been seeing traveling the docks much more recently, singing happily, including at night. Those that see him say he looks good natured, but has a strange dangerous look into his ice blue eyes.

  • Bards entering the docks disctict are now frequently attacked by thugs and given serious beatings, one of the theater's younger students disapears compleatly. Those beaten claim they were asked for the name of 'the elf'.

  • Nico hears the song on a walk past Bard Street and stands in the darkness between two buildings listening. He just shakes his head and moves on along his route after the bard passes.

  • Chaevre' hears the song and cant help but burst out laughing for a few moments before returning her composier

  • _A new song is distributed amonsts the streets of peltarch during the night, seeming to feature a pair of Peltarch's most prominent citizens.

    What do you do…
    when money can't buy you everythin'
    You're so noble and your so blue
    You want some lovin',
    but you just dont' know what to do

    Well take a page from
    those who are in the know
    Do like the Ashald's do
    That's the way to go!

    Oh yeah you gotta be like...
    Peltarch's ....

    Kissin' Cousin's
    yeah yeah...
    keepin' it in the fam-i-ly
    Oh yeah
    they give each other plenty o' lovin'
    Peltarch's Favorite Kissin' Cousin's.

    They ain't ever lonely
    Because they're each other's
    One and Only!

    Peltarch's favorite kissin' Cousins.

    A pair so vain and cruel..

    They're so much alike
    They should be sister and brother
    The only one who loves them
    Is thier mother

    Kissin' Cousin's
    yeah yeah...
    keepin' it in the fam-i-ly
    Oh yeah
    they give each other plenty o' lovin'
    Peltarch's Favorite Kissin' Cousin's._

  • Evendur is seen with somewhat less frequency around the city, as he has apparently taken over the leadership of Spellweaver Keep to the south on top of his duties as Senator. When he is seen, he seems energetic and optimistic (for him) despite his doubled workload.

  • Natanya is seen in the commons cradling a kitten. This in itself isn't that trilling a rumor, more so is the tale of how she got it.

    "It was given to me by the Senator. Oh indeed he climbed up a ladder and rescued it from a tree himself, before delivering it to me at the temple for safe keeping."

    she sigh deeply

    "I have named it after him, meet mini Rath the kitten."

  • Gildor is seen in the docks at the dawning, unlocking the Ferret preparing the pub for its early customers coming for breakfast. She catches the latest gossip from an off duty guard, wandering inside for a morning pint.

    "Another night, another body"

    She is heard mumbling under a yawn, as if this sort of thing is not exactly news.

  • Peltarch Far Scouts


    _The morning rays of the sun hadn't quite touched the Icelace this morning, but the dock hands were busy going about the business of loading and unloading the various docked ships. More than a few yawns can be seen from a few hungover workers, but then a scream splits the chill morning air chasing away most signs of sleep. A few rush over to find a middle aged woman with a basket of ragged cloth shirts standing over a corpse. Some just glance at the body and move on back to their work having seen more than a few dead bodies laying in a gutter, especially in the Docks.

    A few sleepy guards respond to the gathering and usher everyone back about their business. The woman still shaken moves on her way to the market to sell her wares and most of the small crowd moves on. Some linger to talk about the poor fella and try to figure out just who he was. Rumors go around that he was a merchant, new to the area, that was becoming quite successful. Others say that he was a stuggling bard who must have sang poorly the night before. Mostly though, people don't care.

    One of the guards grabs his hands and the other his feet as they haul him a few hundred paces to the Morgue._

    Sierra can be seen in the docks district during the evenings, asking questions about the man's murder, and whether or not he was a bard. At other times she is seen knocking hard on the door of the undertakers, trying to find someone to speak to.

  • Lucia watches poor Nathen being followed around by the group of noble woman, giving them a slight look of diguist as they swarm around the unlucky man. Often she silenty rolls her eyes and goes back to reading a book or just staring into space as she strokes her swelling belly in the commons

  • _The morning rays of the sun hadn't quite touched the Icelace this morning, but the dock hands were busy going about the business of loading and unloading the various docked ships. More than a few yawns can be seen from a few hungover workers, but then a scream splits the chill morning air chasing away most signs of sleep. A few rush over to find a middle aged woman with a basket of ragged cloth shirts standing over a corpse. Some just glance at the body and move on back to their work having seen more than a few dead bodies laying in a gutter, especially in the Docks.

    A few sleepy guards respond to the gathering and usher everyone back about their business. The woman still shaken moves on her way to the market to sell her wares and most of the small crowd moves on. Some linger to talk about the poor fella and try to figure out just who he was. Rumors go around that he was a merchant, new to the area, that was becoming quite successful. Others say that he was a stuggling bard who must have sang poorly the night before. Mostly though, people don't care.

    One of the guards grabs his hands and the other his feet as they haul him a few hundred paces to the Morgue._

  • Nate rubs his neck at the urchins, smiling a friendly smile. Clearing his throat after a light chuckle, he flips a few of them some coins. "Jeez, who put you guys up to this?"

    Nate sees the 'artistic' posters and remembers to have a word with Gildor. He grumbles, "My reputation is just tumbling down into a hole somewhere…"

    His cheeks turn red and he wanders off to find his troublesom assistant.

  • It is rumored that the Lucky Ferret got a new fold out pin-up illustration for sale. Yes, you can now buy your own Nest Windgate poster, drawn with some artistic freedom for the neck and down.

  • Zyphlin laughs out loud hearing the song, amazingly relieved for once the attention on another bard, and enjoying it thuroughly, and can actually be heard humming the tune himself at times chuckling

    By Finder, i'm liking this little lady…

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Sierra can be seen leaning against a post at the edge of the commons, humming the "Faerun Nate Wingates Fan Club Association" song, tapping her foot along with the beat.

  • The street urchins of Peltarhc have a new song they delight in singing inbetween snatching treats from market stalls and dogeing the guards. It spreads rapidly and soon the city's alleys and squares echo with….

    (Sung to the Tune of "The American Honky Tonk Bar Association", by Garth Brooks)

    _If you’re a lady lookin’ for some fun
    And your bored of the same ole’ fancy fop
    If your hearts been longin’
    For a man who’s worth his stock
    If you need man who’s got the magic touch
    And rectify the grim love life situation…That you're facing

    Contact your local Fae-run Nate Win-gates Fan Club…Association

    When your man jus’ can’t cut it
    Most of the times you don't mind
    But when he’s lost all his romantic notions
    That’s where you gotta draw the line
    Ladies rejoice, you have a choice
    If you're wonderin’ were you can find real a man
    It’s Nate Wingates who’s got the plan

    Just join the local Fae-run Nate Win-gates Fan Club… Association

    You better be-lieve that
    He’s got that thing
    That Smooth-touch
    You’ll like it so much
    you’ll scream out loud

    His heart is in his music
    And he loves to play it loud

    There’s no forms or applications
    To join his fan club
    just go find him
    and show him your a-ppre-ciation

    His heart is in his music
    And he loves to play it loud

    There’s no forms or applications
    To join his fan club
    just go find him
    and show him your a-ppre-ciation

    You better be-lieve that
    He’s got that thing
    That Smooth-touch
    You’ll LOVE it so much
    you’ll scream out loud

    His heart is in his music
    And he loves to play it loud

    There’s no forms or applications
    To join his fan club
    just go find him
    and show him your a-ppre-ciation

    It's the Fae-run Nate Win-gates Fan Club…Association

    Do not de-lay

    Ladies go join to-day

    The F-N-W-F-C-A

    The F-N-W-F-C-A_

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    _Sierra Ju'ent leans against a wall, well hidden in the shadows, and the brim of her hat pulled down over her eyes.

    As she hears the gossip, she can’t help but grin smugly.

    Suddenly she laughs to herself as she sees Nathen fleeing from a gaggle of Noble women.

    Poor Nate.

    He's too set in his ways.

    This'll do him some good.

    And that's when Sierra got her most evil idea yet._

    “This is gonna be some of the best gold I ever spent on entertainment.”

  • Apparently, a great many Eastlanders who have recently ventured into Peltarch lands have met a grisly fate at the claws of a frighteningly glowing troll-like creature. Thus far, the troll has been seen to take no prisoners, decimating the bandits "in the name of Peltarch."

  • _Nate sighs as the group of noblewoman take to following him, rubbing his forhead and mumbling about lying assistants. The name Sierra coming up more then a few times.

    He smiles distantly and does his best to be polite, trying to find a moments peace every now and then._