::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Rumors circulate about a large black cat going beserk in the commons. No fatalities however there is talk of injuries and the owner of the cat having been taken into custody.

  • Ferret is now taking bets on how long their marriage will last

  • On a somewhat happier note then all the doom and gloom lately, rumour has it that Talgrath "finally got off his lazy ass" and proposed to Merydian.

  • Rumors begin once again of a magical duel in the commons. As the story goes a rogue mage appeared and began to attack. Details are few and far-fetched as most ran once the attacks begin, some do mention the mages seeming ability to play with illusions. Though some still pause and point at the burned cobblestones from the spells the mage threw.

  • An abrupt scene in the commons following a bit of a distrubance between a Cerulean Knight and a guard saw Luitenant Senella of the Cerulean Knights administering a Public Flogging to Knight Clandra Galpen, the grim faced Luitenant gave the rather, understandably, dour Knight no less than twenty five hard lashes for her misconduct. She the Knights of the Cerulean Stars will maintain their excellent standards of disipline in these uncertain times.

  • It is known Deacon is usually found in the dock district, especially now he has a few real estate projects going on. Also it is known he has a daughter, or atleast a girl who he treats like one.

    ((Msg me on Irc, or IG when you need the "Dark clothed men" to speak with me. ))

  • Rough men in dark clothing have been asking for information about Decon and his crew.

  • Captain Silas has been murdered and the bodies of nearly two dozen bloodspiders found through the docks. Vick Dunderstone is said to be looking for a man in black and red, the bloodspiders have also been making enquiries.

  • Deacon, or one of his associates, has been asking about in Inn's, pubs, and taverns all across Peltarch on information on the mercenary's and the recent murder of the Wavebreaker Captain.

    ((If you know anything, and often visit a tavern or Inn in Peltarch, you might of have heard Deacon is looking for information))

  • Gildor while at the Ferret presses her hands on to the small of her back and stretches. She picks up the damp cloth up from the bar-counter and folds it twice.

    "…three times..."

    She murmurs to herself, peering lost in thought in to air.

    "…bloody 'ell"

    Then she gives a shudder of disgust and goes back to cleaning the desk.

  • Stories spread of a Minotaur escaping the fighting pit in the Ferret and rampaging thorugh the spectators. Some say Senator Rath Ashald faced the beast personally and bested it but was sorely wonded and had to be tended to three times by a campanion in one of the Ferret's back rooms. Others say Rath was lucky Anakore, his knights and Talgrath were there.

  • Rumor has it that Senator Black has been gathering around him a small group of what he is calling his personal guard. He has been speaking to a few people around town and in particular he's been seen talking to a few ex-Black Dragon Knights. He's also been paying attention to the different factions in the Defenders and meeting with several of the leaders who have distinguished themselves.

  • While wondering through Peltarch asking everybody she meets if they have seen or heard anything on Zanetar, Nicahh stumbles upon Gildor, hoping she can help. Seeing Gildor impersonating a tree, Nicahh decides to help the deranged elf instead. Leaving Peltarch for a few hours she comes back holding two small apple tree branches. Sliding them up Gildor's sleeve she smiles at the elf as she places apples around her feet. Nudging Locrian she points to Gildor:

    See, you complain I never do anything to help anybody. I helped her.

    Snickering to herself, she wonders off, still asking around about her missing Zanetar.

    Daria Arndon - A sweet little bard.
    Fadien Blackwood - Baby sister of the Blackwood Family
    Nicahh - Deserted!

  • Evendur has been frequently seen about the city in the company of a Peltarch Defender wearing a purple sash on his belt. Rumors place the soldier's name as Danerk, and he apparently serves some sort of bodyguard role.

  • Nate sees Gildor as he passes by, taking a bite from an apple. He chuckles and swallows after a few quiet chews.

    "Keep up the good work!"

    He calls with an amused smile before taking another bite and walking off chuckling lightly.

  • _Gildor has recently been seen all around town, impersonating a tree.

    Many suspect that the madness of the elf has reached new heights, as she is often seen standing in Rath's park or the commons, with her arms stretched out and fingers spread, swaying left and right, while occasionally going "tweek tweek" and " rustle rustle " and even a long deep "oooooooooo" throat sounds._

  • _Word goes around that a mage of great power appeared in the commons recently, shouting incoherently about Keram and old promises. Keram and Roland both attempted to fight him off, but seemed powerless against his magics. The mage disappeared before more guards could arrive.

    Rumours also fly about the recent murder of Wavebreaker guildmaster Silas Hildebrand. Captain Dunderstone was seen in the commons looking for information and fuming about the chaos in the docks._

  • _There have been reports of a series of standoffs taking place in the Peltarch commons not long ago.

    The first was apparently between Senator Evendur Mildsilver, flanked by Anakore, Kalina, and Nate of the Cerulean Knights, and a group of armed mercenaries who were initially unresponsive to his requests that they lower their weapons. A woman, who seemed to be with them, eventually acquiesced to the Senator's firm demands.

    Another standoff supposedly came between Senators Mildsilver and Brynmor and a group of Defenders who had refused to assist Senator Mildsilver in the previous situation. Rumors abound of startling insubordination by the Defenders. The situation appeared to be defused, however, when a higher-ranking officer showed up and the rebel Defenders departed. The officer left the commons in the company of both Senators._

  • A clean and washed off Nate chuckles, rolling his eyes over at Zyph's comment, sitting on the bench's and washing off his still charred armor with a wet rag.