::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • Of course, that's merely one side of the story. Others, particularly guards and what-not who were asked about the event said that Herald Thril was simply doing his job. When the party guests didn't like what the beauracrat was saying, they threatened to kill him. In fact, according to some, there are arrest warrants out for the party guests; depending on who you ask, the warrants range from a handful of individuals to the entire wedding party! Whatever the case may be, many of the calmer (and usually older) individuals write the whole thing off as a conflict between the Peltarch laws (which can be a bit…archaic) and southern wildness.

  • Rumor has it that a mob nearly broke out during Senria and Alexi's wedding due to a certain Peltarch Herald and his incompetence. Threats and angry words were exchanged as the bride was so infuriated that she was screaming and shaking. A good number of people say that the Herald was very lucky to escape with his life… Many disconcerting notes have arrived at the Magistrate of Peltarch's door by way of Badger post, expressing outrage at the Herald's incompetence...After being completely ruined, the ceremony was then moved to the Keep by Norwick, where a wonderful time was had by all, and a beautiful ceremony conducted in the Druid fashion by Fadia. The two newlyweds then retired to the honeymoon suite....

    (Thanks to Yith for an outrageous event!!!)

  • Rumor begins to circulate that after a recent visit to Norwick Zyphlin has been found laughing, proclaiming that Norwick may wish to pay Spellweaver to examine the majority of their government for it seems the spell "Polymorph: Child" has been cast on each of them. If such a spell exists remains up in the air in different rumors.

  • A group of robed mages and Cerulean Knights walked in through the south gate, packs bulging with weapons and armor that some might recognize as hobgoblin craftsmanship, and in an all around satisfied mood. They sat around talking in the commons for a short time before slowly dispersing.

  • A new and vicious trend keeps cropping up in bars with little memory among the drunken sailors as to who started it. Many arguments have been ending with the phrase, "Soon as I get 'n bed wif a sen'tor I'ma beat yer snott nose in if'n it only give me un hund'ed hours."

  • _The Peltarch navy recently sank a ship close to the Ice Lake beach. Rumours slowly spread about Damaran pirates and a plot to bring harm to the city, thwarted by a group of adventurers led by Cerulean Knight Kenton Seth. Investigation into the matter seems in progress, and no further word has seeped out as of yet. Some gossip-mongerers mention a strange and seemingly very heavy box or tome carried off by the Knight after the group's safe return to Peltarch.

    Meanwhile, on a quite unrelated note, it would seem certain elements in the docks are less than overjoyed at stories of Torm and lectures about the gods. A sailor lass sporting black and gold colours snickers to her crew mates, speculating about the "specific reasons" for an Ashald to part with his gold so unselfishly._

  • When it comes to the orphans of the city Ocean watches the supposedly beautiful woman with a raptor gaze and at any sign of her doing more than giving out fruit she moves to interrupt and send the children back into their home whilst she has a word.

  • When Shannon interjects, Yolande politely lets him have his say without interruption. Then Yolande responds, looking up from the bench in the commons.

    It was the guard that made the judgment and passed sentence, not the dear Senator. The Senator merely paid the fine, thus mitigating some of the punishment that was meted out. The Senator can do what he wishes, and I am sure the young paladin was relieved when the law was bent to her favor.

  • Merchants and craftsmen throughout the docks speak of a gorgeous woman helping the poor by giving them divine blessings and fresh bandages.
    Many of the bakers seen this morning say it’s just some newly arrived priest.
    Most of the usually drunk sailors are certain this was not some common lass since this one carried a huge sword on her back.
    Four women helping some cobblers agree about that the woman was not some common priest. Her boots were special and very pretty. But they did like her lecture about the gods of the Triad and the not so worthy gods as this woman supposedly referred to.
    According to an old known female tailor many orphans seemed to be overjoyed after being given some apples and an exciting story about Torm.
    A dwarf speak of some Angel, but that’s not unusual for dwarves after drinking some ale.
    The harbormaster “knows” that this woman assisting the common people is one of the paladins from the order of the Divine Shield.
    The fact remains that few can tell if this is true or just some of the widespread rumors of Peltarch.

  • A gnome mage tried to blow up one of the buildings near the commons, failed, and was chased out the gates, around the walls, into the civic district and into the temple of Tyr by a just about every guard on watch, and the
    Gondar Dentin. Apparantly the gnome was finally slain in the temple, and his body left to the care of priestess Daisy. Many agree that the gnome wore the same markings as the Urdlen worshippers terrorising the region lately.

  • After hearing what seems to be more than just Yolande's "complaint" about lack of trial, Shannon interjects.

    While it is very clear in Peltarch law that any "Statute 1" Infraction - with the exception of 1.14 and 1.15 - must be taken to trial… what the law is not clear about is that extent of a Senator's power in any given situation. Though it seems that the punishment here fits with previous legal precident, perhaps all parties concerned with this great "injustice" should take their misgivings and discuss them with Senator Ashald. After his service to the city Guard, one would think he would be quite aware of proper legal proceedings and therefore had a specific reason to bypass the normal procedures.

  • Yolande could be heard speaking with a few people in the commons after the incident.

    If I recall, statute 1.09 which governs all assault charges requires a trial according to Peltarch Law. I find it odd that no trial was performed. Perhaps it was decided that the law didn't apply here.

    Yolande shrugs at this point, and goes about her business.

  • @00f26421bc=aeolderr:

    It is said that a paladin has been charged with assaulting an Umberlite. The investigation was reportedly carried out in the commons, and guardswoman Lisa along with Senator Aaron Ashald quickly dealt with the situation. Reportedly, the paladin was charged with 100 hours of community service to be given out by the Temple of tyr, and a fine of 500 coins.

    After hearing this, all Jeremy can be heard saying on the matter is.

    "Bout bloody time, they 'ad it comin."

  • It is said that a paladin has been charged with assaulting an Umberlite. The investigation was reportedly carried out in the commons, and guardswoman Lisa along with Senator Aaron Ashald quickly dealt with the situation. Reportedly, the paladin was charged with 100 hours of community service to be given out by the Temple of tyr, and a fine of 500 coins.

  • In a sight that has not been seen for many years in Peltarch, six armor clad figures were seen walking into the commons the other day wearing the Cerulean Blue and Silver of Peltarch's long standing magical unit, the Knights of the Cerulean Stars. It seems that the group of spellswords is beginning to make a come back in the city.

  • Word spreads that the Cerulean Knight and renowned bard Zyphlin has been searching high and low for a Hin by the name of "Derek".

  • A band of four men including two humans and two elves, recently brought a ghostly blue glowing cow into town through the south gate, and into the temple of Tyr. What a cow was doing in the Temple of Tyr is anyone's guess. Some claim it was in fact a sacred cow, while others argue that it was simply an enchanted cow.

  • The rather infamous old sellsword Jeremy Steel has been seen sporting a somewhat different swordhilt than normal. A symbol of Mystra has been etched into one side, while the other side has a symbol of the bitch queen etched into it.

  • According to some obscure rumor the Tyrrans have finally gone sane. Others feels it makes common sense and that it is a sign of compassion and others again guess it might have been a blessing or a sign of the divine. Again most says that the Tyrrans are clearly taking pity on all the not-so-rich adventurers, or feel that healing is wealth worth sharing. Whatever the reason, it seems that for the longest of times, the temple has been selling healing potions at a reasonable price.

  • Accodring to some obscure rumor the Tyrrans have finally gone mad. Others attribute their lack of common sense more to their compassion and others again guess it might have been the foul magic of a devil or a practical joke of a pixie. Again others say that the Tyrrans might just have taken pity on all the not-so-rich adventurers, or that maybe the Tyrrans feel bad for being so horribly rich themselves. Whatever the reason, it seems the temple now sells healing potions way below their worth.