::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • _Peltarch was awash in black and gold as the Sails gathered in the Commons in numbers not seen in the city for quite some time. Suddenly, in the midst of some friendly bickering about male dancers, the captain's parrot made an unexpected appearance. It would seem Deacon has already corrupted the colourful bird, who made kissy faces at many of the crew and uttered quite a few a lewd phrases. The parrot became too affectionate with the Lt however, biting the poor man's ear and causing him to make an ill-judged grab at the bird…who fell down dead in fright. Thanks to the timely intervention of good sir Shannon, the bird now flies again.

    Some gossip-mongerers might also mention Senator Aarron Ashald leaving the crowd with a young female from the crew on his arm._

  • A tall, muscular redhead was found uming confused at the guards who search her and eventually, after figuring out it's her clothes, she cries and storms off, leaving the town behind for now. When approached about it, she says the guards claimed she was a bad person even though she tries not to be.

  • It is said that there was a fair and honest duel between a Banite wizard and a paladin at the crossroads. The paladin died, while the Banite remained nearly unscathed.

  • Rumour has it that Talgrath went south recently with a small band of Defenders and a hired trap springer and that he came back covered in blood, which didn't seem to be his own. Some think that the old veteran might be looking to take a more active role in combat again, others think it may be a one-time "jaunt" and still others think there might be something else going on. Whatever the case may be, Captain Talgrath most likely fought against the hobgoblins plaguing the Pass, what else would he fight to the south?

    Another rumour says that Victor Cornish is selling enchanted cheese to customers he doesn't like, which makes them pass out like they were drunk. Most think this is a load of crap and that some of his customers simply drink too much.

  • As rumor about the recent sacking of Jiyyd, with great civilian loss of life as result, at the hands of the orcs reaches Peltarch, the Defender Emma Lavindo is heard often speaking about the importance of the ability to extend military and humanitarian aid to the neighbouring settlements. An increased security for Peltarch's own citiezens, travelling the pass, be it adventurers or merchants bringing trade to the city, is also needed, she sais.

  • Rumors spread that Penny was seen walking south toward Sam's Hill from Peltarch with a paintbrush in one hand, a bucket of paint in the other, and a smile on her face, all while singing a happy tune about days gone by.

  • The man who was spotted in Norwick late last night was seen in Peltarch visiting each respective inn, it is said he also handed each Barkeep a letter and a small coin purse leaving with them the same message that if anyone has interest in the Academy to use the information from the barkeep to get in contact with the dark man

    *Once again PM me if you wish to contact me IG or PM

  • Vincent has not been spotted in Peltarch for some time… the nars are slightly more populated with hobgoblins and the dark sacrifices that were near daily have stopped... It's unknown where the banite is anymore.. whether or not he has left narfell or only in hiding but i'm sure a few breath easier seeing he has not returned.

  • Cyan Cardinale, Priest of Oghma was seen spending much time in the Peltarch Court House looking through old transcripts and researching the history of Laws with Peltarch and Narfell. He has even gone as far as to offer to help organize with book keeping withing the Courthouse and seems eager and hopeful to get some form of job within the city Court system.

  • Ocean chuckles "About fackin' time"

  • // Ban or no ban - I don't care. I was enquiring more because it seems like a very important decision to bubble up by rumour rather than official proclamation.

  • //ediited and removed to much OOC about this and I am not intrerested

  • A new man has been seen walking the streets of Peltarch on a regular basis, He has gone out of his way to stop commoners and introduce himself as Cyan Cardinale Priest of Oghma, he has been offering to teach many of the commoners of histories and of much more Lore of things come to pass and also talks about collecting and writing more histories of Peltarch. The man also has been asking the local population about how he may go about applying for a job with the city, his claims his vast knowledge would only aid the City in decision making.

    OOC- Cyan is looking for a job as a senator/magistrate or to work within the city in some capacity anyone who can help me out with this please PM me on the forums or find Cyan In-game

  • in one of his rare visits to peltarch, lucidious makes his way straight to the docks to visit heffa. He points to heffa's dog and starts negotiating with him. After a time, they seem to come to an agreement. Lucidious hands over a handful of gold, leashes the dog and heads to norwick with a grin

  • _Bustling about the Docks, Mercy carries a big wooden box, stoutly. Catching sight of Caling, she bawls:

    "Oi Cal, ye smooth-skinned-slut. I has me they skeleton knuckles'ee done did order! Oh, an' the buggers threw in some eye of newt fer free an' all, wi' a wanion!"_

  • Dentin, hearing of the Banite's statement in passing, mumbles something in the lines of clearly remembering a certain arrest report, leaving the scene again with a shrug, giving the misguided fool one last "get a job" look.

  • If asked about this, the Banite responds

    I do not claim that she is evil. I merely wish to point the fact that, contrary to popular belief, Miss Caling is not a paladin.
    I also wish to make it clear that I have not previously been detained for crimes against the city. It was a misunderstand, caused by Miss Caling herself.

  • A darkly robed and helmed man has seen often around the commons and the marketplaces of the fair city. He openly professes to serve the Dark Lord of Tyranny, Bane.

    Not content with his own vileness, he seeks to degrade himself further with bitter lies about the fair and lovely Paladin of Sune, known as Caling. This worm claims that she is evil and has been trying to sell necromantic artifacts!

    How does this wretch know? Well, as an evil necromancer himself previously detained for crimes against the City, he wished to purchase it to visit whatever foul darkness was in his heart upon others, maybe even our own population of the city.

    If asked for comment Caling will greet the enquirer with a ready smile and happily admit that Magistrate Barrim had asked her for her help regarding that artifact. She is unable to comment about any plans for the City Guard or others to unearth the insidious evil of necromancy from the city, but will assure any who ask that evil will not be tolerated if it harms those we love and care for. She closes such conversations with a traditional blessing.

    'May the beauty and passion of Sune guide you…

  • _A band of mages and a couple of woodsmen came through the west gate from the Giantspire foothills. Some of them had their lower legs and hands covered in dark mud, as if they had been wallowing on their hands and knees in a river or swamp.

    It is also said that the Keeper of Spellweaver had a brief encounter with a local potter, which he walked away from rather frustrated._

  • Peltarch Far Scouts

    Even as the debate over the validity of the sacrifical rumors rages on, wor d spreads of yet -another- horrifying sacrifice to Bane in the Nars. Caught in the middle and wondering whom to trust, most common folk prefer not to discuss the occurances. Those who do mostly speak of it in hushed voices, as if their very conversation could arouse the wrath of some awful evil.