::New rumours heard in the Mermaid::

  • @02d97c4c17:

    Rumor has it the package contained four crystal rods, to be stored with Pheonix for safe-keeping

    Oreth shakes his head upon hearing the rumours

    Have we learned nothing?

  • A puzzled dwarf enquires where this aura is…and whin yis en'er whit?

  • Due to the current chaotic state of the Weave, Clandra seems to have aquired an aura of energy that tends to slay all who enter. Many men (and women) in the city weep.

  • _Lilin and Equinox are seen carrying a bundle into the Pheonix guild office in Peltarch, after appearing outside the walls.

    Rumor has it the package contained four crystal rods, to be stored with Pheonix for safe-keeping_

  • Rumor has it a man named Vincent is offering safe passage through the nars to those that pay for his services… little is known how much he is charging though

  • amywen quietly follows her ..not bothering to hide she watches her movements whenever they are both in the city

  • _It seems that Peltarch has acquired another citizen, for more and more of late, Lady Aspera Chillwind, Elf Enchantress and former Magistrate of brutal reputation has been seen, strolling in her fine gown and glittering apparel through the collonades and streets of the city.

    Some have muttered that she has returned to take up the empty Magisterial chair, others remember that Syne, a fellow elf, had been her Inquisitor, and that such acquaintainces hardly bode well, in any case.

    Nevertheless, her manner has been restrained, even in various reported, somewhat heated discussions with Zyphlin, and the gallant Senator Roland. She has not appeared to age since her long departure - a state some peasants imagine comes from bathing in the blood of virgins. Quite how a virgin is likely to be found in a bardic city such as Peltarch, however, is a matter which defies explanation…_

  • Rumours and stories tell of a massive army of extremely powerful hobgoblins overrunning the Nars pass. A handful of brave defenders managed to keep the first wave of these hobgoblins with unforeseen powers at bay but the second wave was just too much. At least four of the valiant heroes are said to have been cut down by the massive axes, huge ice storms and continuous lightning bolts of the highly trained hobgoblins. No one seems to know where these armies came from and who trained and equipped them.

  • Those who go there, can find lizardfolk corpses near the edge of their territory, ripped appart by a large humanoid, something around troll size. They look like the thing that killed them is really pissed at the lizardfolk: arms ripped out, heads crushed like mellons, holes in chests you could stick your head through…

    //my wizard enters invisible, goes into troll shape, and would exit invis if he were able to use a rod, which he should be able to do, having fingers//

  • Hobgoblins have invaded the Nars Pass, too. Travelers should be careful.

  • The entirety of the Pass seems to be filled with hundreds and hundreds of jellies and gelatinous cubes in the past few days. They seem to simply split into more when killed.

  • A slim, fussy looking man in spectacles and Tyrran robes is seen, fussing about the signs declaring Peltarchian law, tsk tsking, and shaking his head. "It's positively a barbarian code! No no no, this won't do at all…"

  • DM

    The Magistrate goes to establish the mans citizenship, in light of the need to have a permit to sell if they are not a citizen, although this would usually only be reserved for weapons and armour he considers this significant enough to warrant further legal clarification.

  • _Rumor spreads that a man at the Pissing Goat is selling some magical foodstuffs for afordable prices. The side effects of these strange foods has everyone talking. They bare an amazing resemblence to the augmentations of the ultra expensive potions sold by priests and wizards.

    Lines are quickly formed to purchase these amazing foods._

    See link for details.


  • With Dentin's behaviour, and apparent resignation, Mark Kelben can be seen at the head of the patrols he once lead, wearing the insignia of Defender officers.
    Whether he has officially been replaced remains to be seen, but the young man seems more concerned with vigilance than protocol.

  • Zyphlin can be heard muttering about "Farking city treasurers" and is said to be looking for Hjoichi with a large bag of gold

  • Captain Hjoichi Olsen of the Far Scouts is seen carrying a giant load of food to the southern townships, presumably to sell at a profit. Some rumors that he owes a deep gambling debt (though no one has ever seen him gamble). Other's say he has finally exceeded the tab that the mermaid would extend to him on his drinking binges. And still darker quieter whispers mention that perhaps a recent mission went far over budget, or that the selling is part of a secret mission, or…...

  • A long missing personage of Peltarch, the balding Mystran priest in blue can be seen returned to the streets looking very relaxed.

  • _Rumours begin to spread like wildfire of a group consisting of Nyda, Wog, Needrar, Aarron, Raver and Kara all spotted and engaged the ghoul Mecizq on the ridge of the nars pass. It is said that the battle was short, but fierce.

    Some say that Senator Ashald would have perished, if not for his unwavering determination to smite something. The rumors were later confirmed as Kara was seen in the city, then when Mec appeared in Jiyyd, quite alive and back to his usual self._

  • DM

    The Magistrate was seen heading back into the city the other day, from the south. Nothing unusal about that, aside from the fact that orc blood was splashed up his arms and his armour was seen to be dented in many places as if from a heavy blunt weapon of war. He was carrying his helm, and soon disappeared off to the defender armoury to get it repaired.

    He was heard to spend some time in the defender clergy shrine speaking with one of the Defender Priestesses of Tempus.