Told from the Rant Stand
What you say? Just cause me half orc me not smarts? Me no right to opinion? Some freedom fighter yous be. Yous saying peoples should listens to yous because yous fight strong. That way of bad Chieftain. Good Chieftain no says people bad because blood. Good Chieftain listens all to chooses right thing do. Good chief…tain... trails off as the redhead starts dancing
A beautiful, wild redhead takes on the rand stand and once she draws some attention, she begins to dance and sing. Her performing skills are not the best, but boy does she put up a show…
_**You've never seen a diamond in the flesh
You've cut your teeth on wedding rrings frrom the nobles
And you're not prroud of your addrress
In this torrn up town, therre's too much envyBut everry rruler's like pale skin, smooth hands, wrrapped in velvet blankets,
titles, ball gowns, diamonds in your anklets.
We don't care, we live on floating castles in our drreamsAnd every noble's like, rrighteous pedigrree, killing in your god's name.
Mansions, class games, jousting for a little fame.
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair.And we'll never be rroyals
It doesn't rrun in our blood
That kind of lux just ain't for us
We crrave a diferrent kind of buzzLet me be your rruler
You can call me Queen Kitty
I prromise I'll rrule, I'll rrule I'll rrule
And you'll live my fantasyOoh ooh oh
We're bigger than we ever drreamed,
And I'm in love with being queen.
Ooh ooh oh
Life is grreat without a care
We aren't caught up in your love affair.**When she is done, she bows a few times enjoying whatever attention she gets and seizing every last second of it until she finally steps down with a smile bigger than her face
//Cover for Royals by Lorde
As Elidur makes his way off the stage he speaks through a dismissive laugh, as though to drive a final point through the heart of the learned merchant's argument.
"…even the things that matter in 'Cormyr' are taken to a public vote, all such a 'king' would be is another handful of coins paid to taxes so that the rich can attend feasts and games. We voted poorly 'once'. We'll not vote in another dud senate."
He turns back to the stage while he's standing within the crowd and offers a bow.
"But why listen to me, a veteran of the N'Jast wars - someone who fought for 'your' freedom, against tyrants and oppressors, I, Elidur, who has ever had the interests of Peltarch at heart; why indeed - when you can listen to a Half-Orc and a suspiciously learned marketman?"
The crowds glance between elf and towering half-orc. Most of the people seem to agree with the elf by default, but some who make the effort to understand the big guy's argument nod to themselves. One of the merchants of the city shouts back to the stand:
There are many kingdoms out there. Some good, some are bad, yes? Cormyr has a king. Do you see anyone complaining there? Waterdeep h the Lords. They still don't get chosen, and people are still free. Same with Neverwinter. There's an emperor in Shou Lung as well, which is the ame thing. And look at us. All the senate does is delay and stall. Of course there's freedom. There's freedom not because it's your right, it's because they don't care either way! Enough with this nonsense already. We need someone in charge to do things; not a bunch of idle heads that do nothing. The only real reason anyone supports this kind of governmenr is because they of a false sense of freedom. Wake up already!
A behemoth of an half-orc takes it to the stand himself, and speaks to whomever would listen:
Senate no works! Too many heads wait for other do job! Free is good. But me free with just one Chieftain! Me old clan protector many years. Me knows old clan. All free. All happy. Yous fear one Chieftain. But Bad Chieftain one, easy take down. Senate many. Much gold buy bad people. hard take down bad senate. Yous have 10 years bad senate. Yous do nothing. Yous have 5 months bad Chieftain, yous send him jail. Pick other. Is easy. Yous got not fear. Yous many! Yous strong! Yous fight gnoll and bad orc! Yous always free if want! So not be slave to fear! Chieftain good if Chieftain good. One. Senate good if all senator good. Many. Chieftain bad if Chieftain bad. Senate bad if senator bad. One. Is better chance Chieftain good than Senate good! Not fear Chieftain!
Elidúr Ginen, a rare sight outside of the college these days, takes to the Rant Stand. His shirt and cloak the shades of fuchsia upon a sheened, silken cloth that hugs the body and is at the same time loose. Expensive probably, exotic undoubtedly. The Elf stands upon the platform as he might a stage, and with a sweeping gesture of his hand he addresses the crowd.
"Good people of this fair city, our most beloved and wholly respected Jewel. You, 'free citizens' of Peltarch. How many years is it since the senate has done what, now? I don't recall the city ever skipping a step along its merry way, as far as I'm aware none of the present problems are a direct result of poor governance! Why, then, would we sell our LIBERTY to a -leader-? Why then would we give up our rightful place as FREE citizens to enter serfdom under one -leader-? Who truly benefits from that, I ask? You? Haha… I doubt it, no Peltarch. No-one benefits from that outcome. We - are - the VOICE!
Our freedom, good people. Free people. Our 'Freedom' above all things from tyranny, solely exists within our PEOPLE'S SENATE! From the people, for the people. We 'must' stand strong, we 'must' hold united. We 'must' elect a new, more dedicated senate; not for the magics or gold they control, not for their influence in one district or another. But to hear your VOICE, the VOICE of the PEOPLE!
What would you have? The right to elect those who will represent you through the good times and the bad, or would you sell that right and live under military rule forever, under one ruler. One ruler, with one belief, with one ideal, one opinion, one law, one purse. The cup of the wealthy won't spill over, citizens of Peltarch, not under one leader certainly. That cup will simply grow and grow, without Senators on 'your side', your cup will only grow smaller. Think on that, 'free citizens', while you remain free. Before that man's words bring cheers from your lips."
Change! We want change! Maybe ye don't, but we do!
half speaks, half mutters
… Yeah but change to what? Daft bastard.
Marty picks up her sack and also returns back to the lines
_Some of the commoners nod at Marty's words, some shake their heads. It seems there are people for and against what Marty says. There are also people that still recall the hin as Mad Marty, and pay no heed to her. Still, people seem divided on the matter.
Towering figure stands in the crowd listening to Marty. When she finishes with her talk, Thom Tiller shakes his head and speaks back at Marty._
Marty, Marty.. I respect ye, I truely do. Ye always think what's best fer the smallest o' people. Ye've shown yer support fer me in me plans to provide the city with food. 'm grateful for that.
But show me when has the senate last worked? People get elected to the city through gold or promises always left unfulfilled. It hasn't worked well in tha last bloody DECADE! A decade full of silence and lack of decisions! It's been proven over and over it doesn' work.. yet ye stubbornly support it.
It didn't work when ye were in it, it doesn't work when ye're out of it. Somethin' needs te change - we need single mind with single goal. Ant nest don't survive without queen. Pack of wolves needs their alpha male.
The one with the last voice. The one that'll guide us. A -leader-. There's been one, maybe two good senators. Mildsilver and Thel. Out of how many? 20? 30?
Change! We want change! Maybe ye don't, but we do!
But this ain't the time for dividin' the city with these matters. We have a war to fight. Maybe ye care more about senate, me, ah care about the city. And with that, ah'm off to the War Camp.
The aggravated Thom Tiller makes his way out of the crowd, heading south to wage war.
during a busy time, Marty takes the stand. She is dressed in common, yet well washed garb. A change from her usual Legion colours.
Ever since I was a child I held the story of our fist king Tidus close to my heart.
King Tidus bravely fought against the ogres and giants and other foes to make sure the children of Peltarch would always be free.
When he was crowned as king, his first act as king was to remove his crown and to make sure that Peltarch is ruled over by her people. He gave his crown to us, and despite how our current situation may make us feel, we wear it still.
Many of us are disappointed by the city’s current leadership. We have been appalled and discouraged by their lack of activity and their displays of cruelty against our citizens. We live in a day when the wrong person can gain leadership over us thanks to their mastery of magic. The power to place a candidate in leadership belongs to the citizens of the Jewel, and should never reside in the power of a wand or the power of a holy symbol!
And those who would deny the right of the Sons of Peltarch to elect their own leadership, those who plot to destroy the crown that our fist King Tidus did nobly place upon the brow of each of us, those who seek to rob us of our freedom and to place us under their own rule unrighteously , that same person is guilty of treason.
The gallows are for those guilty of treason!
But I have great hope!
I thank the fair gods that we live in a city that is Defended! I have great hope because Del’Rosa currently stands as a Defender of the interests of the citizens of the Jewel, and a Defender of the principles that Tidus built this city on. I HAVE GREAT HOPE – That once the current crisis has passed, that an election will be called – one that is free of deception and magic. One in which we can choose our leaders NOT based on the power of the MAGIC cloaked about them, NOT based on their BLOOD line, but based on their DEEDS.
It is our DEEDS that define us! NOT magic! Not BLOODline!
pumps the air with a fist
Some mutters include questions of the new elections promised this year and that perhaps, despite the changes made to Peltarch law during the last election, the Senate has no intention of going forward with new elections.
The audience listening to Morris isn't big - afterall, it is lunch hour and cold outside. However, those listening to him are muttering and nodding in agreement.
Local scribe Morris Purcandel shuffles onto the rant stand one frosty midday; his hands blotted with ink stains and his skin pale for lack of sun. He flaps about a small stack of blank sheets of paper as he speaks.
"Feeling cold, citizens? I have little doubt that you are and yet I think you'll know what I mean when I say that we've been getting a lot more cold coming from high places. I speak, of course, about the senate's lack of response to that new union - yes, the Onion Union. You've all seen the poor scraping to get by on the streets, and we can but thank, I assume, the local Lathanderites for a lack of bodies piling up in the streets as they kindly serve the poor. Yet I, like you, hear of a group of farmers trying to bring more produce into the region, sure to boost the income of coin and to keep us all fed."
He pauses momentarily and shuffles the stack of papers into a neat pile.
"And what is the response of the senate? Are they looking toward the future? Have they preparations for this war against the gnolls? Will our soldiers have to skin the gnolls and wear those wretched hides to keep themselves warm?
The Senate's response seems to be this!"
Morris hurls the stack of blank paper into the air.
"Nothing! Absolutely nothing! My recent observations of the Senate of late have been thus: Not doing anything; or setting citizens on fire! Well, we would all appreciate a fire to keep us warm, but perhaps given the tools we could do it ourselves in a much gentler manner. Frankly, I find the state of the Senate to be disagreeable, useless and highly self-concerned! They ought to be ashamed, ashamed! No doubt they'll be soon trying to shuffle one of their own grubby friends into the senate to fill that new festering wound - that is after they waste all of our coin on worthless election hubbub. Seems to me we would be better off without a senate. Maybe that's something to think about!"
Morris then slaps both his cheeks "Oh my gods! My lunch break is over." He scuttles off to city hall.
- Eilonna takes up the stand speaking calmly in a louder tone so all can hear her *
Norwick would like to invite one and all to another fight night tonight! Think you can beat our two time archer champion Raryldor in his ranged tactics? Come tonight and prove it!!
(( 8PM EST!!, Approx 12 hrs from time of posting))
A pale elf is seen taking the stand looking emotionless over the crowd and shakes his head as he speaks in a clear and firm voice.
Citizens of Peltarch. I fear for many dark days ahead when the city guards refuse to do their jobs, Twice in one day I have seen the guards fail to do so. Lisa, well within earshot when a guard was called for before a mage used a death spell on me, then newer guardsmen Andrew who rather then take the report on the matter, tells me to seek a magistrate. What the hell are your tax dollars paying for when your guards will NOT defend the people within your city and won't even get off their asses long enough to do a small bit of paperwork? I don't know about you, but if Lord Cro intends to lead his army against Peltarch, you might wanna start depending on your pots and pans instead of the guards, because from what I have seen, the guards are useless.
_The rant stand has seen many things in its time, but never anything as dark as this.
An award ceremony was held to recognise those who saved the Jewel in its hour of need, when the flood waters were rising and no solution could be found. As the ceremony ended though, tragedy struck.
General Marcus Ash of the Peltarch Guard drew a bastard sword that was sheathed in dark energy, and ran General Sidhion Neverith through, ending his life. He spoke of war, and said that the giants were coming, before calling for "Livia" to come and fight him.
At that point, Robyn Jahnsdottir stepped forward, and joined him on the stage… everyone else who tried was stopped by an invisible barrier. Words were spoken, and they duelled, any who tried to take the stage during the duel or to otherwise interfere was struck dead.
In the end, Robyn triumphed with the aid of Elessar, which cost him his life.
The former General turned traitor Marcus Ash' body was taken to City Hall for an investigation, and General Neverith's body was taken to the Temple of the Triad. There, it was found that his soul was no more, and he could not be returned to the living.
Bells tolled out over the city in mourning.
A dark day in Peltarch indeed, with snow falling like ashes to cover those who wept._
::Mariston on hearing of Sirion’s words looks to one of the stonemasons he is working alongside and is heard to say::
I wonder if this is some truly clever political machination?
::Looks thoughtfully for a moment before continuing::
Well at least that rules out Senator Leaffall as having a hand in it.
Beorn Battlemail looks up from the pile of rubble that he and several other dwarves are busy clearing, squints his eyes suspiciously at Sirion on the rant stand and mutters.
"We really oughta hang that elf…"
In a rare display of hamming it up, Sirion alights upon the Rant Stand in his best silks, with a rare smile to his countenance's
((Also rocking a Charisma between 15 and 19 from an empowered Eagle's Splendor))
_Rabble of the Jewel, heed me! I, Sirion, Magus and Enchanter, speak to you today, in a rare of act of kindness, to give you some direction. I am certain I am known to all and that words of my deeds have reached you all.
You have in a very short time a choice to make, and a rare choice for few ever have such luxury as to choose their masters. Thus I give you my appraisal and offer my support to the following candidates.
Mariston Thel is experienced and well versed in the game of politics, with a reactionary policy. He moves rarely on any issue, preferring to block any senatorial measure he deems unnecessary, but when he does, it is swift and precise and any sword thrust. Truly an exemplar of the wisdom that the government which governs best governs least. And truly, the safest choice, provided you are not on the receiving end of any of his thrusts.
Speaking of experience, Dwin Dolvak is a master statesman, and you would be lucky to have him. Norwick was quite prosperous, for all of its troubles, under his rule. And I'm sure most of that had to do more with their locale than any one decision by its leadership.
Lastly, I must speak of my venerable elder, Raryldor of Corellon. You may recall him serving as my legal advocate during my trial when I was unjustly accused on unspeakable crimes. Truly he did me and justice a service that day. Powerful, resolute, with a not at all inappropriate appreciation for the fairer sex, a vote for Raryldor is a vote for the wisdom of the ages.
And do not forget that it was I, Sirion the Nec…er...Enchanter, who personally endorses these three, and I look forward to a Peltarch united under their rule. Rabble of the Jewel, I have spoken! You would do well to heed my words!_
Magistrate D'Arneau, in modest plain clothes, rather than his usual armor, takes the rant stand, placing his notes on the lecturn.
People of Peltarch,
I take this stand, during troubled times, to remind you that the Jewel of the Icelace is the great city that it is because of you, its people, and your ability to choose the city's leadership.
I am not here today to persuade or argue with you in regards to what you want for your city - how trade is handled, or even how the Senate operates. Those are your choices to make. I am here, however, to implore that all this change is made peacefully and legally.
It is with that in mind that I caution you to beware propaganda and to question the sources of information - particularly that of Carlos Roam and Daughters.
He makes a pause.
Peltarch statute 1.16 - An intentional perversion of the truth, in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right…. this is a violation of the law.
The ability you have to vote - and to make that choice without being swayed by lies is certain a legal right that each of you has.
He pauses again.
Carlos Roam and Daughters have offered their services to all of the political candidates. Pay them money and they will create propaganda for you that will lift you up - or smear your opponents. Pay them money for immunity to the smear campaigns.
Several candidates have come to me questioning the campaigns being run, propaganda being distributed, and what can be done about what they deem to be horrible lies spread about them and others.
I have examined a good number of the posters spread throughout the city… and have found that there are no explicit lies contained within.
While the statute does specify a "perversion of the truth," it clearly lies in a gray area in the eyes of the law.
He sighs, looking down to his notes.
I do not believe it is legally possible to prosecute these people for the actions they have taken. They are legally within their limits and as such I cannot by warrant sequester what deals they have made with your candidates.
However… I still believe that this tactic is morally dishonest.
Therefore, I would ask that, in the interest of the truth, all candidates immediately disclose what business they have done with Carlos Roam and Daughters.
I urge you all to demand honesty from your candidates - as it is only right that you should do so. The people of Peltarch are owed at least this much.
With that, the Magistrate gathers his notes and descends from the rant stand.
Fancy bearded grumpy old wizard Draeldun Murdin steps up to the rant stand with a raven sitting atop his hat.
"Fellow citizens, I dare say I have something with which I should like to rant about.
I tire of these brain dead parasites running for senate. Half of them came up from that mud farm to the south. Well, I suppose if you can't properly defend one place you may as well try here, right?
Oh but don't worry, they all have so much coin. They want us to nod our heads with buck toothed grins as they inform us of how much they just love the orphans. All the while they spend thousands of gold pieces to blow smoke up their own fat rumps! I would place my vote with the Rat-Master General but clearly even she couldn't keep these vermin out of our city.
I ask you, who truly has kept our city safe this whole time? Who keeps our city safe every day? Who took action as the senators had a tantrum at each other? I say General Neverith needs to step up. That's a man I'd put my vote with! Not any of these grimy goblin fingered pinheads."
The raven on his hat gives out a loud "Squak!"
"Too right." Draeldun nods and leaves the stand.