Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Serina Reign can be seen going about emotionelessly collecting the names of the dead from the battle. She copies the names, the form of death and what gods they worshipped for the ones that are known. She then sprinkles a mixture of ash and dusted bone over the names. Only after recording all the names does she offer what assistance she can to the survivors.

  • General Theaon Thorn, followed by several Legion troops go into the western farmlands to help with the clean-up and rebuilding efforts. The Legion General is then seen visiting many of the farmers, asking if there is any further medical attention that they need.

  • Legion


    Moira offers her prayers to Chauntea so that the farmer's fields may recover quickly and the next season's harvest is not lost entirely.

    Marty joins in with the prayers, offering what assistance that she can.

  • Moira offers her prayers to Chauntea so that the farmer's fields may recover quickly and the next season's harvest is not lost entirely.

  • Hearing of the Orcs raiding,Thorin heads to Peltarch and visits those farms.Upon seeing the sight,he cheer the farmers and swear to kill every single orc on sight.He also helps the farmers repair the damage made to their properties.

  • An orc raiding party atacked The Jewel recently. Peltarch guards and defenders were able to hold their position at the wall, but the farmlands were run over.Farms were burned and farmers killed mercilessly.

    What set up the atack is a mystery. Were the orcs trying to colect resources for the winter, or did someone just poked a hives nest?

  • Legion

    rumor spreads that travelers have gone through the damp caves in kua toa several times, hardly finding any resistance on the way deeper into the cavern areas.

  • Legion

    rumor spreads that orcs have been seen in great numbers west of peltarch.

  • A group of adventurers were seen bringing in Defender bodies recently…

  • _The high rate of pirate attacks in the Icelace has continued, with many Oscuran bound ships being destroyed or attacked by ferocious pirates.

    Rumour has it that a Peltarch bound ship was attacked, but it seems as soon as the pirates found out it was going to Peltarch, it was immediately left alone._

  • A bloodied knight returns from the southern swamplands, warning the guards at the gates of an increased hostility from the scaly inhabitants nearby - small and big. An electric bolt of lizardman design still fizzles, buried into the folds of a blue cloak.

  • Whenever Ky'Amendos is in Peltarch, he can be seen making the rounds with most of the merchants in Peltarch, he seems to be searching something in particular

  • _A small party is seen coming up from the south early one morning. Many recognize Therean traveling with another younger elf who seems to be new in the region along with a Half-orc humming a tune as he walks and a lady who moves quickly and furtively always on her guard.

    Rumors begin to spread that the group was ambushed by bandits south of Peltarch. A bad lot calling themselves "Sweety's Gang" made up of worshipers of Umberlee and Talos. Seems they had some "business" with the musically inclined Half-orc, but their ambush went south._

  • Rumors have Vick from Vanity Plates fleeing the the Docks in heartbroken tears… it seems someone has wounded the sensitive man in some love-triangle of the ages. In a possibly related rumor it seems Walter hasn't had a new shirt in some time...

  • A spontaneous Tourny took place in Peltarch one day. A group of adventurers took to the grounds with a melee and a Josut.

    The winner of the Joust was unsurprisingly Rath, With Reynald in second, and the Oscuran Knight Alucard in third place. Fourth was the priestess Celia, and the cerulean Walter in last

    The melee took a diffrent turn, with the Oscuran winning the melee, the axe warrior Shallyah taking second, and the popular Ranger Rasuil taking third.

  • Vandrkaus is seem around town collecting some notes and post, not leting anyone read them as he finds tham.
    He s also seem looking for any of the guards and asks to speak privetly with any officer.

  • Piracy seems on the increase in the Icelace. According to rumours, Oscuran trade ships are being hit, and being hit hard. Meanwhile, Peltarch-bound ships are completely untouched.

  • A group of intrepid sewer patrollers, led by Sir Rath Ashald-Jorinsen and including Lady Ashena, Cecil, Walter, and Romulus; ventured into the Peltarch sewers to further investigate rumors of a vampire, and look for the missing children. What they found was deeply disturbing.

    Not far inside under the Docks District, the ghost of a Peltarch guard was detected fleeting past them. The party gave chase, but the ghost disappeared near the area where the Vampire was encountered by Rath and company a few weeks ago. Voices and the sound of chanting were heard. A Cyriicist cultist ran at them but Romulus shot him before he could speak. Two more cultists attacked and were quickly dispatched by the powerful party.

    Then the ghost of a small girl appeared alone. She seemed scared and tried to talk, but no sound came. Then the ghost of a Peltarch guard appeared nearby, drew a weapon, and stabbed the little girl in the heart. She collapsed on the floor and the guard's ghost disappeared.

    Trying to investigate, the party reached the broken platform over sewer waters where the vampire was last seen. Walter, the most magically attuned, detected something popping around his head, as if a bubble had burst. Rath found an anchor and some rope, and Cecil, the strongest, tossed it across the stinking waters to a door that had previously been unreachable.

    Romulus, the most dexterious of the group, crossed over and opened the door. He found the small room behind it empty, but the door slammed shut behind him and locked. Blood was seeping from the floor and began flowing under the door. Romulus used an amulet that allowed him to see invisibility, and made sure that the room was empty, except for the blood. He then used a universal key to open the door and cross back to his companions.

    Cursing the bloody mad Cyricists, Rath and Ashena led the party back the way they had come. Walter again detected a poping sound. Afterwards, the party was attacked by a dozen slow-moving, halberd wielding, War Dead zombies. These had not been seen before. When they were safely destroyed, the party cleared the entire sewers of all the cultists, undead, slime, and oozes; then did the same to the barrows below. Nothing more unusual was detected. This mystery remains unsolved.

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Apparently, orcs decided to try to wake the western tower, being slain by the guards inside, then pushed back by valiant adventurers, including Rath and his noble mount, Aspera, a redcloak somewhwere in the mix, and a defender or two, among others. A heroic fight pushed the orcs back where they belong!

  • Having heard of the rumors involving the night visitation to the boy, Elena takes up her medical bag, seeking the boy and his parents out to learn more, a look of concern plain on her face.