Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Cecil is about, back and forth between Norwick and Peltarch, it seems. In Norwick, he is usually at the south gate, in Peltarch, the commons.

  • Sirion seriously seeks Cecil, then strolls un-surreptitiously straightly to the Cerulean's station.

  • _Rumors spread that local family was murdered in their house at residential district. Some also say that four Norwickians were arrested on the place of crime and taken to the Gaol for interrogations and only three of them were released.

    Others claim that they heard that all were released and the murderer is still on loose._

  • A young female adventurer returned from the kobold-infested wetlands south of Peltarch, hefting a bloodied backpack which was promptly delivered to the guards. The rightful owner of the bag may claim it from the authorities, if an accurate description of it's contents can be provided.

    //Frances Darkhaven's belongings are held in DM storage thanks to the timely assistance of Syied, contact a DM to get 'em back!

  • While an ragged adventuring party limping into town is not in itself a gossip-worthy topic, the addition of a heavily bleeding, armless hin is sure to cause a few raised eyebrows amongst even the most callous of vendors at the Peltarch marketplace. The magic word 'treasure' soon had a certain Captain Seesaw offering her professional services, eyes agleam - and hands full of rum, to sweeten the deal.

  • A group of eight intrepid adventurers set out from the Peltarch Docks and return a tenday later, with ore and smiles in tow. Rumour soon emerges of an island full of undead, traps, undead, ore, and more undead.

  • A hin woman with a friendly smile in a matching blue robe and bonnet strolls the area between the commons and the theater humming or softly singing an old familiar tune.

    Here ye folks, come one and all, of a great man this one sings..
    Everyman should know his worth, and the good joy that he brings.
    It's time for every man and wife, each boy and girl be called,
    So they can hear the greatness of a man named Rath Ashald.
    Always true, always wise, his leadership is strong.
    So listen clear, and know ye well, the subject of this song.
    Never once has Peltarch seen a man so great as he.
    Always helping those in need, such generosity!
    Keep well the knowledge of this song, be always ye enthralled.
    Everything is better when it's done by Rath Ashald!

    Anyone unfamiliar with the song that inquires will get only an impish grin and wink, and the remark that it is merely the song of the raven, before she strolls off again.

  • _One commoner jokes,

    "Naw, loike a cougar! HAHAHA!"_

  • @46f2fdacd8=Syiedthebard:

    It is said that Peltarch Defenders spotted a Hag in the Giantspire foothills. There are also reports of increasing numbers of large cats in the area. Anybody traveling there should be careful.

    A drunken stubs wanders around, upon hearing this he spouts:

    Wat…...loik un' puma?

  • It is said that Peltarch Defenders spotted a Hag in the Giantspire foothills. There are also reports of increasing numbers of large cats in the area. Anybody traveling there should be careful.

  • Upon seeing Aristos with an unusual book which she does not have in her collection, Val Kyrie seeks him out to buy it from him.

  • Aristos leisurely flips through a large tome titled "Badgers and Their Queer Ways" and wonders if they will actually pay him more for his "critical" role in the defense of the Jewel after hearing of the possible increase in pay…

  • Several recruiters hand flyers out around the city. It seems theres a recruitment drive going for the Defenders, Guards and all the sub-branches within. A monthly salary seems to be offered as well as training.

  • _Although the city has been quiet of late for the most part, the general mood around the districts seems to have picked up. Many of the current troubles, including the ever present threat of Highhold and that of the Hoarrans in the Pass have been forgotten or at least set aside as the people seem happy with the return of the well liked General Neverith and the city seems in good spirits as the Tournament grounds finally get use and jousting seems to be become a commonplace sight now in the city.

    The Borodin family seems to have gained a bit of a popularity with Magistrate Vlana Borodin being the first supporter of the games in the city, as well as a few more notable citizens such as the elven woman Ama'bael and the man who holds a striking resemblance to the city's own Senator, Rath Ashald. Both being talked about by many of the city's population for the tournaments they arrange with the help of their sponsors.

    A few doomsayers still cry out in the streets about the coming and/or current threats faced by the city, but that seems to not be enough to dampen the spirits of the common folk._

  • William de Montez sits near by, swooning at Elidurs every bardly word. If anyone so much as breathes too loudly he immediately shushes them.

  • Sitting in the Mermaid a familiar but these days uncommon sight relaxes in the common room, and although sat in a deeply reclined way with his feet set up upon a small stool designed for this purpose, he yet manages to speak clearly with no issue of tone, or range. It is here while drinking sweet wine, after eating his usual quail dinner - he tells the tale of the 'Green Dragon'.

    "_…but their destination had been predetermined, as if the stars or most tricky of Gods had bound them to this fate since the day their mams had cradled their dear little baby heads for the first time unto the bosom. But these few were chosen and that much at that time was certain. There were only few Elves among them. Some Men, a Dwarf in the thickest armour, painted here and there in pink, and one Hinnish girl with a crossbow as large as she!

    They all walked through the thick forest; the way was dense with the litter of such places, trees and shrubs, and beasts. None of them did ever suspect that there would be a dragon in this forest~! The great beast circled high above them - flaunting its great mass as the small group gazed upward, dumbstruck by what they were witnessing. Fearing too the inevitable meeting with the dragon.

    And when it landed the broodmother spoke; "This is 'my' forest, and it is home to my children and I! I shall eat you all, and burn down your cities and eat your children - now that I have seen there are Elves, and Men, and Hinfolk, and Dwaves in this country!" and she hissed a dark and Oscuran-esque laugh. All scattered to the treeline, all were fearful of the dragon's gaze. Except for one, who challenged the dragon's words. And he said to it; "You will not slay us! You will not burn our cities or our children, and should you eat me then I shall choke thee from within!" and the green dragon was forced into a TERRIBLE rage, the ground shook as she stomped the earth, thick forest trees bent and cracked as the wind from her beating wings tore through the world around her. But the one stood unmoved; he said to her ; "You will leave now, or we will take your head and the heads of your children, and we will take your treasure and your land! For you are evil and unwelcome in this pure and clean forest!" The fearful dragon did cower before him, and the rest of the group were spirited by his words, and they all came to his side - the dragon's confidence fell so rapidly then that she stood as though a mere gecko before a desert falcon.

    "Very well! I am beaten!" She cried, the words were an injury upon her… but as she flew away she called back a sinister threat to return in ten years; to burn our cities and to eat our children."_

  • A party returning from the swamps can be heard discussing the discovery of a yuan-ti lair underground, though getting back to it will require great magics.

  • Recently Dondiah was seen going in to Vanity Plates and some time later coming out with a silvery white bundle tucked under her arm. It was overheard that she recommended to Violetta to order different shades and bolts of silver and white fabric for an upcoming event.

  • Recondite rumours resultant from return of senator saving squad reference a Ronan Redralen Rod or curious crystalline celestial cinders.

  • Labur, though not seen by many in some time, can be seen occasionally in the dock distract waiting for a boat. His recent behavior has proven odd including shying away when asked what he has been up to.