Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • A very small figure, not often seen in the "Smelly rock city" creeps up to the door of the temple and leaves a basket full of hinnish honey & almond cookies with a note addressed tot he captain.. then slips away quietly

  • A closed door meeting of the Senate took place, General Neverith being seen entering himself, people wondering what they discuss. An hour or so later, Captain Aelthas Benthur was seen being escorted from City Hall under heavy Guard and brought to the Temple Lighthouse, in the company of his wife, where the Guards remain on watch outside. There are plenty of whispers about what the Captain did, but no one seems to know for sure..

  • Hearing the news of Maya's imprisonment, Hammerhand figuratively drops everything and heads for the prison.

  • _Stories spread of a fight near the Triad Temple involving Captain Aelthas, Senator Ronan, Devlin, Tindra and Belmar.. who seemed to have attacked Maya, the Champion of Tempus. For whatever reason, Maya was later seen being dragged to the prison, the group who took her down talking with Daisy a bit longer before heading to the prison themselves.

    Any curious friends of Maya who visit the prison, notice that she has her own cell, a few Defenders even on guard outside, all people staying well away from the bars and Maya herself. Captain Aelthas himself is seen bringing food to her everyday and spends quite some time in the prison before emerging and heading home._

  • After disappearing for several days, Jaelle was finally spotted at the Mermaid where she had private words with the charming blond sailor Luke. After a short time, she was spotted leaving the inn and walking into the Lucky Ferret. It is soon rumored that she has taken over Jay's old position as bouncer by her literally tossing out an unruly drunk.

  • _An odd day in the Peltarch Commons was had by those who were present.

    It started with a trio of Black Sails, including child murderer Jay, and his accomplice in the murder of an innocent man in Norwick, Jack, as well as his partner Jaelle. It seems that a druid was pursueing them for their actions, and heated words were had until the guard came to break up proceedings.

    Afterwards, some light frivolity with a certain simple merchant extraordinaire occurred, where he caused himself multiple amusing injuries, finishing on a high note as he leapt through the air, mooing loudly.

    The final piece of unusual festivity was the appearance of a pair of senate hopefuls… a one Perriwig P Doubleday, and Rhyla Featherdown. There was a discussion of sorts, and both seemed to organise some work through the Bardic College.

    In any case, there was certainly a lot of activity to be watched and remarked upon!_

  • Late one night the sounds of performance can be heard from the Theatre, notes ringing out clear and perfect. Those who hear the music feel their spirits soar, almost as if the music had an otherworldly quality to it.

  • Friends and Acquaintances of Arlan Meynolt will notice he was seen acting strangely in Peltarch, he was then seen being led away from the city by Val in the direction of the Legion tower and hasn't been seen since.

  • Legion

    Benji is said to have burst in to the Sunite temple, walked up to a statue of Sune, and pointed an angry finger at her. After shouting a quick clear sentence of gnomish at her he stormed out.

    //Any PCs paying attention that understand gnomish can PM me to find out what he said.

  • Since the recent declaration my Magistrate Borodin, several groups have been seen being escorted through the docks onto a ship, their ankles shackled. Another smaller group, thought to be a band of ringleaders of a recent violent riot, were seen being escorted in a similar fashion into the Civic District, where they were brought to the Snydders Estate and did not reemerge.

  • Sabre, while wholly innocent of this particular depanting stunt, nontheless chuckles appreciatively at the rumour as she saunters around the marketplace picking up a big basket of groceries.

  • Legion

    Benji leaves a clothier carrying a box tightly wrapped in a pink bow. He has a stupid, smug smile on his face.

  • Legion

    _A gaggle of women swarm Benji squealing. When they scatter his pants are around his ankles and he's missing a sock.

    Benji is left with an embarrassed, nervous smile on his face._

  • Legion

    Benji peruses the fine clothiers of Peltarch.

  • ICC

    _An elf in casual dark clothing, has been spotted -everywhere- throughout the City the last couple days.

    More alert people will note he spends a lot of time, and some coin, talking to a lot of citizens who are down on their luck.

    With each passing Day his eyes grow darker, and he can sometimes be spotted standing, staring South for a few moments, before pressing on with whatever business he seems to have._

  • Jaelle has been spotted staggering around the docks in a rather drunken manner muttering something about killing them all…

  • @49c59d9daa=MexicanCookie:

    Benji wanders the streets seemingly lost for a while before he finds the Peltarch Guard HQ and delivers a small package.

    Troff Legion is seen following Benji curiously from the tower for awhile from a distance.

  • APPARENTLY gastrognome and senatorial gnominee, Perriwig P. Doubleday, was seen in whispering cahoots with Senator Marty Leaffall in the Peltarch Commons. What the devil could the scheming half-pints have been chatting about? Peltarch's dank weather and its trading implications? The melancholy fate of trampled flowers? Or perhaps the bright jacketed electoral gnome was sharing with the sturdy halfling dame his TOP SECRET custard cake recipe…

  • Legion

    Benji wanders the streets seemingly lost for a while before he finds the Peltarch Guard HQ and delivers a small package.

  • Aelthas himself can be heard around town, speaking of the great performance Elidur put on, making no mention of his part in it, except to say it was a great honor to work beside him on the stage in even such a small way. Mainly he shows off the end result of the unique performance, his new shield, Anthem.