Tavern Rumors of Peltarch

  • Rumors around the Jewel speak of new occupants in the sewers, apart from the cultists that already plagued them. And it seems even they are not happy with the invaders…

  • _The wandering healer Willow, in one of her visits to the Jewel, can be observed washing a mysterious gooey substance off herself at Istishia's shrine, mumbling something about evil cow-eating desserts that don't even ~taste~ good!

    She pays a visit to the Lighthouse temple shortly after, speaking to both patients and staff with a mixture of intense curiosity and clear concern, then dashes off towards the Temple of the Triad with all the elegant grace of a half-grown moose._

  • Raryldor investigates as discretely as possible, wearing plain hooded robe and stowing away his accoutrements

  • It seems that both the Lighthouse Temple and the Temple of Tyr have seen an influx of new patients stricken with fever of late. Worry sets in among the Temple lay servants, as none have been cured of the affliction despite both conventional and magical cures being attempted. Still, not a single patient has died from the fever.

  • Even more unlikely, local rumours claim a hin-sized Balor with a flaming sword went on the rampage around the commons, screaming "Fear me!", followed by something about "Babytron"..? The improbable event even more improbably did not lead to anyone's death, though it is said ne'er do wells John Isle and Markus took a savage beating.

  • A fierce storm passed over the Commons. Lightning smote the sundial and made black marks on the ground outside the circle. As the storm passed over the west wall, a huge explosion was heard just to the west. Nica, Shesarai, and Marty were seen running out the gate, followed shortly after by Trish and the shadowy figure of Elvira. They found a hole in the ground surrounded by burning fires. Four large and powerful orcs came running up to investigate as well and were slain.

    Then Elvira spotted tracks heading north and beckoned the rest to follow. Nothing more was heard for quite a while until the five adventurers returned, three of them dragging kind of dazedly. They claimed they found a beholder hovering near the cliffside hill. Nica and Marty were responsible for killing it; the others were knocked out, it seems. Aw come on! Who can believe that a beholder would be that close to the city and just sit there?

    Login: AubreyMaturin

    Characters: Romulus Grey, bard the bowman
    Trotter, spooky halfling ranger
    Shesarai Foutopolis, red-haired cleric of Mystra

  • Council of Moradin

    A busy looking dwarven engeneer is seem around town. He spent most of his days in Town Hall and Library, checking public records and books.

    He was, some days later, seem twice inside the Mermaid. The first time, a Peltarchian Captain exchanged few words with Fafir.

    The second time, he was drinking a nice mug of ale and speaking with an elf. Altough both conversations were brief, the frustated look on the dwarf's face was clear once he left town towards the Dwarven Hold, for his well deserved nap.

  • _A while after the gathering at the Lighthouse temple, a joyful Elaine prances through the commons wearing what appears to be a lich crown*, as it looks like Leena, her twin sister, is coming along just behind her. And right after them, there's a… third twin?

    The three of them seem to gather for a moment to talk secretively, and then part each in a different direction, one disappearing into the docks district, the other into the residential district, and the third one into the Nars Pass.*_

  • As the sun set and the moon rose over Peltarch's docks, a small party gathered near the Moonmaiden's shrine where it is said a shining celestial being appeared and gifts were handed out to those who participated in the demise of a great evil. Rumour has it a lich was slain and a red glowing blade destroyed for good - has Allestor "The Slayer" Hollins done it again?

  • _Rumours from Nobanion's holy day, held just outside the Peltarch walls, speak of carefree and skimpily clad celebrations with dancing, drinking and errr… whatever happened on those bearskin rugs layed out for lovers. The biggest buzz might well be the surprising results of the wrestling tournament, where the portly dwarven mage Fafir "The Belly" Ganeer claimed top spot over his burlier kinsman Beorn "Silverbeard" Battlemail.

    A few days later, one bearskin is missing and the rest seem tousled and stained with something sticky... it ~looks~ like honey, but it's doubtful anyone would want to test the taste at this point._

  • Rumour has it. That Cray has been buying up all the fine weapons and armour he can, and has completely cleared out the stock of a few local crafters.

    It would seem that he is turning the Trading Post into the best stocked armoury in the region.

  • _The moon rose blood-red over Peltarch, bringing troubling times with it. Farmer LeGear's wife was reportedly kidnapped by orcs, and the rescue party brought not only the woman with them, but a whole heap of strong, beefy orcs and enraged beasts of all kinds, from angry dire boars to huge bears, landsharks and twisted renders! The gates were broken down before Guard Captain Lisa marched into action, aided by the adventurers present.

    Those witnessing the fighting might never give the Guard Captain lip again…_

  • One HELL of a ruckus is reported from the Lucky Ferret fighting pit. A short while later, four adventurers that no one recall entering, leave after a few seemingly celebratory drinks.

  • Hook Horrors attacked inside the Dancing Mermaid.

    Fought off by Gnarl, a Peltarch Guard Captain and others.

  • In the docks, just outside the Ferret, a red dressed golden lock mage and a a black clad man with an eyepatch were over looking the loading of 10 large ale kegs on a wagon, the cargo was then seen headed south.

  • Cray has been tavern hoping in Peltarch recently. Conducting business with various characters in the city, primarily ferreting out deals on items he can sell in his shop. Then after enjoying a cigar on the Patio at the Mermaid, Cray was seen lugging a clanky sack to market.

  • Great thunder and lightning passed through Peltarch, rain was pouring down overflowing the sewer drainage. The gutter filled with water forcing every rat and other rodent like creature up on the muddy streets. Guards were working for hours cleaning the roads and alleys of filthy vermin.
    The lightning struck with such powers that the ground was literary shaking. Large pools formed making it slippery and hard to pass through.

    After a while the storm turned to a drizzle, another peculiar event appeared.

    A caravan consisting of eight heavy built warhorses pulling large loaded wagons and a foreman shouting at the few workmen assisting, making their best through the knee deep mud.The procession slowly worked its way with great effort through the commons.

    People that had hurried inside, was now standing by their windows curiously observing this peculiar event. Rumors say that as the gust of wind took hold of the canvas covering the cargo, it exposed huge metal gears. Some even say that these enormous mechanical devices generated sparks with some kind of static charge.

    Apperently, the foreman overlooking the procession had made a halt in front of the Mermaid. He was seen talking to a woman figure dressed in red. Their conversation was not heated but clearly some sort of negotiation was going on, moments later they were seen shaking hands as a deal was struck.

    The woman in red slapped the horses behind and the procession once again pulled forward heading towards the docks. The woman was later seen headed to the city hall.

    Two others figures could be noticed, both dressed in black their expression confused, concerned and worried

    People saw the caravan disappear then the streets were empty, the whole town was waiting for the mysterious storm to pass

  • _Rumours fly about a vicious vampire attack, right at the heart of the city. The sharp-fanged marauders were reportedly fought off by the elven priest Raryldor, veteran fighter Cyrian, a huge earth elemental and… a flying shortsword, glowing red?

    Local fist-fighter Nica was seen carried into the Mermaid in seemingly lifeless state, returning downstairs on shaky legs in the company of Raryldor and Cyrian._

  • Cyrian warns travellers that there are several gnolls waiting in ambush on the road leading north from the city


    The ambush has been cleared out.

  • Rumours say that the kitchen manager in the Fest Hall found body parts in some of the barrels in the food storage room… and that people should think twice before eating there...