Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • _Taunts and brawls between the two factions of the Black Lotus are becoming more common, yet each refuse to charge eachother legally through some twisted sense of honour.

    It seems one side is led by Jario, who seems the most likely one to take over from Lord Gallows, being the most senior officer. This side is mostly made up of sailors and other dock-types.

    The other side is being led by a mysterious upstart called Balthazar, whose members are the more religious, inner city types. There are rumours Balthazar is being supported by one of the major churches, but the rumours cannot agree on which._

  • Up on the surface the moon lit the nars pass with an intense light, the sound of crying wolves escaped through the thick forest. Deep below however, the machinery of what is Oscura's main district with town criers and merchants payed no notice of what product the nature had to offer up above. A black and red armored warrior, elven judging by the size and movement, walked down the main street.
    Taking his weight and slim yet muscular body into consideration, it was not without a commoner's eye brows by the side of the street met into a frown from the heavy echoing sound of the man's plated boots slamming down on the cold stone floor as he closed in on a gathered crowd. The crowd momentarily went silent as they heard the sound of the man trotting into a close distance.
    Closing in, he made his way through the people who quickly made a free passage for the warrior with spiked shoulders , two long swords seethed to his side and a large shield somehow attached to his back.
    He stopped by the bounty sign and grinned while he looked piercingly at its offer.
    "Why hello there 10, 000 gold coins, you old scoundrel, all this for only the head of a mage?"
    He slapped some cave-dust from his plated chest as he grabbed his shield from the back and headed for the gates.

  • Lora is seen entering the prison frequently in a rather foul mood, then returning with a slight smirk on her face.

  • it is also heard that Creg is offering a reward to information about the stealer of the blade or the blade itself

  • _It appears there has been much happening on the Oscuran streets since the end of the auction.

    Non-lethal fights have started in the Coppers and the streets between Black Lotus members, over what seems to be a leadership dispute.

    Rumours are abuzz that one of Lord Gallows swords was in fact stolen from Creg the wizard by unknown individuals, but apparentely one of them were captured by the wizard and now lies in the Oscuran prison._

  • Shortly after this the beautiful artist of the Kyzanos family Gloria was seen leading a spirit through the strees of the city to the Well playing a haunting melody upon her harp. When she stopped playing the spirit entered the Well and disappeared.
    She spends a lot of time now sitting beside Dirge and peering into the depths, but took a long break from this to play and sing for the Masquerade Ball, but not the same new tune she had played through the streets earlier.

  • Few days before the Masquerade the Kyzanos brothers Monshar and Ekmen as well as Vladimir Kursk and some nameless swordman returned to Oscura, some of them very badly wounded. They were carrying a corpse of person who clearly seemed Thayan and was wearing similar clothing that those assassins that have been lately making several attacks against Kyzanos family.

  • After the 1st Annual Oscuran Masquerade Ball concluded Ferdinand Locke was seen escorting the lovely Ahmose Hetempet Sakhmet to her residence. They exchanged pleasantries and then he departed to the Peacekeepers tower to begin the next phase in his training to become an Oscuran Peacekeeper.

    OOC: Gone for 2 weeks on Training so this is to explain my absence

  • @3ed09c42d4=Mkable:

    _Ferdinand Locke, his guard and a stranger were seen leaving out the West Gate. Soon after his Badly wounded Guard and the stranger returned…bearing the Body of Ferdinand.

    The Stranger slipped away to Surface Lands, while the bodyguard took Ferdinand to the Temple. He spent Several nights there praying with the body; dressing its wounds and making it presentable.

    Awaiting the Locke family or a Miracle_

    Vladimir Kursk takes the body to farther Dagon a few days later, shortly after accompanied by Dar'lith, and ensures the bodys return to life.

  • ICC

    _Ferdinand Locke, his guard and a stranger were seen leaving out the West Gate. Soon after his Badly wounded Guard and the stranger returned…bearing the Body of Ferdinand.

    The Stranger slipped away to Surface Lands, while the bodyguard took Ferdinand to the Temple. He spent Several nights there praying with the body; dressing its wounds and making it presentable.

    Awaiting the Locke family or a Miracle_

  • _Vladimir Kursk seems to have joined the peacekeepers after talking to Senria in the park for a long time. Some mutters amoungst the inns and bars seem to approve of the decison "a finer cearrear"!. Others say that common guard duty is beneth him. Most are simpley inpassive to the news.

    Yet from now Kursk seems to be walking around the city boarders more often, checking on others and does all with a smile_

  • Ferdinand Locke has been busy establishing himself as a common sight within Oscura, his frequent patrols reflect well his recent request to enlist with Oscura's Peacekeepers and Ferdinand has been striving to aid the "Blooded" of Oscura whenever he can.

  • Over a few days rumours circulate of a group being teleported form the Mithril mug, coming back claiming to have killed traitors to Oscura and demon summoners.

  • @37b41533cc=M_O_B:

    It seems a large meeting of nobles and Tribunal members was held in the Library, which was brought about by an unexpected visit by Senator Fisher.

    During said meeting there was talk of giving the Imperceptor and Allanon over to Peltarch for "war crimes". Many Baneites avoid the subject and praise the Imperceptor when brought up.

  • It seems a large meeting of nobles and Tribunal members was held in the Library, which was brought about by an unexpected visit by Senator Fisher.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Rumor has it that a certin purple haired peacekeeper has promised to another peacekeeper that she'd run a lap naked around the city for 10 bottles of a certin ale, a few gems and for him to run naked with her…

  • It seems the remaining Black Lotus have been found innocent of consorting with the now dead Lord Gallows in his plots against Oscura. They have returned to their posts, but have left the docks in the hands of the Black Sails and the Northern Bear Alliance as they are now leaderless.

  • Rumors spread that group of assassins, most likely Thayan origin, tried to take down both Vakdal Kyzanos and Ekmen Kyzanos in the Coppers. They apparently failed and were taken down by group of Oscurans, as pile of corpses could be seen carried out of the Coppers. Both Vakdal and Ekmen could be seen leaving Coppers just few moments later, with only minor scratches on them

  • Meanwhile, while Marty is in the Oscuran docks, the dainty halfling steps are "ghosted" - or perhaps "dogged" - by the pegging bloated fish carcass that is the whalesome Mercy. Grinning like a Cheshire cat ducked in a rum barrel and then dragged through a rank seaweed patch backwards, the dwarf pester pesters "yon honnerful toadstood", leering curiously at Marty's little book of texts, justifying her priestly and benevolent attentions…

    "… lest th' mice-rodent-maid make off wi' Oscura's precious fixtures an' fittin's, yarr? Be a scrote fondler this'n, says I, an' nay cove be nabbin' Mercy's bollock-purse an' its jangly goods, savvy?"

  • Seeing the white-shirted Sabre appear, Mercy forks herself superstitiously. Standing, gob-dangling as her precious breakfast grog is hornswaggled, Mercy responds to Captain Seasaw's inquiry about the changing hubbub and discord on Oscura's docks defensively…

    "'T'weren't me, Sabby, honest as th' day is long be I, says I, rot me bilge wi' crab-crackers an' pillage me pillow wi' a horse's poker o' vengeance, an' tha'! Yarr harr. Oi, yon be me rum, ye thievin' pox-mound ye!"