Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • _Some of the patrons of the Coppers are getting a good laugh after Aelthas, The Romani Commander, who was visiting his Aunt Nicahh decided to sing to a hin woman that was rude to him. The sounds of it hurt most ears within the bar, the hin storming off several times in a fit, but Aelthas following her, still singing..

    In the end, she gave Aelthas a 75 gold tip for his performance and left the Inn.. Aelthas enjoying the rest of his milk quietly by the fire as he waited for his Aunt Nicahh. A slight grin on his face._

  • Rumor spreads that minotaurs teleported into the city. The Sails are mentioned in connection with that. If it has anything to do with a recent boat trip some of their finest undertook, is as much speculation as what they did. Though that seems to focus mainly around turning people to stone since a pair of Sails was seen and heard inquiring about ways to undo such.

  • _While the wailing and howling from the North Keep continues to deprive many Oscuran's from their rest, rumors of increased activity are spreading about the West Gate.

    Its seems the Well spawn are jumping at the opportunity to eat anyone trying to pass by this ominous portal.

    Also, rumor has it the kuo-toa are slowly losing the territory war with the Well spawn over the sandy caves just outside the city._

  • A white haired woman with sickly pale skin was recently walking around Oscura, while few may recognise her, those who do would notice the unnatural feeling and icy chill that once emanated from the woman has now dissappeared.

  • _Day and night a terrible wailing can be heard from the Keep north of the city. Hundreds of voices scream out in agony from beyond those abandoned walls. Lights can be seen through the windows and shadows crawl on the walls within. The sounds of battle can be heard at times, and other times, mad-stricken howling.

    Sleep comes hard to the blooded on these harrowing nights._

  • In some not so dark corners around the dark city, posters turn up advertising a

    Greengrass Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((If there's fees to be paid, please contact me (Pavel) about these))

  • It seems the fish folk are fed up with travelers killing off their kin past the west gate. It seems that every time a group or person goes off and kills one of the fish folk, the group returns to find a number of freed slaves, guards, and merchants murdered, their throat's slit, and one for each of the fish folk that were killed. Words of warning are given at the gate concerning this matter.

  • _A number of the Divine Shield's finest were recently spotted gracing the dark streets of Oscura with their presence. Figures like Kara Dumonte, Natanya Summers and Roland Brynmore are not likely to go unnoticed by the denizens of the underground city, though the rumour mill has yet to start grinding any details about the trio's business there.

    In presumably unrelated news, the lifeless body of Black Sails mage Ronan Redralen was carried into the city by his fellow Sails Hawk, Pavel and Sabre. Accompanied by Zanetar, the group headed into the temple of caverns. Ronan walked out alive, if shaken, a short time thereafter._

  • _A fourth ship is rumored to have been destroyed out at the lake. This time it was said to be a Zhentarim trade ship. The Zhentarim has not disclosed what the ship was carrying, but already their enforcers have been seen prowling the docks and city streets, looking for answers.

    Rumor also has it, that after the incident, a number of high ranking people from various independent groups and national trade representatives were seen going into the offices of the Black Lotus, not to emerge until hours later._

  • Yet another ship has been attacked out at the lake and the rumor spreads quickly. The ship seems to have either been stolen or obliterated to the smallest timber, but no sign of it has been found. The only hint to its destruction were a few bodies the fishing boats bumped into. They were definitely foreign. Most likely of Kara-Turian descent.

  • Strange things seem to go on in the Sails warehouse. Observant watchers might notice that once more a group of Sails carried a body into the warehouse, to not emerge with it later. Even more strange, though, seems to be that a Red Falcon pair entered the warehouse after an extensive discussion over a piece of paper, never to emerge again. Whatever happened to those two or the body remains a mystery, even though a good while later a large group of Sails leaves the warehouse again, almost immediately booking a passage on a boat to leave the city behind.

  • It has gone quiet around the abominations from the well. Even though the kuo toa dare to attack the gates of Oscura, the well-spawn seems to keep its distance. Rumor indicates that this let-live policy is not extended to the scaly inhabitants of the caves. For better or worse, treasure seeking adventurers seem to have monstrous competition in killing off kuo toa.

  • Body Snatchers?

    Three Black Sails were seen hurrying through the great cavern of Oscura last week, two of their number carrying what appear to be corpses. The indentification of the unfortunate cadavers remains unknown, clothed as they were in generic dark clothing. Attentive watchers, however, will be aware that after their entry to the Black Sails warehouse in the Docks, the bodies never remerged.

  • Rumour has it that a hunting party, consisting of Ezachiel, Storn, Pavel and Telli, which went down into the mine was attacked by a warmachine. Some say that Pavel was taken to the brink of death, but was revived by the others, and that the warmachine was destroyed.

  • Yolande was seen picking her way through the downstairs of the Shiny Coppers on her way upstairs, looking rather disheveled, her gown spotted with blood. She didn’t come downstairs for over 36 hours, but was later seen sitting in her favorite chair in front of the fire.

    She sat there for a better part of the day, moving her index figure rhythmically, disturbing faces and visages appearing sporadically in the flames. Some patrons reported that her eyes reflected the flames, often retaining the light after turning and asking for another drink.

    She frequently eschewed conversation, though was heard muttering something about “Pride”.

  • The docks are overflowing with reluctant trade ships as rumors of another ship having been sunk out to sea are spread like wildfire. This time it was a Thayan galley transporting spices, wines, and tapestries that fell to the cold deeps. The attackers are unknown but their methods are similar to those who sank the Lotus ship. There was nothing left to recover, and the crew is a molten ruin washing up on shore.

  • Three Sails, a Peltarch Defender and a dwarven priest of Akadi return to the gates of Oscura after a lengthy trip west, muttering curses about duergar before heading towards the docks.

  • _The word on the docks is one of the Black Lotus' ships got blasted into the next life before it could return to dock with a cargo hold full of slaves.

    No one knows who sank the ship, but the bodies that floated up to the docks were badly burned, frozen, and in a few cases, melted._

  • When Ocean is seen in Oscura her temper is clearly frayed. Her angry words and dark glares are pretty universal but seem particularly hard when glowering at Black Sails members. Whether this is linked to the recent damage to the Tinieblas or to the slight swelling of her belly is anyones guess.

  • _Black Sails vessel the Tinieblas return to port after a few days out at sea, her sails tattered and partiallt burnt, hull and deck too bearing visible signs of battle. Numerous charred, more or less recognizable corpses are brought ashore, though three in particular stand out amongst the fallen, namely Captain Drelan Ashire and his two Lieutenants Yolande and Sabre Seesaw. The dead are carried into the Sails warehouse, later to reemerge looking shaken and upset. It is rumoured however that Oscuran Treasurer Yolande has yet to answer the summons back to the realm of the living. Is this perhaps why Lord Gallows himself payed the black and gold crew a personal visit?

    A host of burly Black Lotus men can be seen transporting a large stone object, reminiscent of a sarcophagus, off the Tinieblas, after which the ship sets sail again, headed north. A tense atmosphere lingers around the docks, many a ship being manned and armed, as if further conflict might await._

    //feel free to add to/correct details in this rumour. I was too busy chilling in teh fudge to see it all, but I assume that all the dead aboard were brought ashore.. the state of the ship is also just speculation, but colourful, no? 😉