Rumors heard throughout Oscura.

  • The blooded Tiain has been searching records to see if a man named Lorence Carter ever took the oath.

    On off time she is also spending a good deal of time researching prices and methods of making combustible powders and fluids in the library.

  • A very roughed up squad of 4 Norwick Militiamen trudged up from the underdark today. Three are dressed in standard Norwick Militia colors, the fourth wears the colors of Bane with a Norwick Militia cloak. All four were said to be the worse for wear with pieces of armor missing, covered in dirt, blood and gore. The Banites full plate is obviously very dented and every step made makes the man wince in pain, the only current emotion registering on his hollow face. The troop files towards the Banite altar where the Banite enters for a few minutes then returns to continue with the troop out of Oscura.

  • Keira is looking for reasonably competent assistance in travelling through the Underdark on a scouting mission. Interested parties can reach her at the Monastery.

  • The banite, Lealac Coldwrath, has been asking around lately for any information on cyricists of the region anyone can deliver her. Depending on the importance of the information she recieves, she will pay a decent reward.

  • A deep hooded hin can be seen looking about the dock for work on a ship.

  • Jeremy Steel has been seen in the Oscura docks, speaking with the captains of any ships bearing Black Sails colours. What he speaks with them about though, is anyone's guess.

  • a new cloaked hin is seen at the inn and bars. He speaks to few and when pressured proves he is blooded with a flash of a rag. He can be over heard one night expressing his distaste for the board of bounties call for half-lings' ears to the shiny copper's bartender.

  • Drelan Ashire has been seen in the Shiny Coppers even more often than usual. Seems he wants to make sure he's accessible if need be. He can be observed having conversations with Lens and Mary and even teaching the lady of the eve some darts on occaision.

  • A man in dark clothing wearing a black and crimson mask has been seen inquiring at the temple for the local priest. If asked what priest he is looking for, he simply taps his mask without a word.

  • A few people mention that they went out to raid the Ettin caves, only to encounter a smart kuo toan spellcaster on their way back to the city. Said spellcaster supposedly luring them into a trap. The trap is said to have been sprung by elementals bursting from the ground. They're also heard to mention that some people were already out there, scouting that very issue.

  • There are murmurs from the Temple of Shar that the shadow-clad elfin figure known to many as No-one, on one of her many visits to the Temple to pray was visited by the power of the Goddess herself. The rumours do not state what form this took, but there is definitely a buzz of interest in some quarters.

  • In a few not so terribly dark corners, a couple of posters turn up. Apparently someone advertises a Peltarchian


    Midwinter Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

  • Battle at the West Gate!

    _Rumor spreads that a mixed group of crafters, legionaries, and freelance adventurers stumbled upon a portal on their return trip from an expedition into the deep caverns below Oscura. A large battle ensued between the adventurers, two huge demons, and a number of Deep Gnome assassins that are suspected in the creation of this portal.

    The battle lasted hours, spilling from the western caves to the very gates of Oscura. It seemed that even the combined might of all adventurers present was not enough to pierce the armor of the second demon. The creature bellowed and roared, sending blasts of tainted energy and poisonous gas flying. Several were upon death's doorstep when the beast was finally defeated.

    A legion general, or so claims the rumor, was among those that nearly fell to the beast. Witnesses claim that they saw the group stagger into the Shiny Coppers after the battle reached it's end, the general being supported upon the arm of a common soldier. Several others were left incapacitated by curses spewed fourth by the beast's foul utterances. One individual, it is reported, was unable to speak coherently, or recognize the faces of his comrades for most of a day. However, none were killed and all those cursed were eventually returned to their proper states._

  • A man in black and white robes was heard to have been requesting visits to the underdark via Oscuran tunnels.

    He seemed to have introduced himself as Vladislav but it's difficult to be sure through the echoing of the cavern and of his helm… most notable is the fact that he will be staying within Oscura until he has finished whatever goals he might have.

    Inquiries and threats of death should be brought to the shiny coppers. //forum pm.

  • Three battered female adventurers - one hin, one half-orc and one human - stumbled into Oscura, informing the guards at duty to keep on the look-out for those nasty, sneaky, honourless deep gnomes who seem to be up to their old mischief again. It would seem the three women were assaulted by said gnomes as they passed the hill leading up to the hobgoblin cave, but managed to defend themselves successfully. A brief conversation took place with a robe-wearing gnome before the group entered the city to lick their wounds.

  • Seems a Nathey Davenport was asking around for a jeweler in the area to do some work.

  • Rumor speaks of openings within the Tribunal. Some say the Treasurer position is even open now and the that the Tribunal is looking to fill it.

  • Whispers speak of Tommy the left behind sneaking himself and a group of adventurers through the North Gate. He seems to have an infatuation for the what lies in the darkness beyond. He constantly speaks of spooks and the Boogy Man.

  • *People with an interest in Westgate medical news might notice a pronounced increase in student monks requiring various ointments and bindings for sprains and other minor injuries.

    Talk is that Keira is less forgiving than normal of transgressions by her students. More than a few of them speak of a persistent vile temper and lack of patience in recent days.*

  • A small group appearing apparently from nowhere in a secluded corner of Oscura cause minor concern to a guard who is quickly calmed and on his normal rounds again. A white haired beauty amongst them seems to consider this her second weirdest day so far, the first being the nont-dead undead goth girl in the cave incident. Apparently an ancient and vengeful ghost of an Ettin sucked her and her friends bodily into the Spirit World for his own nefarious ends and how they escaped, well, she offers a deal on that, single toss of the dice, you win she'll tell you for free, she wins you pay her 50 gold for the whole gory story.